Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Just for a tiny fraction of a second Leela pondered whether she should push or pull the knife.Rather than correcting him, Leela found it to be more efficient just to head-butt Fry whenever he acted stupid.
Neither of them were ever any good at Blindmans Buff.
Zed 85
Space Pope
« Reply #696 on: 10-20-2002 11:25 »
« Last Edit on: 10-21-2002 00:00 »
Originally posted by Teral:
Trying to be more romantic, Fry and Leela decided trying some old Arakanesh kissing techniques - it didn't work...
Starship Captain
In the confusion following the crash, Fry saw his chance and slowly reached out for Leela's....
Andrea Huckstep
Bending Unit
Leela should have learned that there was absolutely "No running" allowed while the floor was wet
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
No matter how depressed you are, always try to keep your chin up....or this could happen!!
Space Pope
And so, Fry and Leela fall prey to the bane of all relationships: incompatible upper lips.