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Author Topic: Best Ever Futurama Episode  (Read 51990 times)
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« Reply #560 on: 04-15-2009 21:06 »

hi my name is roger I came from poland but I live in uk since july 2004
my favourite episodes are
1.space pilot 3000
2.the cyber house rules
3.hell is other robots

My cousin lived in poland until 2005, before living in the uk in the town just north of mine!

Bending Unit
« Reply #561 on: 04-15-2009 21:29 »

Thats such a hard question but i love The Devils Hands Are Idle Playthings.

I like a lot of others too, i know its kind of off topic a little bit but i think that there are three main tear jerkers

-Jurassic Bark
-Leela's Homeworld
-Luck Of The Fryrish

Most people say that Jurassic Bark is the biggest but i beg to differ, i did cry at the end of Jurassic Bark but i cried more at the end of Luck Of The Fryrish......

Yancy-I'm naming you Philip J Fry after my little brother, who i miss everyday. I love you philip and i always will.
I've watched that bit so many times, so sad =(

Bending Unit
« Reply #562 on: 04-19-2009 17:10 »

My favourite episode is probably Amazon Women in the Mood as I found it was very funny. I don't like Luck of the Fryrish that much because even though it showed a really good story about Fry's childhood troubles with his older brother Yancy, It hasn't got that many jokes in and I found it lacked a lot in comedy. Some of my other favourite episodes are Fry and the Slurm Factory, Roswell that ends well, The day the Earth stood stupid, Insane in the Mainframe, Godfellas and The series has landed.

Urban Legend
« Reply #563 on: 04-20-2009 16:31 »

yes, we wouldn't want a plot or emotion standing in the way of our precious jokes now would we?
Curious Gorge

Bending Unit
« Reply #564 on: 04-20-2009 19:32 »

I've always found the Luck of the Fryrish hilarious despite the touching storyline.

Urban Legend
« Reply #565 on: 04-20-2009 19:59 »

"Dirt doesn't need luck"

Bending Unit
« Reply #566 on: 04-20-2009 22:09 »

Hermes: I'll have a horse Coca Cola.
Guy: Horse Pepsi alright?
Hermes: Nay!
« Reply #567 on: 04-23-2009 04:35 »

Have to go with The Sting.  It should have won an Emmy.  So should have Leela's Homeworld.  And The Why of Fry.  And A Leela of Her Own.  And Amazon Women in the Mood.  And Space Pilot 3000.  And.....

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #568 on: 04-23-2009 05:17 »

Have to go with The Sting.  It should have won an Emmy.  So should have Leela's Homeworld.  And The Why of Fry.  And A Leela of Her Own.  And Amazon Women in the Mood.  And Space Pilot 3000.  And.....

Makes you wanna make a tiny little Emmys for each and every episode you think deserves one, huh?  :D

« Reply #569 on: 04-25-2009 20:14 »

Luck of the Fryish, for it's tear-jerk value. I like and tear up to Jurrasic Bark but I never had a dog just a brother who was/is a dog.

also the Devil's Hands Aren;t Idle Playthings, because for a series that didn't get its full run, it tied up some ends nicely.

« Reply #570 on: 04-27-2009 21:39 »

All of the episodes with Scruffy in em are good. Also most of the remaining are just as great, (o)_(O)


Bending Unit
« Reply #571 on: 04-27-2009 22:28 »

episode with scruffy
2x20 antholgy of interest I
3x02b parasises lost
3x03b a tale of two santas
3x12 a route of all evil

« Reply #572 on: 04-28-2009 16:10 »
« Last Edit on: 04-28-2009 16:11 »

The 1 where fry goes in and gets a robot and makes it look like some1 he admires and all the  rest!!! futarama rules :D :) :D :) :) :D :D :p :p

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #573 on: 04-28-2009 21:01 »
« Last Edit on: 04-28-2009 21:02 »

Alrighty, Futarama-rama (if that is your real, misspelled name), just a few points:

1. Futurama does indeed rule (particularly when it is spelled with a 'u' and not some superfluous 'a').

2. I'm pretty sure the episode you're referring to is "I Dated a Robot"; if that's the case, I am intrigued. IDaR is one of the more unpopular episodes of the show, at least in my experience.

3. That string of smileys is a little...much. But I appreciate the enthusiasm.

4. Welcome to PEEL. Hope you like it here, and realize that most of the above was said in jest. I'm kind of weird like that. ;)

Anyway. We used to have a "Rate/Review the Last Episode You Watched" thread over here in General Discussion; I'd bump it, but I'd rather not risk making the mods angry, since I'm sure that, by this point, the thread hasn't been used in a good two or three years. But I've recently been watching episodes that I've traditionally been sort of "meh" on--namely, "300 Big Boys" and "Bender Gets Made". And it occurred to me that both episodes are actually very funny (if not uneven plot-wise). I mean, they're not favorites of mine, but there are plenty of moments in both episodes that make them worth watching.

So I guess I recommend occasional rewatches to all you nerds. Hell, if it's been a while since you've seen an episode that you initially found unimpressive, a re-watch may make you change your mind about its quality. Just a neat little thing (that, in retrospect, is probably very obvious and not worthy of such a long-winded post) that I've observed lately. (For the record, it also worked for TBWaBB, which I found much more enjoyable the second time through.)

« Reply #574 on: 04-29-2009 19:54 »

episode with scruffy
2x20 antholgy of interest I
3x02b parasises lost
3x03b a tale of two santas
3x12 a route of all evil
Yeah that's some of them yes. absolutely favorite of those listed would be anthology or interest :)

« Reply #575 on: 04-29-2009 21:32 »

Alrighty, Futarama-rama (if that is your real, misspelled name), just a few points:

Maybe he likes kinky Japanese hentai porn. 

Bending Unit
« Reply #576 on: 05-02-2009 06:45 »

I love The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings (I'm a slave to musicals) and the Problem with Popplers... yummy.

« Reply #577 on: 05-08-2009 23:43 »

I think one of the best episodes is godfellas because it has great jokes and there are no boring parts. And the problem with popplers is amazing as well.

« Reply #578 on: 05-10-2009 18:02 »

though i am only a lowly poppler at the moment im still going to put in my two cents,

best episodes (very hard to choose) i think are:
-the deep south!
-the devil hands are idle play things-gotta love the way they talk-sing the everything in the final scene
-hell is other robots
-the luck of the fryrish-though tearful still one of the best
-the farnsworth parabox

« Reply #579 on: 05-10-2009 18:04 »

Spanish Fry because of Bender's Double Entendres!!

« Reply #580 on: 05-12-2009 18:14 »

Spanish fry is allright but I've seen it too many times and it gets boring after a while

Bending Unit
« Reply #581 on: 05-20-2009 01:20 »

1. luck of the fryrish
2. war is the h-word
3. the why of fry
4. brannigan begin again
5. a flight to remember

« Reply #582 on: 05-25-2009 11:53 »

Hi I'm newish here! My top 5 episodes are:

1. Deep South (I love mermaids and I'm from Atlanta )
2. Where No Fan Has Gone Before (I love Star Trek and I've never laughed harder!)
3. Mothers Day (because Mom and Farnsworth together is so wrong that it's right)
4. Why Must I Be A Crustacean In Love (Star Trek, Dr. Z, and the Beach, what's not to love?)
5. All of the Anthology of Interest episodes (I have a short attention span)

« Reply #583 on: 05-26-2009 18:23 »

ummmmmmmm :confused: :confused: :rolleyes:
the one were he sleeps with his nan :laff: :laff: :laff: :laff:
« Reply #584 on: 05-26-2009 18:24 »

i mean when fry sleep with his nan

Bending Unit
« Reply #585 on: 06-10-2009 21:08 »

1. Godfellas
2. Anthology of Interest II
3. The Sting
  It is difficult to narrow it down though haha

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #586 on: 06-12-2009 13:27 »

I can't believe people are even still discussing this.

It's The Sting, people! The Sting was the best episode.
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #587 on: 06-12-2009 23:47 »

For me:

The Sting
Jurrassic Bark
X-mas Story
Luck Of The Fryish
Parasites Lost

Space Pope
« Reply #588 on: 06-13-2009 04:01 »
« Last Edit on: 06-13-2009 04:05 »

My fave is Where No Fan Has Gone Before.  The scene where Shatner does a spoken word version of a rap song is a classic.  Besides, this episode is nothing less than a valentine to all the Trekker fans who watch Futurama.

Urban Legend
« Reply #589 on: 06-13-2009 04:53 »

My favourite episode is still Less Than Hero...
hobo bot

Bending Unit
« Reply #590 on: 06-13-2009 12:28 »
« Last Edit on: 06-13-2009 12:29 »

It has to be Why Must I Be A Crustacean In Love, The Sting, and Amazon Women In The Mood.  hillarious  :laff:
Future Shock

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #591 on: 06-14-2009 02:50 »

The best episode has to have a mix of romance, comedy, and drama. The Sting, Jurassic Bark, Roswell That Ends Well and the devils hands are idle playthings.

Urban Legend
« Reply #592 on: 06-14-2009 12:55 »

Also Bender should not be allowed on TV, I love that one too.

Starship Captain
« Reply #593 on: 06-14-2009 23:46 »
« Last Edit on: 06-15-2009 04:03 »

I'd actually be simpler for me to name the episodes I don't like. Most lists are going to have obvious choices for a top 10 (301, 110, 412, 307, ect.) so I don't feel like naming an obvious favorite (besides, several battle for my top spot). That said, I'm instead going to name my top underrated episodes.

312, The Route Of All Evil- I don't know why this episode is generally disliked. There are a ton of great lines (Dwight Lightning, "More like 7", "Why don't you get it yourself, you wrinkly old tube sock"), it gives some underused characters (Hermes, Dwight, Cubert, Labarbara (wow, what's not to like about Hermes's family?) a chance to shine, it's classic Futurama lampooning (Paper Boys... IN SPACE!), and the subplot of F/L/B brewing beer gives us a chance to see our main crew at serious leisure (oxymoron).

219, The Cryonic Woman- I'm not about to start claming this is an overall good episode. What I will say is that every moment that doesn't have Michelle in it is freaking hilarious. The first act is filled with tons of great humor (the Cryogenics Lab scenes in particular) so it kinda bogs down the rest of the episode since it's so much better to see the crew fired rather than deal with the less interesting plotline of Fry's Ex having come out of Cryogenic Freezing.

Still, even the Michelle parts have some good laughs ("You expect me to live in a hole!"---> "It would be deeper but I'm standing on a Gopher"). This still isn't a good episodes but it's passable and the first act saves it from being a total waste (along with Og).

Also, I think the writers missed a major chance at making a Fry's Past episode with this. Michelle is a living connection to Fry's Past and they squandered her on possessive Ex jokes. Too bad.

306, Bendless Love- I love the Bender bits in this episode (good thing, since it's Bender-centric). Sometimes too much Bender is a bad thing (414, 206) but this one gets it right. I also love Flexo in this episode better. Maybe it's because I don't find him as annoying in this episode as I did in 206 so his niceness contrasts with Bender better.

Also, The Professors sub-plot is just as good as the brewing sub-plot of 312. I wish more sub-plots like those would turn up.

316, A Leela of Her Own- Hank Aaron. I don't know why. I doubt he was even trying but he still gets a laugh out of me. The Cygnoids are great too.

317, A Pharaoh To Remember- I don't know why this one gets any guff. It's a good story of wanting to be remembered and how far some will go to be remembered (stole from the local pool to enslaved a planet of people are pretty far apart on a scale of "how far would you go to be remembered").

The Egyptian part of the episode is an obvious and good parody of all the "Other planet is exactly like ancient Earth civilization" episodes of Star Trek. I especially love how the writers explain it away ("Hey, this looks like the Ancient Egypt of Earth!"---> "That is no coincidence since Thousands of Years ago my people visited your people."---> "Alright! Insane theories-1, regular theories- A Billion.").

321, Future Stock- Steve Castle (known to most as "That Guy") is the best one-shot character next to Hutch Waterfall. Nearly every single one his lines is hilarious and quotable.

I wouldn't dare forget the brilliant voice by Dave Herman who knocks it out of the park, as usual. It captures everything I think about when I remember the 80's.

ITWGY- This one seems like a strange choice. It is by far the most accepted of the movies and well liked by the fandom all around. Still, I'm seeing some talk in the new episodes thread about how people hope that "Season 6 will be better than the movies" and "The movies weren't bad but Futurama definitely works better in an episodic format".

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think that ITWGY is one of the best episodes of the series (definitely makes my top 10 (hell, it might be #1) and I'm a little annoyed at seeing it regulated to a lower status simply because of the group it's part of.

P.S. Thanks for the correction, Future Shock and Suss6052. Damn, if I can't remember every tiny fact about Futurama then what do I have no friends for?
Future Shock

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #594 on: 06-15-2009 02:05 »

Future Shock...
Whoops there, Stock you mean, don't you? Yeah, that review was good, so nothing about me.

Starship Captain
« Reply #595 on: 06-15-2009 03:42 »

Also the guy's name was Steve Castle, not Frank....

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #596 on: 06-15-2009 04:04 »
« Last Edit on: 06-15-2009 04:06 »

312, The Route Of All Evil- I don't know why this episode is generally disliked. There are a ton of great lines (Dwight Lightning, "More like 7", "Why don't you get it yourself, you wrinkly old tube sock"), it gives some underused characters (Hermes, Dwight, Cubert, Labarbara (wow, what's not to like about Hermes's family?) a chance to shine, it's classic Futurama lampooning (Paper Boys... IN SPACE!), and the subplot of F/L/B brewing beer gives us a chance to see our main crew at serious leisure (oxymoron).

This is by no means a favorite episode of mine, but there are some nice observational bits with Dwight and Cubert (I like the "wait four to six seconds" mail-order thing, and Cubert's insistence that they use a huge decal on the PE ship to make it fly faster (which he believes is scientifically sound, on account of he's twelve)).

If I'm being honest, though, I could watch this episode for the subplot alone, skipping over the A-story entirely. It's one of the few episodes where the friendship between Fry, Leela, and Bender is portrayed as so...I don't know...conspiratory, for lack of a better word. I like that they're sort of in cahoots together, united in their mission to get hammered off home-brewed booze. It's so funny, but it's also a nice portrait of their friendship (which got very little play during the series: there's Fry/Leela stuff, and Fry/Bender stuff, but the three of them as a group were never given much attention. "The Honking" is the only other episode that comes to mind where their interpersonal dynamics are on display).

316, A Leela of Her Own- Hank Aaron. I don't know why. I doubt he was even trying but he still gets a laugh out of me. The Cygnoids are great too.

I've never understood why so many people dislike this episode. I like how it plays against the expectation of Leela being a great athlete. It's a perfectly funny episode, and Leela is much more likeable here than she was in a lot of other season three episodes (*cough*"Parasites Lost"*cough*). You really do find yourself wanting her to succeed...but also laughing at her constant failure.

321, Future Stock- Frank Castle (known to most as "That Guy") is the best one-shot character next to Hutch Waterfall. Nearly every single one his lines is hilarious and quotable.

I wouldn't dare forget the brilliant voice by Dave Herman who knocks it out of the park, as usual. It captures everything I think about when I remember the 80's.

Isn't it Steve Castle? Regardless, I agree that it's way underrated. I always forget how funny it is, until I sit down and watch it. I love the Farnsworth/Hattie argument ("I move that your cat stinks, and is ugly"/"I move that we vote on a new chief executive officer and oust this old creep. And also that my cat smells good and is pretty"), pretty much every line that comes out of Mom's mouth ("Jam a bastard in it, you crap!"--which is even funnier when you hear Tress MacNeille repeat it in the commentary), and the disturbingly amusing demise of Steve Castle ("Bone-itis? That's a funny name for a horrible disease"). I think they talk about this in the commentary, but this episode is so not futuristic--it's a show about office politics and the stock market. That's probably why it's often overlooked, but that doesn't mean it's not a great episode.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #597 on: 06-15-2009 05:23 »

Dang...you're right. I forgot about Future Stock. That is close to being the best episode. The only thing that brings it down is the fact that, as Gorky says, it is not futuristic or scifi-ey at all. But holy cow is it funny.

And it's not funny in an obvious way, it's funny in the sense that it has witty dialogue that might not elicit a huge laugh at first, but becomes funnier and funnier the more you think about it, until years later you're at work and then you start thinking about it and you crack up over the fact that Fry said 'you let me worry about blank'.

...maybe I am crazy, but that episode's style of humor is just on a completely different level than any other comedy.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #598 on: 06-15-2009 05:45 »

I have to say that the most underrated episodes are Where No Fan Has Gone Before, That's Lobstertainment!, Future Stock, Bendless Love, and The Beast With a Billion Backs. I really do like TL!.

Space Pope
« Reply #599 on: 06-15-2009 05:49 »
« Last Edit on: 06-15-2009 05:51 »

I like that episode [Future Stock] plenty, I didn't really know it was one of the more underrated ones

Only actual episodes I thought were overall subpar were Leela of Her Own, Cryonic Woman and to a lesser extent Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love.

"The Honking" is the only other episode that comes to mind where their interpersonal dynamics are on display).

I would say maybe Fear of a Bot Planet, too, a little bit.

316, A Leela of Her Own
I've never understood why so many people dislike this episode.

Because it's just overall not up to the usual high standard.
To me however, compared to the bulk of the movies, it seems a paragon of genius now
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