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Author Topic: Futurama has a future (don't get your hopes up!)  (Read 4952 times)
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Urban Legend
« Reply #40 on: 08-03-2002 18:23 »

we probably will never get a theatrical release, but we could get a striaght-to-video one maybe, possibly....if we're lucky..and if we beg...oh who am i kidding? They've already smothered the life out of it, when's the funeral?
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #41 on: 08-03-2002 18:58 »

Originally posted by Venus:
when's the funeral?

FUNERAL!?! You think FOX would even give it a funeral? More like dump it in a ditch somewhere...  :mad:

Starship Captain
« Reply #42 on: 08-05-2002 20:27 »

Originally posted by Ben:
Harsh realities, meaness, bubble bursting spiel, etc etc...

Just bring me right down to earth why don't you. There I was, living quite happily in cloud cukoo land, when Big Bad Ben comes along and BAM!.
Big Bad Bubble Bursting Ben, thats what we all call you. Meanie.
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #43 on: 09-13-2002 06:06 »

There's a new article on C4 teletext now, discussing Futurama's move to Cartoon Network.

One unsettling thing - the article continually refers to the show as "axed".  Now I know C4 are not the most reliable source of information, but is it possible this guy knows something we don't?

Space Pope
« Reply #44 on: 09-13-2002 18:32 »

Maybe they're talking about the ax they chop up the episodes with.  :p

Bending Unit
« Reply #45 on: 08-06-2004 04:59 »

well it seems ironic that the show Friends is still airing on fox even thought they stoped production them selves. and Futurama just gets booted off of fox right after the last episode. They treat Frieds like royalty and they treat Futurama like a piece of trash. I HATE FOX!!!!!!!

Bending Unit
« Reply #46 on: 08-06-2004 09:16 »

A massive bump there, Lrrrr.  (It's dated Sep 2002, if you hadn't noticed.)

well it seems ironic that the show Friends is still airing on fox even thought they stoped production them selves. and Futurama just gets booted off of fox right after the last episode.

Yes, that has been pointed out a lot.  There are tonnes of posts on PEEL (and all over the internet) that demonstrate FOX's stupid executives.

If you do a little research, you'll learn about the whole "FOX hated Futurama all along".  I won't go into it, you can use a search engine and find out, or wait for someone else to say it.  It's a story that's been repeated and morphed as much as the story of the life of Jesus.  Okay, not quite as much as that, but you get the idea  ;)

Otherwise, benevuto a PEEL!

"Welcome to PEEL", for those of you who can't guess.
Action Jacktion

« Reply #47 on: 08-06-2004 09:34 »

Friends was originally on NBC, not Fox; you must have seen it in syndication.  And for a few weeks after the last episode of Futurama, Fox did air reruns, at least once showing two episodes in one night.  I think at that point they finally realized it was popular on Cartoon Network and made one last effort to cash in.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #48 on: 08-06-2004 14:51 »

Yeah, I think that Action Jacktion is right. I believe that Fox had a double-feature sort of thing a week or two after the final episode. I'm pretty sure they showed "Less than Hero" and "The Why of Fry", and that was the last I ever saw it on Fox.

Bending Unit
« Reply #49 on: 08-06-2004 18:56 »
« Last Edit on: 08-06-2004 18:56 »

Originally posted by mic:
A massive bump there, Lrrrr.  (It's dated Sep 2002, if you hadn't noticed.)

yeah i know it was quite a bump but then again i only joined here about a month ago so im sure you could understand    :p
Tongue Luck

Starship Captain
« Reply #50 on: 08-07-2004 06:14 »

Reading through this thread, I see why the off topic section is so booming here. Must be rough having the same conversation for two years.

Bending Unit
« Reply #51 on: 08-07-2004 07:46 »

Damn, I was so happy reading that fox was gonna air 16 more episodes.. and then I read that the season 2 DVD Box would be released soon...

Please don't torture me again that way.  ;)
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #52 on: 08-07-2004 17:24 »

Originally posted by Tongue Luck:
Reading through this thread, I see why the off topic section is so booming here. Must be rough having the same conversation for two years.

u have no idea. I hate seeing threads being bumped from long ago when PEELers still had hope that their beloved show would return to them....

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #53 on: 08-07-2004 17:39 »
« Last Edit on: 08-07-2004 17:39 »

Wow, wasn't I the optimistic newbie back then?

Well, at least the new members can see we weren't always the cynical, disillusioned bubblebursters  we are today. Ben made us see the light.   :p

Urban Legend
« Reply #54 on: 08-07-2004 17:56 »

Friends wasn't on FOX, rather on NBC.  Who knows?  Maybe those missing 16 episodes will go on DVD.  One can only hope.  The shows FOX treats like royality are, "American Idol", "The Simpsons", Malcolm in the Middle", and all those other reality TV Shows and Dysfuctional Family sitcoms they show. 

FOX seems to worship American Idol.  I'll never watch FOX again, not after for what they did to Futurama.  Why did FOX hate that show so much?

Bending Unit
« Reply #55 on: 08-07-2004 18:00 »

because they have their head so far up their ass that they couldn't see the light

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #56 on: 08-07-2004 18:08 »

Originally posted by KurtPikachu2001:
Friends wasn't on FOX, rather on NBC.  Who knows?  Maybe those missing 16 episodes will go on DVD.  One can only hope.

As a European who owns all 4 DVD sets, I can persoanlly guarantee you those 16 episodes are on DVD. You might also know them as McSeason 5.  :rolleyes:

Bending Unit
« Reply #57 on: 08-07-2004 20:15 »
« Last Edit on: 08-07-2004 20:15 »

I don't know about you guys but I think all of us should email fox and harass them untill they have no choice and if they axe it well harass them even more.......I mean it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Who's with me....................oh wait they could just ignore the emails and calls.  But who cares who's with me.  By the way Teral tell me if you got my fanfic It's a Wonderful Life. you emailed me earlier but I think I sent it this time.  Ohh yeah one more thing whose with me!!!!!!!!!!!Wait who am I kiddin we are B.O.N.E.D .  I mean come on competing against American Idol,well as good old Bender said another t.v. show canceled before it's time.  Ahh cheese it I'm out see ya.

Starship Captain
« Reply #58 on: 08-07-2004 21:25 »

Someday Futurama may have a future in the hands of a network who actually cares, like the Cartoon Network.  Matt, David, and all those other wonderful guys made a HUGE mistake in allowing a station owned by Rupert Murdoch (a money-driven jerkwad) and a bunch of conservatives who are willing to cut the poorly-rated good shows to keep making money off of lowbrow crap to air such a blessing to the airwaves.  (I've been reading a lot of political novels lately.  :))

« Reply #59 on: 08-07-2004 21:49 »

Can you believe Fox is going to re-air Family Guy!  I mean I respect the show but it's no Futurama.  Those fools at Fox need to get their priorities straight.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #60 on: 08-07-2004 23:19 »
« Last Edit on: 08-07-2004 23:19 »

Originally posted by nemesis2me:
Can you believe Fox is going to re-air Family Guy!  I mean I respect the show but it's no Futurama.  Those fools at Fox need to get their priorities straight.

all those capitalist Bourgeois pigs at FOX care about is $$$$$$$, not the fanbase or the episode quality.

EDIT: By the Way, welcome to PEEL nemesis2me! Enjoy your time here and stay off my lawn.
"Hasta la victoria siempre!"

Urban Legend
« Reply #61 on: 08-08-2004 05:45 »

For every extra exclamtion mark and elipse, God kills a piglet.

And damn you for bumping this thread, Lrrr! To the bowels of Hades with thee! :P

And Futurama's fanbase, while nothing to sniff at, it seems, isn't particularly massive. A qucik Google search provide 6,000,000 + hits for Family Guy, and 'only' 1,000,000 + hits for Futurama.

Conclusion? Find a new interest. And hold a tiny vigal for your lost love. And buy that crummy merchandise! Some of it isn't even crummy!

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #62 on: 08-08-2004 06:45 »

Originally posted by SlackJawedMoron:
And Futurama's fanbase, while nothing to sniff at, it seems, isn't particularly massive. A qucik Google search provide 6,000,000 + hits for Family Guy, and 'only' 1,000,000 + hits for Futurama.

"Family guy" only produce slightly above 500000 hits, while family guy (no quotation marks) give 6000000+ hits, but then oou get all sites with those two words.

Originally posted by nasty pasty:
all those capitalist Bourgeois pigs at FOX care about is $$$$$$$, not the fanbase or the episode quality.

well, duh. They're a company, ofcourse they're only in it for the profit. Thinking otherwise would be naive. What's sad, is Futurama could have turned into a profitable show with a little support and advertisement from FOX.

Urban Legend
« Reply #63 on: 08-08-2004 06:51 »

Really Teral?  :hmpf: I guess my google-fu is no good.  :p

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #64 on: 08-08-2004 07:08 »

Study hard you will, young padawan. One day, Google-Jedi you be.

« Reply #65 on: 08-11-2004 19:41 »

Does anyone have any recent Futurama news??
Starship Captain
« Reply #66 on: 08-11-2004 19:49 »

Welcome to PEEL nemesis2me.  :)

You'll want to have a look at this.

And if there's any new Futurama news, it most likely will be on CGEF.
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