
Bending Unit
« Reply #40 on: 11-27-2002 04:27 »
« Last Edit on: 11-27-2002 04:27 by Tweek »


all the ones that arent cruddy

DOOP Secretary

Favourites by series:
1. Loves Labours Lost in Space 2. Put Your Head on My Shoulders 3. Parasites Lost 4. Leela's Homeworld
In all cases it is hard to pick a favourite as there are so many good ones. Might be easier to list the ones I found disappointing, there are far less of them.


I'm crazy about the Lobsternainment one!!! I know it is probably the least popular one out there, but that's only because the jokes are a bit differnet that usual. "Oh, I'm sorry, I see you're with mr. Stalone" "Throw a pie for God sakes!" "Make some noise, and wave your arms a little" "Sir you forgot your hat" Classic! 


1.Hell is other robots
2.Where no fan has gone before


I'm not sure how someone canoot like any episode Futurama...but I may be a tad biased.


Originally posted by Gocad: What about "A Pharaoh to Remember"? In my opinion that is a great episode. Absolutely! I love this one. It has the greatest lines... "You are all slaves to the great Pharoah Hamenthotep!"

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

Too bad, but "A pharaoh to remember" just didn't do it for me.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

"A Pharaoh Of His Own" had some awesome animations, lots of eyecandy, and a few good jokes. But overall the characterisation was weak, the story was disjointed and Fry and Leela was just filler. Basically it was a Bender one-man show, and Bender was annoying as hell. The funeral scene still amkes me cringe. Although Zoidy singing "Danny Boy" was gold. I laughed my ass off when he did that. 


I haven't even see 'Luck of the Fryish yet, I missed that one, but I just checked my guide and it's no tonight (in Australia that is) so judging by how many people love it I guess this is one I can't miss!


Damn it, missed that one too.... I watch it all the time but I seem to keep missing all the good ones...


Now I did see that one, and I agree, sometimes mean isnt funny, but in this case it definetly is!


Roswell That Ends Well, Luck Of The Fryish, and Jarassic Bark are my 3 all-time favorites.
Dr Bender


These are my best:
1.The day the earth stood stupid 2.Xmas story 3.A head in the polls

Only one other person chose where no fan has gone before? This is my favorite episode of futurama by far. Ir probably doesnt have the same appeal to non-trekkies though, so I guess i can understand why it's not universally loved. (still a great ep though  ) Melllvar: YOU'RE NOT ACTING HARD ENOUGH


I can't really decide like many others. Ones that stick out in my mind are: "Hell is Other Robots", "I, Roommate", "The Problem With Popplers", "Insane in the Mainframe", "Parasites Lost", and "A Leela of Her Own". I like what I've seen so far from this "new" season (cough gag choke) but it's too soon to decide on favorites from that yet.


1: Parasites Lost 2: Jurassic Bark 3: A Clone Of My Own 4: Luck Of The Fryrish 5: The Birdbot Of Ice-Catraz (Out of the ones I've seen) Leela's Homeworld never really worked for me. It was supposed to be an emotional episode rather than a funny episode but what makes an emotional episode an emotional episode is when we learn something at the same time as the characters (like in Luck Of The Fryrish and Jurassic Bark) but in Leela's Homeworld we found out that before she did, so the emotion was lost. That was a long sentence.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Most had a suspicion about it ever since "I Second That Emotion" (although I admit I didn't want to believe it, it just felt so anti-climatic) so the surprise was more or less spilt beforehand.
The only minor quip I have with "Leela's Homeworld" is that it was too soon for Leela to find out, and it was anti-climatic to the entire build-up. The last sequence was among best emotional parts of Futurama ever.


I thought I saw them in "I Second.." but I thought maybe it might have been a mistake by the animators. I liked the last scene because it showed more of Leela's childhood which IMO hasn't been shown enough.