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Author Topic: POLL: still loyal to futurama?  (Read 3165 times)
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PEE Poll: POLL: still loyal to futurama?
Watched every ep, buys near-all merchandise   -42 (47.2%)
downlo-- err, i mean aquires every ep, buys stuff   -18 (20.2%)
just watched every ep when it aired   -9 (10.1%)
just downl-- umm.. "found" every ep   -14 (15.7%)
watch an ep when saw it was aired, no real fan   -0 (0%)
down-- erm.. "precures" a couple eps sometimes.   -0 (0%)
what IS this futurama anyway?   -1 (1.1%)
none of the above but......   -4 (4.5%)
i refuse to let people know how i think.   -1 (1.1%)
Total Members Voted: 89

transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #40 on: 10-19-2002 16:01 »

Option 3, not through choice. If I could, I would have all the merchandise, plus some stuff that doesn't exist. Plus I'd have watched every episode.

Urban Legend
« Reply #41 on: 10-19-2002 16:15 »

Hmm...I couldn't find "I absolutely hate Futurama and all of it's dorky fans - Go Oliver Beene!" as an option.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #42 on: 10-19-2002 16:17 »

You know what kind of merchandise I would buy? A Leela toboggan!

Any marchandise producers reading this, come ooooon! I want my Leela toboggan, damnit!

« Reply #43 on: 10-19-2002 16:18 »

You know what would go great with that? Snow.

Any clouds reading this, come ooooon! I want snow, damnit!

Starship Captain
« Reply #44 on: 10-19-2002 18:09 »

I love Futurama and I watch it whenever I can, but sometimes you just have to do diffrent stuff, as learning for school for example...  :(
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #45 on: 10-19-2002 18:50 »

Originally posted by Teral:
You know what kind of merchandise I would buy? A Leela toboggan!

Any marchandise producers reading this, come ooooon! I want my Leela toboggan, damnit!

At last, a good idea!
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #46 on: 10-20-2002 07:15 »
« Last Edit on: 10-20-2002 07:15 by totalnerduk »

Mmmmmmmmm. An opportunity for the words Leela and riding in such close proximity. to me. Would anybody care to design one? Or maybe a group effort. Two heads are better than one. Or maybe everyone giving input to one person, so the design comes out of the same head. Anyway, the product would be nice.

Urban Legend
« Reply #47 on: 10-20-2002 23:11 »

Other - I've watched them all at least once on TV and have "aquired" almost all on PC as well, for those long periods of time when the show isn't being aired.  I haven't bought any merch.

Bending Unit
« Reply #48 on: 10-20-2002 23:24 »

I'm pissed i used to watch it on chan 7 but now i watch on Fox 8 dey hav ent even aired season 4 yet. However i uploaded all of them. 
Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #49 on: 10-31-2002 23:01 »

I watched nearly all of them, and by some lucky coincidence, there are strangers nice enough to "share" these over the internet with you! It's all the rage!! I stopped doing that, and deleted some to conserve disk space.

Starship Captain
« Reply #50 on: 11-01-2002 09:40 »

Still watch every episode when they air (even the repeats) and definitely look to buy all the merchandise that is released.  :)
The Baz

Bending Unit
« Reply #51 on: 11-06-2002 01:34 »

I've seen all episodes but maybe 4.  I can never find ways to "acquire" the episodes I've yet to see sadly  :(.  Everytime I do, it somehow doesn't work.

I buy a lot of merchendise just to support the show (two of those bender walking bots).  But I can't find much merchendise in stores, and I hate buying off the net.  But soon I will give in and begin to warm my credit card up to more Futurama merchindise goodness.  Before it is too late  :(.

Bending Unit
« Reply #52 on: 11-11-2002 13:13 »

I voted "1" even though I haven't really seen every episode *yet* (found it during the third season), but plan to. Thank you Cartoon Network!

I own the MAC action figures and Rocket USA little metal thingies and will buy the DVDs once available in the U.S.

Between the out of production 'Futurama', cancelled 'Farscape' and knowing Sara Michelle Gellar's contract is soon ending with 'Buffy' - I may not be watching much TV at all starting next season.

« Reply #53 on: 11-15-2002 05:28 »

I have Fox so i record them on Fox8 for me and my friend. You know my friend as what up 1.  :flirt:

« Reply #54 on: 01-16-2004 21:45 »

Option 1 for sure! I have seen all but one ep (The Series Has Landed) I own many of the toys, all the calenders, and the coasters (of course!  ;)) I don't own any of the dvds. But I will, soon. Somehow, I'll stretch my $5-a-week allowence to buy those dang dvds someday...

Space Pope
« Reply #55 on: 01-16-2004 21:52 »
« Last Edit on: 01-16-2004 21:52 »

I'm #8, I've seen nearly all episodes bar a few season 4 episodes, but I don't collect merchandise other than the DVDs. *shudders*   :nono:

Bending Unit
« Reply #56 on: 01-16-2004 22:01 »
« Last Edit on: 01-16-2004 22:01 »

#8 - I saw most episodes when they were on TV here, I've bought season 1, 2 & 3 on DVD, and I can't wait for the 18th of Feb. for season 4.

Bending Unit
« Reply #57 on: 01-16-2004 22:45 »

I saw most episodes when they first aired, and caught all but one (BSNBAOTV) in reruns.  I still watch the reruns when I can, and I'd say I'm a pretty loyal fan, but I don't own any of the merchandise.
« Reply #58 on: 01-16-2004 23:29 »

Watched and taped as many episodes as Fox would air, they would dump out for almost any reason.
Bought season 1 and 2 DVD sets. I plan on buying everything they release on DVD and getting the Comic books the next time I get to a "good" shop.
If we show support and buy the DVD sets, maybe Fox will get off their collective butts and start production again on the series.
John C
Starship Captain
« Reply #59 on: 01-17-2004 00:03 »

Welcome to PEEL, stinkysteve (no offense  :p). I hate to burst your bubble, but:

A) There's a 99.9% chance FOX will not renew Futurama and...
B) It's generally agreed that if the show was renewed, it would most likely never live up to our expectations

A nice thought, though, and I hope you stink, er, stick around.  :)

Delivery Boy
« Reply #60 on: 01-17-2004 02:33 »

Oh i am very loyal, i am!! Just that my rents (parents) dont know i watch it, so if i suddenly ask for every thing that is about futurama, they might put me in a mental hospital, or an obsession home.  :) but i REALLY want the dvd set!!! *cries* hmmmmm...11: right now......
                    Any way, I am so faithful, i write scripts, one after another. I am very freaked out, its so quiet at my house, everyones asleep.
      I think i have an addiction to futurama, or maybe just Bender. lol.
buuuuut i luv futurama. *tired*


Starship Captain
« Reply #61 on: 01-17-2004 03:50 »

o im ready to sacrifice myself to the groening god in any kamakazi mission.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #62 on: 01-17-2004 05:03 »

Originally posted by Otis P Jivefunk in 2002:
I've seen all the episodes, most of them many many times. I have Season One on DVD, and I have a lot of the other episodes on tape. I'll be getting the Season Two DVD's the day they come out, and Season 3 and 4 as well, if they ever get put on DVD...

...Well, luckily it looks like they did get put onto DVD. Now I have all 4 Seasons  :)


Bending Unit
« Reply #63 on: 01-17-2004 05:31 »

I've got all of the seasons on DVD. But I don't get much of their merchandise. (There isn't much I can really get my hands on in this town.) I'm gonna buy the Futurama game after I've saved up my pennys though.  :)

Bending Unit
« Reply #64 on: 01-17-2004 07:00 »

I've bought all the seasons on DVD and watched every ep. probably 5-10 times. Seen most of the commentaries too. But like Squid, there isn't  too much Futurama merchandise one can buy where I live.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #65 on: 01-17-2004 07:04 »
« Last Edit on: 01-17-2004 07:04 »

the saddest thing for me about the show ending was i had just aknowledged that it was my favorite show of all time, to have the reply oh yeah theyve cancelled it   :mad: so now i am "aquiring" every episode, at least untill i have the cash to buy the DVD's but i did just get the SP3000 poster very cool, what's quiet depressing is that they've released a 2004 calendar, just a sad reminder     :(


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #66 on: 01-17-2004 16:38 »

I will be loyal to the ends of the universe and 10000%! Ive seen every episode and whenever I see merchandise, and there isn't a lot I can get my hands on, I buy it!

« Reply #67 on: 01-17-2004 16:40 »

I have seen every episode. It's still my favorite show besides RAW & SD!.

Though I don't buy any merchandise. I have other things I need.
« Reply #68 on: 01-17-2004 20:52 »

I've Got almost every ep ( on DVD ) and buy most of the comics when i can...
« Reply #69 on: 01-17-2004 21:32 »

Originally posted by John C:
Welcome to PEEL, stinkysteve (no offense   :p). I hate to burst your bubble, but:

A) There's a 99.9% chance FOX will not renew Futurama and...
B) It's generally agreed that if the show was renewed, it would most likely never live up to our expectations

A nice thought, though, and I hope you stink, er, stick around.   :)

Thank you for the warm welcome.
Futurama is the only thing I take seriously anymore and I plan to stink around for quite a while.
Thanks for providing this forum for us to vent on.

« Reply #70 on: 01-17-2004 23:07 »

Just out of curiousity. How many ishs of the comic are there?

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #71 on: 01-18-2004 11:31 »

15, issue 16 is scheduled for this month though, but I don't have the exact date. Jon knows for sure.

« Reply #72 on: 01-18-2004 12:23 »

I get the comics when I see them and have nearly finished getting all four seasons on DVD. So yes I would think myself still quite loyal.

Space Pope
« Reply #73 on: 01-18-2004 12:25 »

I've got them all on DVD and found my first (major) piece of Futurama merchandise, two tin figures!

Delivery Boy
« Reply #74 on: 01-18-2004 13:18 »

"Aquire episodes"? how dare you, ill have you know i DONT have all 72 eps (about 17.9 gigs if i had to guess). But if i did it would be the only damn way to see them since fox stoped airing them, and my schools tv dosnt get CN ;-)

Bending Unit
« Reply #75 on: 01-19-2004 05:04 »
« Last Edit on: 01-21-2004 00:00 »

Option 3... although I would have watched every episode if it was actually shown. I don't believe in *ahem* aquiring stuff, be it music or movies or Futurama. As much as I would love to see Season 4, I will wait until the damned merchandise executives at JB HiFi order the DVD in or until Channel 7 airs it in Perth because when I do see the episodes for the first time, I don't want to already have seen a blurry internet version with the soundtrack on a different speed which cuts out halfway through. Futurama is an experience, and I want to wait so that that experience is absolutely perfect when I get it. That said, I'm almost drooling in participation of the delights of Season 4, as well as wishing that I could say, as a loyal and true Futurama fan, that I have seen every episode, read every comic and bought every figurine.

I bought the comics up to number 6, then lost interest: they detracted from the show as they were nowhere near as good. And they were expensive. I also have a figurine of Leela standing on the moon of some planet with an octopus-like creature reaching up behind. Complete with Nibbler and his litter tray (complete with Dark Matter). I couldn't resist. And I bought the Season 3 box set because there were about 5 episodes on there that I hadn't seen (and I also wanted to have classic episodes like PL, TKOS and TLOTF for convenient viewing). So, number three. I haven't seen every episode, but as soon as I can, I will, and that's the way it is for many PEELers, as you can all see by the poll.

EDIT: I also have five magnets - Fry, Leela, Amy, the PE crew plus Zapp and Kif, and Fry+Bender+Leela.

« Reply #76 on: 01-19-2004 05:29 »

being a fan where they don`t show futurama at all on tv is a pain, but I get everything futurama I can find when I go back to the us for the summer and the winter. Have season 1 and 2 on dvd, region 1 fan so I have to wait a bit more for the other seasons to come out on dvd. Oh, have I mentioned that I have slow internet connection, making it impossible to download the episodes?

« Reply #77 on: 01-27-2004 16:02 »

yeah that first one is me!i'm still looking for the slurm can and playing cards

Bending Unit
« Reply #78 on: 01-27-2004 21:26 »

Seen every ep many times. Own seasons 1 and 2. Season three on reserve.

Bending Unit
« Reply #79 on: 01-28-2004 04:41 »

numero uno for me :D

have all dvds, now. have some choice toys/figures and am in the process of collecting all the comics. but i still can't get my hands on the 2004 calendar :(
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