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Author Topic: CN Schedule - Official  (Read 1107 times)
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Bending Unit
« on: 11-26-2002 13:06 »

Adult Swim Sunday schedule -

11:00p - Futurama
11:30p - The Oblongs
12:00a - Harvey Birdman
12:15a - Harvey Birdman
12:30a - Sealab 2021
12:45a - Aqua Teen Hunger Force
1:00a - The Ripping Friends
1:30a - Mission Hill

Adult Swim Weeknight schedule -

11:00p - Futurama
11:30p - Home Movies
12:00a - Lupin the III
12:30a - Inuyasha
1:00a - Yu Yu Hakusho
1:30a - Cowboy Bebop

Since CN owns all 72 eps, it'd be nice if the Sunday airing was a FOX replay or something.

Bending Unit
« Reply #1 on: 11-26-2002 13:09 »

sweet everyday except friday and saturday i know where ill be at 11pm  :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 11-26-2002 13:11 »

Everything seems like it's in good order, except for the omission of The Brak Show or Space Ghost: Coast to Coast. (Did it get bad ratings? Or did they just get tired of playing the same eps?)

Futurama @ 11 pm. is probably the best slot for it, but I doubt FOX would allow them to show that Sunday night's broadcast episode later on cable. But, hey, it's not like FOX shows the Sunday night episodes anyways.

Viva la Cartoon Network! Viva la Futurama!   :)
Bending Unit
« Reply #3 on: 11-26-2002 13:12 »

btw, this came from Adlink.com

Bending Unit
« Reply #4 on: 11-26-2002 13:41 »

Is this Eastern time, central time, what?  The new Futurama comes on fox at 7 pm eastern sundays, but in central time it actually comes on at 6.
Bending Unit
« Reply #5 on: 11-26-2002 13:41 »

eastern/pacific, since that's where the satellite feeds are located

Space Pope
« Reply #6 on: 11-26-2002 16:34 »

Yay... we get to see the same six episodes of Harvey Birdman TWICE as often.  :rolleyes:

Nice to see that Futurama wrangled itself a Sunday slot, too. Can't wait to see the promos (we should start seeing them next month).

Starship Captain
« Reply #7 on: 11-26-2002 18:47 »

I was actually hoping for a 10pm time slot as I had heard somewhere that one of the nights was going to start at.
Bending Unit
« Reply #8 on: 11-26-2002 23:48 »

me too.

guess we can't have everything. ^_^

btw, Harvey Birdman is new in January.

Bending Unit
« Reply #9 on: 11-27-2002 00:11 »

Sorry for the double threading but CN don't matter for me I have foxtel and it's back on channel 7. Fox 8 show the eps randomly so I want to see these ep in season 3 and others but these are the main ones: War is the H word, The luck of the fryrish, and thenibbler ep.       

« Reply #10 on: 12-01-2002 00:11 »

Just saw an ad for Futurama in Entertainment Weekly (Dec. 6 issue) touting it's arrival on the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block. It features Bender and Angleine with the headline "Characters You Can Relate To" ... I'd paste it into this post if I knew how, but I don't.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #11 on: 12-01-2002 02:04 »
« Last Edit on: 12-01-2002 02:04 »

I'll have the ad on CGEF in a bit.

The 11pm slot really is the best we could've asked for on Cartoon Network.

Edit: There you go: http://www.gotfuturama.com/Futurama/News/1038729149,17231,/

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #12 on: 12-01-2002 08:40 »
« Last Edit on: 12-01-2002 08:40 »

Wait a minute, they promote the show? And as an adult program? It's good finally to find a tv channel who understand and support Futurama.

11 pm is not a bad time slot, as I understand it it's the best Adult Swim has. Besides I stayed up til 2 Am to watch Futurama when it aired here, so 11 pm will be a breeze.

« Reply #13 on: 12-01-2002 10:20 »

I have to say I love Cartoon Network more and more. Last night they showed an episode of Inu Yasha and it was uncut even with a character being completely nude... Couldn't believe it
Bending Unit
« Reply #14 on: 12-01-2002 21:29 »

but the fact that she was a corpse was quite a turn-off. lol

Urban Legend
« Reply #15 on: 12-01-2002 23:28 »

Quick question....when does this new schedule start? Sometime in January, I know, but do we have a specific date in mind?

Urban Legend
« Reply #16 on: 12-01-2002 23:34 »

11:00 pm is going to be an ideal time slot for me.  There's usually nothing worth watching in this time slot (like KOTH reruns on FOX, barf!), so I'll be tuning into futurama.  It's going to be great.

Space Pope
« Reply #17 on: 12-01-2002 23:59 »

Originally posted by evan:
Quick question....when does this new schedule start? Sometime in January, I know, but do we have a specific date in mind?

January 12.

« Reply #18 on: 12-02-2002 17:28 »

Well she wasn't a corpse, she just didn't have a soul there is a difference.  ;)
Bending Unit
« Reply #19 on: 12-03-2002 00:29 »

well the schedules are in. CN will show from "Space Pilot 3000" to "A Head in the Polls" between Jan 12 and Feb 2.

Starship Captain
« Reply #20 on: 12-04-2002 17:19 »

Does anyone know what they will be doing after that date? Will they be going on a minor hiatus or reavaluate their programming and make changes based off of ratings?

The reason that I ask is that at the rate of 5 episodes a week it will take roughly 14 weeks to go through the whole catalogue of episodes or just over 3 months. That would mean the entire cycle would run through April and then start up again with SP3K. Last year on Fox with an abbreviated season of only 11 episodes the season ended in April. If CN were to continually show episodes that would mean they would be showing the same episodes within a week of Fox showing it the first time. I don't think Fox would allow that personally and would think there is some clause in their contract that a certain amount of days must pass before repeating a first run episode.

I read recently on TV Tome that Futurama is scheduled with all new episodes through the month of December. I do not know if this is true or not but I will go with the assumption that it is at this point. Could Fox be trying to cram in as many episodes as they can to run through their catalogue as quickly as possible thereby freeing CN to air the episodes on their schedule? If that is the case that would mean that better than half of this season will not be shown on the East coast due to football overruns. This would turn into the lost season of Futurama for sure.
Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #21 on: 12-04-2002 20:39 »

I betcha CN will go into a race against Fox to see who airs more episodes, and they will probably catch up to their latest one!

Yes, CN, a network we can relate to! I love the time slot that CN gave to Futurama! If only I still had cable on my TV  :(
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