Space Pilot 3000 and the last one I saw was conviniently The Devils hand Are Idle Play things. Hopefully not the last but it will be!
I must have been 12 when I first watched "The Honking". My mum was the excited one though:
"Oh, this is by the guy who does the simpsons! (small "s" ) "
It was funny, but I didn't really get into it until a couple of years ago when an older friend brought the 3rd season round.
I bought a seriously scratched second season (an SSSS) from a friend and was hooked!
I've always liked it but never knew how much I loved it until the last episode (and until I learnt that it was the last episode lol)
"Amoazon Women In The Mood"
*crushed pelvises*
my first one was Parisites lost (don't laugh) well the first one i saw fully i saw bits of other episodes as i did my channel flipping but that was it I didn't watch another episode until I saw Bender shouldn't be allowed on tv which you could say brought me into futurama
I really can't remember the first one I'd ever seen. The only thing I remember about it was thinking bender was Homer Simpson in a Robot suit. Hah.
The first one I'd ever watched fully was Amazon Women in the Mood, though.
slurm junkie
sweet zombie jesus
im 38, and im supposed to remember my first futurama?
the first futurama that made me cry was jurassic bark!@
poor dog....
Ah, first one was Space Pilot 3000. And I'm glad, I don't think I'd understand it much if I didn't see that one first, haha. It was in the summer of 2005, I believe. One of the best summers of my life, just cause of Futurama. I'm sad arn't I. Well anyway, my brother-in-law suggested the show to me, and I was bored, so decided to watch an episode with him (apparently he had all of the episodes saved on his computer) and so we did, and ended up watching 2 or 3 episodes a day, in order. We never skipped days, and man, I loved that show. When he told me it got canceled, I was like, really upset. IMO, Futurama is WAY better than the Simpsons. Haha well sorry for sharing that long story =P
My first episode was Love's Labour's Lost in Space, although I had seen tiny bits of episodes before hand.
A Pharaoh to Remember on AS I think...although the furst episode I saw straight through may have been Kif Gets Knocked Up...
Obsoletely Fabulous I was meant to be sitting up at the table eating dinner, but my dad made a deal with me so I could watch it
Mine was A Leela of Her Own, at the part where she was pitching. I was probably around 10 or 11, since it was close to when I moved...but since that, I tried to find the show again on tv. I found it again when I was 12 and woke up at 1 AM every night to watch it. Thus began the obsession.
DOOP Secretary
Mine was "Amazon Women in the Mood" or "Crimes of the Hot"..... I can't remember which one.....
space piolot 3000 was my first it is amazing and i think the houmor in it is legednd
I'm not sure if theres already a post about this, but whats the first episode you remember watching.. for some reason I feel like it was the pilot but seems unlikely.
OR its when Fry moves in with Bender lol the last scene where Fry finds the room in the back just brings back memories. (Episode 3 - I, Roommate)
Urban Legend
I remember being excited for the premiere when it first came on, with everyone calling me SpaceMaN and all. It put interests of mine all together, so I knew I'd love it. Space, check. Cartoons, check. Bad-ass, smart-mouthed, beer-guzzling robot with a soft spot for porn, check. Plus being frozen and getting away from all this bullshit would be a great experience, and I still wish it would happen to me. I think the same thing when I read The Stand though.
I watched every episode when it aired the first season, probably missed a couple in season 2, saw a few in 3 and 4. I bought all the DVD's when I found them though, including the movies.