

Like a balloon! and something bad happens!

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« Reply #11 on: 11-27-2002 19:24 »
« Last Edit on: 11-27-2002 19:24 »
Originally posted by PCC Fred: and sets up the main deflector dish to deliver a nadion burst, it may just be possible to save Futurama!  Wouldn't it be simpler just to use the phaser arrays to deliver the burst? These things naturally emit nadions when fired. Anywho, back on topic. So Wesley I mean Wheaton watch Futurama, good for him. The guy have some class. I too would've played Wes if they gave me a bushel of money, although I would probably have played the role of Garak for free. Or better yet Bashir, at least he got to make out with one of the cute Trills. Right, right, famous Futurama fans. Stephen Hawking, perhaps?

Urban Legend
http://www.cnn.com/2000/TECH/computing/08/28/blue.star.power.idg/index.html Deep Blue used Futurama for popularity! Also: 'Bernie Mac' gets Phlemmy SACRAMENTO, California (AP) -- "Futurama" and "The Bernie Mac Show" have wheezed their way to Phlemmy Awards, the annual dishonors bestowed by the American Lung Association for TV shows that portray smokers. "Bernie Mac" was named because its main character is partial to cigars, while the animated "Futurama" "gave lead roles to Marlboro and Camel cigarettes," according to the American Lung Association of Sacramento-Emigrant Trails. "Friends" and "24" won Pink Lung awards because their characters don't smoke, even though some "Friends" actors do so in real life, the chapter said in a prepared statement.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Gocad: What was this thread about, guest stars or bad taste? It is about celebrities who like Futurama.