Originally posted by Shadowstar: I think that if Futurama had stayed at its original 8:30pm Sunday timeslot, it'd have way better ratings and probably would still be alive and onto Season 6. Then Malcolm came in, stole its timeslot and Futurama flew into its craphole 7pm slot. Then no one watched, Malcolm became popular for no reason and it sucks. So now, Futurama's cancelled and this piece of sheeeeot Malcolm stays on. It's not even the 7:00 pm timeslot... it's that the casual viewer never knows when it's ON!!! The only reason we usually do is due to the dilligence of a few fans here... and we're the hardcore viewers... the average joe doesn't stand a chance... And MALCOLM isn't gonna be quite so funny anymore now that all the kids are like in their 30's (or so it seems)...
In Australia, there's a channel called FOX8. This shows at least 2 hours of simpson re-runs each DAY. But only show 2 futurama episodes a week. Now that's CRAPTACULAR
Maybe the "problem" with futurama is that futurama's humor is more subtle or "smarter", save the ironic puns/gags (i.e., "you can't break my spirit!...ow, my spirit!", or "I'm unstoppable!" (arms fall off) "aww."), and that some people who want everything like bam-bam-bam and don't wanna spend the time to think out a joke (i.e., 95% of Americans) think it's stupid because they don't get it. But that still wouldn't justify low ratings. I just think FOX wants to control the show,n Groening's told em "fuck off" and they aren't happy about it, so they're doing everything they can to kill the show.
Originally posted by Sweet Clyde: people don't like it because they think that means they have to stop liking the simpsons. cause you can't like BOTH obviously. You may have something there... When Futurama premiered, I was expecting something "simpsons-ish", but it was different. I stuck with it, and Futurama turned out to be funnier, wittier, and more entertaining than the Simpsons was at the time. Now, going back to say, seasons 3-4 of the Simpsons and very little can top those years, but Futurama comes close... I think that was part of Futurama's downfall on FOX. People were expecting the Simpsons, and when it wasn't the Simpsons, a lot of people stopped watching. It's unfortunate, but had more people given the show a "chance" it seems like it could have been wildly successful, in terms of "pop" success. FOX really screwed it over, though, with the inconsistant time slot with preemptions, and the ugly 7pm slot.
« Reply #50 on: 08-19-2003 12:44 »
« Last Edit on: 08-19-2003 12:44 »
Heres a way to complain! there IS something you can do about futurama being on hiatus Ms. Gail Berman President Fox Broadcasting Company Building 100 Room 4450 10201 W. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90035 Thats the address of the President In Charge of Fox Broadcasting - mail your complaints there please mail her, with paper; if you know what paper is, with your complaints
Gail Berman must rot in hell and the reason fox hates futurama is because they are fucking morons and oh yeah Gail Berman fucks herself
DOOP Secretary
Anthrax is easy to buy.
DOOP Secretary
Hopefully Futurama will be moving to another channel.