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Author Topic: Futurama Aleph - Zoidy  (Read 4353 times)
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Liquid Emperor
« Reply #80 on: 12-15-2002 15:35 »
« Last Edit on: 12-15-2002 15:35 »

Just don't go too much over the edge so it can stay an information resource and I don't have to change too much when new episodes air     :p The brain slugs seemed fine. TTS/Hover Vehicles I'll have to see. But I can change them on CGEF and keep the more fun to read version here on peel.


Dance my pink elephants! Dance!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #81 on: 12-15-2002 16:10 »

[Lionel Hutz]That's why you're the administrator and I'm the information-writing guy.[/LH]
Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #82 on: 12-15-2002 18:06 »
« Last Edit on: 12-15-2002 18:06 »

I can't believe no one did this one yet:

Heads in-a-Jar
The technology of cryogenics opened new doors for medical science, and one of these breakthrougs is being to preserve the heads of long-deceased people. The disembodied heads reside in a jar full of an unknown greenish-blue liquid substance. It is unclear how the heads breathe in it, but they seem to provide the life support for them. The heads are those of people that have lived full lives before, only to have them revived in this form. Most of the jars come complete with name labels of the people.

The most famous place to find these types of heads are in the Head Museum, New New York's museum featuring the heads of many famous people. Among the famous people that have appeared range from ancient politicians to 21st century celebrities. They help make real-people cameos possible in Futurama. The ubiquitous Richard Nixon is the most famous these heads, as he is the world's president.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #83 on: 12-16-2002 02:19 »
« Last Edit on: 12-17-2002 00:00 »


Robotology is the most widely practiced religion among robots on Earth.  Its basic precepts are that a converted robot can attain a place in Robot Heaven by studying the Good Book (current release: 3.0) and rejecting sin.  A robot who gives into its temptations will find itself in Robot Hell, the subterranian lair of Beelzebot (the Robot Devil) located under New Jersey.  Acording to Robotological doctrine, the Robot Devil takes great pleasure in devising agonizing and ironic punishments for the damned.  Sins that will land a robot in Robot Hell include (but are not limited to) consuming alcohol, engaging in 'wanton acts' of sexual interface, and theft. 

Robotology split from Robo-Judaism over the issues of the Robot Messiah.  Robotologist believed that Robot Jesus was their savior, while Robo-Judaists believed in a savior yet to come.  Robotology itself has had several schisms, and now there are many different denominations of Robotology.  A few of the more common branches are the Roman Cathodlic, Hexecostal, and Eastern Cyborthodox churches.  Despite the differences in each of the churches' doctrines, one thing is constant, the symbol.  The "resistor of sin," as it is called, represents the acceptance that sin will flow through them, but it will be lessened by their faith.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #84 on: 12-17-2002 04:45 »


Phnog is an Arcturan Kung Fu master, who has studiedhis art for many years. Although he has attained a superb level of skill and enlightenment, he is in his own words "a lousy teacher". He is sexist and arrogant, believing that women are suited only to menial positions in society.

Phnog is an insectoid alien, bearing a resemblance to an enlarged humanoid version of the housefly. He taught Leela Arcturan Kung Fu in high school.

Phnog *trained* Destructor

Phnog "trained" the war machine Destructor to appear in the Ultimate Robot Fighting League, and fight Bender, however he cheated, by controlling Destructor from underneath the ring. Phnog was exposed by Leela, but Destructor won the fight, ending Benders' career in the ring, and necessitating a lengthy repair job.

Destructor is an enormous armoured tank, and his use in battle has been ruled a war crime due to his vast destructive potential. During the Robot Revolt of 3001, Destructor indulged in a great deal of wanton damage to the city of New New York, before the rebellion was finally called off by Mom, following her seduction by Professor Farnsworth.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #85 on: 12-17-2002 04:53 »


Due to the city of New Yorks huge rat problem, the breeding of as many owls as possible was encouraged by sucessive mayors, until the rats were driven out of sight, or exterminated. By the time the last rat was eaten, New New York was overrun with owls, which were eating anything and everything that they could find, as an alternative to the constant diet of rat, rat, rat.

The city has since interrupted it's owl-breeding programme, and residents are in the process of evicting the feathered menace to their society.

Many people in New New York use owl traps, some prefer to gas them. The best way to eradicate the owl-problem is for residents not to leave food and/or garbage lying around, which comes hard to some (particularly Fry) and has had a detrimental effect on the feeding Schedule of Dr. Zoidberg.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #86 on: 12-17-2002 22:57 »

Robotologist fear Beelzebot


Beelzebot, or 'the Robot Devil', is one of the oldest robots still in existence.  He has presided over his domain in New Jersey since his construction in the 2300's.  Although Beelzebot's origins are uncertain, it is clear that his primary function is to administer the eternal torture of fallen Robotologists.  Beelzebot takes sadistic pleasure in creating and implementing sardonic tortures.

Urban Legend
« Reply #87 on: 12-17-2002 23:07 »

Beelzebot can be found in Robot Hell

Robot Hell

All Robotoligists that break the commandments of their religion are sent to Robot Hell. Here, they are forced to suffer painful, yet ironic, punishments that correspond to their misdeeds. There are a minimum of 5 levels in Robot Hell, each progressively worse than the last.

When a robot first enters Robot Hell, he is forced to listen to an up-tempo song and dance number listing all of his sins. Problems do occur when more than one robot enters Robot Hell at a time, and the songs must be cut short.

Robot Hell was built underneath Reckless Ted's Funland in New Jersey. Robot Hell also includes the following: slides, elevators, electric slime, and a very fun 'out of control mine car' ride.


Bending Unit
« Reply #88 on: 01-05-2003 00:56 »
« Last Edit on: 01-05-2003 00:56 »

I like this thing. While waiting for Mars University, Head in a Jar, Robotology, Phnog, Owls, Beelzebot and Robot Hell to appear on the section, I may as well write one...

Earth suffered Global Warming

As greenhouse gases built up in Earth's atmosphere, the planet's global temperature started to rise at an alarming rate; by 2063, the planet was already 11°F hotter than in 2000. However, that year Earth's handsomest politicians finally came up with a cheap, last-minute solution to control global warming: dropping a giant ice cube from the Halley's Comet in one of Earth's oceans every now and then. This fix worked for nearly a millenium, and so by the year 3000, Global Warming was considered by many a scientific fraud, like secondhand smoke. Unfortunately, the robots from Mom's Friendly Robot Company designed by Professor Hubert Farnsworth had been aggravating the problem since 2928, as their exhaust gases increased the greenhouse effect by several orders of magnitude. This led to a major crisis in 3003, when the Planet Express mining crew found that the Halley's Comet was completely out of ice, and Earth started to experience the devastating effects of sudden intense global warming. An emergency conference hosted in Kyoto by Al Gore revealed the robot's share of blame for the environmental damage, and so Odgen Wernstrom and President Nixon decided to lure all robots to the Galapagos Islands and then destroy them all with a powerful electromagnetic pulse. In the nick of time, however, Professor Farnsworth found another solution: with all the robots of Earth located in the same place, he instructed them to point their exhaust vents directly upwards and vent with all their power, thus moving Earth from it's orbit, farther from the sun. This strategy worked, and as the electromagnetic pulse missed Earth, the planet switched to an orbit 2.8 million kilometers farther from the sun, thus cooling it. This also caused the Earth's year to become a week longer, which was declared the Robot Party Week.


(Edit: my signature was outdated   :rolleyes: )
(Edit 2: removed IMs from my signature, that better mArc?)
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #89 on: 01-05-2003 11:59 »

When are the latest contributions going to be added??

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #90 on: 01-05-2003 12:20 »

I'll add the other entries sometime this coming week.

Leandro: please stick to the sig rules here
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #91 on: 01-05-2003 12:31 »

Originally posted by [-mArc-]:
I'll add the other entries sometime this coming week.

Danke Schon, unser Fuhrer. I'm working on some more entries at the moment. There are about a half-dozen that look like
a) they'll be any good,
b) they've not been posted already.

If you've any more suggestions for things to write about, please do tell. I've a bit of spare time next weekend and I'll hopefully be able to post/email my next contributions.

Are there plans to provide the most recent versions of the Encyclopedia in a downloadable format, such as an MS Word document?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #92 on: 01-05-2003 12:45 »

The Encyclopedia sort of lives from its interlinking and so on. I might offer a set of static html files (minus the searching function) at some point but right now I can't see me doing that for time reasons.

Starship Captain
« Reply #93 on: 01-05-2003 17:02 »

Yeah yeah, by "time" you mean "lazyness," right?
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #94 on: 01-05-2003 18:01 »

Dangerous ground, Mitsui.... by time reasons, I think he means "Edel won't let me leave the bed right now".

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #95 on: 01-06-2003 16:38 »

Well, edel is gone now, so the off-line version is done. You can find a link to the zip file (~250kb for now) at www.gotfuturama.com/Information/Encyc/ 
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #96 on: 01-07-2003 04:07 »

Hmmmmm. Thanks for the static version. Now I can look thru' to check bits and pieces that have already been written.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #97 on: 01-12-2003 07:59 »

When will Owls, Phnog and Destructor be added?

Starship Captain
« Reply #98 on: 01-12-2003 09:57 »

Anything people are searching for that isn't an entry yet?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #99 on: 01-17-2003 03:52 »
« Last Edit on: 01-17-2003 03:52 »

Phnog, Owls, Desctructor and the 2ACVs are up now (any links missing to other subjects?)

I guess we need Smizmar, Alkazar, Alien Alphabet I + II.

(the zip file is updated automatically around 23:00)
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #100 on: 01-18-2003 07:15 »

Hmmmm. I'll see what I can dig up on Smizmars, and Alkazar.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #101 on: 01-18-2003 13:14 »

Encyclopaedia entries

Yancy Fry * the brother of * Philip J Fry
Yancy Fry was named after his Father, and he after his, and he after his, and so on…. All the way back to Yancy “Minuteman” Fry, who fought in the American Revolution. According to Philip and Yancy’s father, his role was to blast Communists. Yancy was cruel to his brother during Philip’s time in Old New York, but loved him deeply, and after he disappeared not a day went by without Yancy’s thoughts turning to his departed brother. His love for his brother was the inspiration for naming his own son Philip J fry, and thus breaking the chain of Yancy’s that had dominated his family for so long.

Andy Goldman * neighbour of * The Fry Family
Andy Goldman was a resident of Old New York in the 20th Century. According to Fry, he was a nice enough person when sober, and one of his neighbours. Andy survived for 1000 years beneath the streets of his home district, having mutated, and fled into the sewers. The original Andy now resides within the mutant, and forms part of his right shoulder.

Central Bureaucracy * employs* Hermes Conrad
The Central Bureaucracy regulates and controls all bureaucratic activity within New New York. All bureaucrats are graded and assessed by this governing body, which prides itself on timing and efficiency. The one failure of this organisation would appear to be the lack of attention given to any new business (due to the tedious business of wrapping up any old business as far as possible, and then wrapping up the process of wrapping up any old business as far as possible being impossible to finish). Due to this problem, the master “in” pile dominated the central filing room as it built up over each working day, into a veritable mountain. This was eventually sorted out by Hermes Conrad, as part of his re-training to take back his job, when fired by Morgan Procter. Further information regarding this fascinating employment niche can be obtained by contacting the Central Bureaucracy during normal working hours, and negotiating the hours-long automated telephone system. Good luck!

Alkazar * almost married* Leela
Alkazar is a small green alien, somewhat like a cricket in appearance, who attempted to woo and marry Leela, promising her that together they would rebuild the Cyclops race. His intention was to marry five freaky weirdoes on the same day, and make a pot of cash from letting his friend Pig watch their twisted sex acts through the two-way mirror.

Although Alkazar ended up with the cash, he spent an enormous amount on his shape-changing tux, and when all five of his brides met, the weddings were off. Leela returned to her job with the Planet Express Delivery Company, and the two went their separate ways.

Alkazar apparently has a small problem with staining his underwear, and a case of halitosis that would put off a Narwhal. In addition to this, Leela has hinted that the size of his manhood was of an unsatisfactory nature. When you consider these together, it seems unlikely that Alkazar will ever achieve his lifelong ambition.

Alkazar currently resides in ruined splendour on an unnamed planet somewhewre in the region of Cineplex 9.

Currently working on Zubans, Smizmars, and H G Blobs.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #102 on: 01-19-2003 08:13 »

I don't know if any of the above have already been done, but I'm also going to see what I can get together on the Peace Officers, and Atlanta.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #103 on: 01-26-2003 05:48 »
« Last Edit on: 01-26-2003 05:48 »

Those are all up and it seems like google will list most entries in a week, too making it more useful for people out there.

We still need Nibbler, Panucci's, Elzar, Freedom Day, Al Gore, Leela's Parents, Amazonians, Flexo, Harold Zoid, explanations of the alien languages, Michelle to name a few   :p

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #104 on: 01-26-2003 06:29 »
« Last Edit on: 01-26-2003 06:29 »

I'll have a go at Elzar...
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #105 on: 01-28-2003 05:49 »

I'm in the middle of Al Gore and Panucci's, having nowseen Jurassic Bark and Crimes of the Hot, I'm pretty much up to date on both of them.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #106 on: 02-03-2003 15:07 »

I call dibs on Freedom Day, Harold Zoid,  Amazonians and the Alien Languages (I have some free time this week  :p)
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #107 on: 02-04-2003 04:34 »

Al Gore and Pannuci's will be done shortly. Flexo to follow (assuming he's not been done).

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #108 on: 02-07-2003 14:23 »

Freedom Day

Earthicans enjoy so much freedom it’s almost sickening, and they celebrate this annually on Freedom Day. The mantra of Freedom Day is “if you wanna do something, you do it, and to spleckh with the consequences”. Freedom Day is a fabulous, crapulous day with many traditions. Among those are parades in all major cities, fireworks and patriotic speeches, as well as the traditional dish of vodka-soaked watermelon.

But at the absolute center on this day is the Freedom Tub. No Earthicans can imagine a Freedom Day without nude, co-ed hot-tubbing, preferably under open sky.


Race of giant humanoids, living on the planet Amazonia. Amazonians are associated members of DOOP. Amazonian language are ancient and rich. For men it appears to be lacking and backwards, with poor grammar, but that’s natural as women are impossible to understand.

The most notably trait about Amazonian society is the complete lack of males in the population, as males died out many years ago. How Amazonians reproduce is still a big mystery. As a side-effect males are viwed with suspecion by Amazonians, as they don’t see any use for them. Ancient legend and their subscriptions to Cosmo, has hinted to Amazonians that men can be used for snuh-snuh, but such nonsense are mostly brushed aside.

Technological Amazonian society appear to still be at Iron-age levels, but this is clearly not the case. Amazonians know about computers, and have mastered inter-stellar travel. The Iron-age look of their cities and clothes are probably a fashion thing. Women are weird about stuff like that.

Amazonians are ruled by a giant computer, known as Femputer.

Amazonians are known for their boring basketball team and poor sense of humor.

Planet Amazonia

Homeworld of the Amazonian race. Amazonia is a giant planet, with prolific vegatation, vast jungles and green oceans, a stunningly beautiful combiantion. This is also one of the prior reasons the restaurant Le Palm d’Orbit is located here.

Amazonia is an associated member of the Democratic Order Of Planets. Tourists are advised to stear clear of Amazonia, as males have a very slim chance of escaping alive.

Le Palm D’Orbit

Expensive and popular restaurant in orbit around planet Amazonia. The food is superb, the wine first-class and the prices outrageuos. The entertainment is karaoke, but most people are ready to overlook this fact. Le Palm D’Orbit is able to fly through inter-stellar space with it’s 6 Pratt&Rolls SQV-7500-1 liquid dark matter thrusters, but the steering is slugish and the navigational skills poor. On the plus side, it’s equiped with headlights, windscreen wipers and margarita shakers. In 3001 the Le Palm D’Orbit had a small technical problem, resulting in it crashing into Amazonia. Luckily 25-star general Zapp Brannigan was aboard, and his presence probably adverted an even bigger dissater. After 2 weeks of repairs the restaurant was back in operation.

Le Palm D’Orbit is owned by the McBurger Kingalds corp, and has 5 stars in the Michelin Guide.
Harold Zoid and Alien Languages under development.

« Reply #109 on: 02-08-2003 02:21 »

Ohhhh...My Brain Hurts !!!!

Space Pope
« Reply #110 on: 02-08-2003 21:55 »

You're especially obtuse today.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #111 on: 02-09-2003 04:11 »

New updates to the Encyc will take a bit since CGEF is down right now, but they will appear at some point.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #112 on: 02-09-2003 16:29 »

So I have a 3 week deadline then?

I could make more entries in the meantime, but I don't know what's already in it, as I haven't downloaded the off-line version yet.

Is there any way I can get it, now that CGEF is semi-offline?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #113 on: 02-14-2003 05:21 »
« Last Edit on: 02-14-2003 05:21 »

Copy and paste to your browser URL line: gotfuturama.com/Information/Encyc/encyc.zip


Urban Legend
« Reply #114 on: 02-14-2003 08:25 »

Nimbus is armed with the laser cannon

Laser Cannon: One of the weapons of choice for starships in the year 3000 is the laser cannon, noted for its accuracy and fire power. 

Of special note is the laser cannon weaponry of the Nimbus. As with all standard laser cannons, those on the Nimbus have the normal stun and kill settings, and also the highly effective Hyperdeath (tm) setting - used in he "accidental" destruction of DOOP headquarters during the ribbon cutting ceremony.

While an efficient weapon, the laser cannon can be extrordinarily dangerous in the hands of a child or Zapp Brannigan.

« Reply #115 on: 02-18-2003 13:45 »

Originally posted by Nixorbo:
Its headquarters are located in Hoboken, New New Jersey, after a brief stint in a space station orbiting the Neutral Planet.

Can I call a more detailed version of the DOOP HQ's?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #116 on: 03-02-2003 03:50 »

Laser Cannon
Le Palm D'Orbit
Planet Amazonia
Freedom Day

zipfile updates tonight

Bending Unit
« Reply #117 on: 03-02-2003 05:58 »
« Last Edit on: 03-02-2003 05:58 »

A Futurama encyclopedia is a great idea. is there one on the internet? somone should make one up if there isnt.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #118 on: 03-02-2003 06:16 »
« Last Edit on: 03-02-2003 06:16 »

Uhh, since mArc just said he updated the Futurama Encyclopedia I think CGEF might be a good place to look.

Edit: I've been kinda lazy lately, but the entries I've promised will come soon.
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