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Author Topic: Do they hate Katey Sagal?  (Read 1636 times)
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Dance King
« on: 11-13-2002 16:04 »

I just finished listening to the Audio Commentaries of the Season 2 DVD and AGAIN there was absolutely no mention of Katey Sagal. Do they hate her or why do they never say that she is great or something like they regularly do about all the other voice talents? Please answer to me via mail, I don't come here a lot. haas@caesar.de


« Reply #1 on: 11-13-2002 16:09 »

They say she is a great singer in the commentary of Hell is other Robots..

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #2 on: 11-13-2002 16:13 »

No, I don't think they hate Katey at all. They did praise her voice as Leel Lemon in "War Is The H-Word" and they were litterally in awe of her singing voice in "Hell Is Other Robots". It's just that Katey only do Leela, and as brilliant as she is at that job there is more to commend on guys like Dave Herman, Billy West and Maurice LaMarche who is doing a multitude of characters, each with a distinct and different voice. Just listen to M5438, that's pure Billy West, no electronic help at all.

Katey is great, and I think they've said it a few times in the Season 1 set, but she only does one voice.

Welcome to PEEL, Dance King. Hope you'll stick around anyway.  :)
Dance King
« Reply #3 on: 11-13-2002 16:16 »

Thanks for the quick response guys. It just seemed weird to me. Yeah, on "Hell is other robots" is actually the only time they mention her but right away it seems that Matt Groening seems to equal it out by saying that so and so (cant remember who it was) is a great singer and he sounds strangely rushed and disgruntled. Oh well, maybe it's just me. Just seemed weird that they would not even mention it during the Married with Children Joke....

Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 11-13-2002 17:14 »

I agree with Teral. On the Simpsons DVDs, Yeardley Smith is hardly mentioned at all (now that I think about it, she isn't!), because she only does one character (Lisa). Time is given to those who do a lot of characters, cuz it's harder, I guess.

But I wouldn't know about the Futurama DVDs, cuz stupid America won't get them released for months!   :finger:
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #5 on: 11-13-2002 18:12 »

The mention her also in the 1ACV01 comentaryes, John Dimaggio says "Katey Sagal..i have to mention her" (translated from the spanish subtitles)

« Reply #6 on: 11-13-2002 20:36 »

Katey Sagal had her glory days in Married With Children. She's just doing one voiceover for a cartoon here.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #7 on: 11-14-2002 00:42 »

They're just jealous because they're not starring in a sitcom with John Ritter.
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