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Author Topic: DEFINITELY the last Futurama News Thread ever...maybe... [Warning: SPOILERS]  (Read 101940 times)
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« Reply #800 on: 10-22-2014 01:20 »
« Last Edit on: 10-22-2014 03:53 by TheMadCapper »

Either way... Fox has NOT been advertising this event.

It's almost like they are still against Futurama... and want to bury the crossover.

No matter what, Matt G. got his way... his baby, "Futurama" will yet again be airing during Fox Primetime.

It's been a decade since the show has aired on Fox... it's Matt's ultimate middle finger to Fox, in a weird way.

The 22 minute-length is really bothering me. I hope they manage to pull this off without making it feel super rushed/underwhelming.

Yeah, it's still The Simpsons (Season 26). Don't get your hopes up too high.
It'll probably feel very rushed (pacing) and take a dump on Futurama's continuity.
Also it will have to work into and overcome the odd four act story structure, thanks to Fox's constant commercials.
Which most new episodes these days fail at... hard.

Sorry, I didn't mean to double post. TMC fixed it for you!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #801 on: 10-22-2014 14:13 »
« Last Edit on: 10-22-2014 14:15 »

The HD era has had the least fluid animation, and most glaring visual errors.

I agree that the animation is no longer fluid - I absolutely adore the animation of the golden era. But, in terms of characters being off-model, it's quite a rarity these days, given the large reliance on digital methods of production. Particularly in comparison to the "glaring visual errors" of the early seasons.

For the record: I actually think little mistakes like this are part of the show's former charm.

And we HAVE seen footage of the opening.

True, but current-era Simpsons openings are hardly representative of current-era Simpsons episodes. It's unfortunately what they seem to put most of their creativity towards these days. :hmpf:

Though I actually thought the brief footage we saw of the crossover's opening looked pretty fantastic, and it seemed to be the general consensus here.

Keep in mind I'm in no way defending the animation of current Simpsons (save from the openings, of course). It probably will look just like all the other recent episodes of The Simpsons. I was merely pointing out that you made a comment specifically about animation in reference to a still image, which seemed puzzling to me.

It's almost like they are still against Futurama... and want to bury the crossover.

Haha. They're doing a pretty terrible job in this case, given that there are other episodes out there that have been "buried" far more effectively. This one has been sidelined for a good two years now. :p

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #802 on: 10-22-2014 14:27 »


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #803 on: 10-22-2014 14:51 »

Wow, thanks Danny. Pretty much articulates the point better than words ever could. Current-era Simpsons may have sharper lines and a wider colour palette, but it completely lacks the character and personality that the old animation had. It's just so... stiff and lifeless. Shit, just look at the way Marge's hair moves in the top image, compared to the bottom image where it just remains totally static. :(

Urban Legend
« Reply #804 on: 10-22-2014 17:22 »

The 22 minute-length is really bothering me. I hope they manage to pull this off without making it feel super rushed/underwhelming.

I would have loved it if they had made this a 90-minute straight-to-DVD deal, like the 4 Futurama movies.

I'd have loved it if they just went all out and made this the second The Simpsons Movie.

I mean, hell, it's a big enough plot to justify it (something that they struggled to find when making the first film) and it's basically the only way we'd ever get a real Futurama movie.

I hope that they, at least, are open to sequels to the crossover in subsequent seasons. 22 minutes just feels like a waste.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #805 on: 10-28-2014 01:32 »

Sequels would obviously be pretty cool; but I'd definitely predict a 'Simpsons Guy' sequel way before a 'Simpsorama' sequel; and even before those, different crossovers altogether.

Still, though, it's Simpsons, so the writers most likely just want to do more Simpsons above anything else.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #806 on: 10-28-2014 02:08 »

Unfortunately, The Simpsons doesn't have the best track record with sequel episodes (even dating back to the golden age... Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? > Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?). Just look at how Days of Future Future essentially took a giant dump on everything that made Holidays of Future Passed so special (for those unfamiliar, the latter is generally regarded as one of the best current-era episodes of The Simpsons). If this crossover actually turns out to be good, I'd rather just leave it with its dignity in tact.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #807 on: 10-28-2014 10:08 »

leave it with its dignity in tact.

In Tact: Tactful. Done out of sensitivity.

Intact: whole, undamaged.

TMC: Self-appointed word police.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #808 on: 10-29-2014 03:17 »

You and your tactless tactics!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #809 on: 10-31-2014 15:48 »

Maurice LaMarche posted this to Facebook less than 24 hours ago:

Quote from: Maurice LaMarche
Got my first look at "Simpso-rama", the big Simpsons/Futurama crossover episode that will air on FOX on Nov 9, and I'm thrilled to tell you the segments I saw are really, REALLY funny. As in, I had trouble looping my lines, because the material is so damn good. Man! Do we really have to say goodbye to these characters forever?

Also, isn't it time for a new news thread?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #810 on: 11-01-2014 06:54 »

I dunno, I heard this one was DEFINITELY the last Futurama News Thread ever.

Space Pope
« Reply #811 on: 11-01-2014 07:30 »

I dunno, I heard this one was DEFINITELY the last Futurama News Thread ever.

...maybe... :shifty:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #812 on: 11-01-2014 13:33 »

I shall construct a new news thread.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #813 on: 11-03-2014 15:55 »
« Last Edit on: 11-03-2014 15:57 by totalnerduk »

I shall construct a new news thread.

This one isn't closed yet. Don't be a jackass.

Edit: Ah, I see I'm a little late in saying that. You've already done it.

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