
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

hey administrator this sig is ok right cuz it doesn't exceed the regular page size.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

oh ok. thanx for telling me!

Delivery Boy
I tried shrinking the image a bit and cutting off some stuff. It's still a bit big, but it's only 6 kb. Feel free to use it if it works for you Kif. Otherwise, just ask and i'll make one for you. [This message has been edited by plank (edited January 04, 2001).]

Bending Unit
My sig should be fine I wanted to put this image in:  but its kinda big for this small place Why the hell wont it display my image? http://members1.chello.nl/~w.stoel/images/gohanmov.gif ------------------ Nederland rules!! Sex is like like Nokia, connecting people like NIKE, just do it like Pepsi, ask for more like me, to good to be true. [This message has been edited by Radijs (edited January 05, 2001).]


Ah, sigs...how some people can't use them.


I have to agree with slimmy on the fact that big sigs are ugly and impress no-one, but I don't really think its necessary to make sigs transparant, they harm no-one


what is the motivation for a murder who wants to kill the dead none that makes no sense and this post doesn't make much sense either why not make your singnature your classic trade mark my has never changed it defines me and that's all I need