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Author Topic: Thoughts on 7ACV06 - The Butterjunk Effect - SPOILERS!  (Read 21167 times)
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PEE Poll: Thoughts on 7ACV06 - The Butterjunk Effect - SPOILERS !
1/10 Garbage   -5 (6.5%)
2/10 Hate it   -0 (0%)
3/10 Really Bad   -4 (5.2%)
4/10 Not worth my time   -4 (5.2%)
5/10 It's not real bad   -2 (2.6%)
6/10 It's okay   -20 (26%)
7/10 Kind of good   -15 (19.5%)
8/10 Good episode   -18 (23.4%)
9/10 Great Episode   -5 (6.5%)
10/10 Surprisingly Awesome!   -4 (5.2%)
Total Members Voted: 77


« Reply #40 on: 07-19-2012 20:14 »

I'll admit I did think this episode was okay, but honestly, Micheal Rowe should be taking lessons about Futurama Character Traits, because he really doesn't seem to show his knowledge of it. He wrote "Fry Am the Eggman" and "Proposition Infinity". He also wrote "Bend Her" too.

I did like those two eps though, but I hated "Bend Her".

Starship Captain
« Reply #41 on: 07-19-2012 20:15 »

Maybe some kajigger in Leela's brain got blorked in "Rebirth" when she was revived by the stem cell brew too late.  Now she hates animals.  I don't f@#&ing know.

« Reply #42 on: 07-19-2012 20:17 »
« Last Edit on: 07-20-2012 08:15 »

Vebber's episodes are always either hits or big ol' strike outs.. never any middle of the road episodes from him.

(And you may not know this.. but Vebber has litterally written for most animated shows from.. show's as old as SGC2C to new shows like American Dad.)

Rowe's episodes are either bad... or middle of the road.

(Rowe has written for *shudder* things like The Nanny)

But they get confused alot.. b/c of similar writing styles and similar eps.

For example:

Vebber = Wooden Bender = Awesome.

Rowe = Olympic Girl Bender = Okay.

SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #43 on: 07-19-2012 20:19 »

Bend Her was probably my favourite episode, or at least one of them.   Hail, hail Robonia...

« Reply #44 on: 07-19-2012 20:22 »
« Last Edit on: 07-19-2012 20:24 »

Bend Her was probably my favourite episode, or at least one of them.   Hail, hail Robonia...

Prof: Not for you, not for Bender, but for the proud people of Robonia!

Bender: All.. hail.. Robonia...... land.. I didn't make up!!!

It's a very funny one... but the story was lame.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #45 on: 07-19-2012 20:26 »

I really enjoyed it.   I prefer simple stories that are well told like Bend Her or Love and Rocket, rather then episodes that try to do too much and end up stunting all their good ideas, like Neutopia/Butterjunk and Thief of Baghead.  It helps that there are so many great lines in it.   
Professor Zoidy

Urban Legend
« Reply #46 on: 07-19-2012 21:00 »

TLFs alternate ending:
Fry flies into the arena, the "murder" team is distracted by the smell and sight giving Amy and Leela the chance to rip their wings off and the bad guys plummet into the lava, screaming and then once they hit the lava (offscreen) they do the 'comic' reaction of being burnt: shooting up into the air with a trail of smoke behind them, bums on fire.
Everyone cheers as Leela and Amy wave to the crowd ("Winners don't use drugs!")
[Cut to next scene:]
A squirming ButterFry lying on the table with the Professor prodding, accidentally prods a hole and goo comes squirting out, but then does Frys fist! Fry smashes some of the bug casing before a joyous Leela starts helping, consequently covering everyone in goo.
Fry crawls out, naked and covered in the goo which Hermes questions 'what is this stuff?' to which the Professor looks through a scope and answers 'It appears to be some kind of regenerative mucus, but where did it come from?"
Fry promptly sneezes out the goo. Bender:"That explains it." Collective "eww"
Bam. Le end


You're hired. That would've made tenfold more sense because it's often done in the series.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #47 on: 07-19-2012 21:58 »

Bend Her was probably my favourite episode, or at least one of them.   Hail, hail Robonia...

Oh, it's definitely the best episode that has Mike Rowe's name on it, and I don't even mean that as a lesser-of-all-evils thing: "Bend Her" is one of my all-time favorites of the series. It's wacky (like last night's episode), it's highly quotable (like last night's episode), and it makes the characters sympathetic despite the craziness they're caught up in (like last night's episode). I think the first two acts of "The Butterjunk Effect" were totally on-par with Rowe's best work.

The problem, again, was with act three--and that's typical of Rowe's lousiest work. Like "Proposition Infinity" (my personal Worst Episode Ever), this episode had a horribly rushed, lazy, barely-explained ending. In PI, Bender does a 180 on the subject of marriage for a contrived reason (monogamy? The very idea!), and Kif turns himself into a badass off-screen to instantly win Amy back; in TBE, Farnsworth claims all hope is lost for Fry, and then Fry immediately emerges from that butterfly without any explanation. And then my head explodes.

I feel like they could've trimmed some stuff from the first two-thirds of the episode so that they could devote more time to the resolution of the whole butterFry thing in act three. And that's what bugs me most about the episode's ending: how unnecessary it is, how easily the writers could've provided the slightest of explanations for Fry's un-transformation by giving themselves a teensy bit of extra time at the end of the episode. Even if it was a lame explanation, at least it would've been something.

I am convinced that the problems with act three have nothing to do with a dearth of ideas for a resolution, and everything to do with an inability to properly pace an episode. As much as I appreciate all the hilarity of acts one and two, I appreciate a half-decent ending even more. I would've happily had fewer laughs in acts one and two, for the sake of more solid storytelling in act three.

I get the vibe from the ending that the writers are proud of their laziness, that they intend for the joke to be something along the lines of "We're not going to explain anything, and we're going to have our characters dumbly bask in their inexplicably good fortune, and then we can all have a chuckle about how stupid our characters are and how random their circumstances are!" But that's annoying, and obnoxious, and kind of troll-y, and it just pisses me off.

« Reply #48 on: 07-19-2012 22:09 »

Bend Her was probably my favourite episode, or at least one of them.   Hail, hail Robonia...
I liked the first act of "Bend Her", but I hated the whole Calculon-love thing from the second act. The third act was better, but I always thought of the episode itself as something overrated by fans. It gets boring after multiple rewatches. But that's just my opinion.  :p
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #49 on: 07-19-2012 22:17 »

Slightly interesting fact: the voice of the trainer (the woman who sold Leela and Amy the Nectar) was Jill Talley who voices...

... in SpongeBob SquarePants (and her husband is the voice of the title character and Abner Doubledeal)

I guess it's really not that interesting, ah well...  :p
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #50 on: 07-19-2012 22:21 »

Really SolidSnake?  I think the opposite, BendHer is underrated if anything.  It's one of those episodes that rarely if ever gets mentioned on here, and if it is, it's on a "worst episode" thread.  I would say Love and Rocket and Bend Her are two of the most undeservedly ignored episodes in the series.  

I agree with you Gorky.  I do get a feeling of the writers being a bit proud of laziness, a bit like the Family Guy episode where Brian flatly retorts to a completely nonsensical plotline: "If you don't like it, go on the internet and complain about it."  It was funny, but at the same time incredibly lazy.  

I think if they wanted to do something like Butterfry, it should have been its own episode since something that odd needs to have its own episode to be built up to, and then resolved, rather then dropped in out of nowhere.  At least in TMAR, they actually came up with a fairly satisfying answer to Fry not being a mutant.  Here?  They didn't even bother.  

No, I actually do like that, Boxy.  Karen was always one of the best characters in Spongebob, even if she didn't get all that much screentime.

« Reply #51 on: 07-19-2012 22:41 »

Really SolidSnake?  I think the opposite, BendHer is underrated if anything.  It's one of those episodes that rarely if ever gets mentioned on here, and if it is, it's on a "worst episode" thread.  I would say Love and Rocket and Bend Her are two of the most undeservedly ignored episodes in the series. 

I agree with you Gorky.  I do get a feeling of the writers being a bit proud of laziness, a bit like the Family Guy episode where Brian flatly retorts to a completely nonsensical plotline: "If you don't like it, go on the internet and complain about it."  It was funny, but at the same time incredibly lazy. 

I think if they wanted to do something like Butterfry, it should have been its own episode since something that odd needs to have its own episode to be built up to, and then resolved, rather then dropped in out of nowhere.  At least in TMAR, they actually came up with a fairly satisfying answer to Fry not being a mutant.  Here?  They didn't even bother. 

No, I actually do like that, Boxy.  Karen was always one of the best characters in Spongebob, even if she didn't get all that much screentime.
I have only met people who really liked the episode, I never met anybody who has said it was a "not-so-good" ep. Although there may be people in the CGEF-Reviews who spam it in that way. But i'm not saying it's a bad ep, it's just one I prefer not to watch alot.

But I do like "Love and Rocket" alot. I find it as a classic....
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #52 on: 07-19-2012 22:51 »
« Last Edit on: 07-19-2012 22:54 »

What you just said does seem to be what most people think about the episode (as well as a few others, like Love and Rocket and I dated a Robot), if they don't outright hate it.   I think it's an episode that doesn't really get the love it deserves.  Same with the other two I mentioned.

But yeah, I really wish they would have Fry's hair down more, like here.  http://theinfosphere.org/Storyboard:The_Butterjunk_Effect  It just captures his boyish charm so well, that it actually counts as fanservice for me.   :D
« Reply #53 on: 07-20-2012 01:10 »

Not to bad, I liked the first and Second act. Bender really made it a better episode for me. Especially after they "beat" necter. Bender promptly says "I don't give a crap"

I especially loved the Gasps from bender when he found Amy and Fry together.

Does this mean that Fry and Leela are dating now? I didn't quite understand the boyfriend mentioning.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #54 on: 07-20-2012 01:26 »

Amy/Fry, Leela sharing Fry, Fry enjoying being shared? ... just no. >< I thought Fry had made it clear he had a one girlfriend policy

I can only remember when he said he's not a one-woman man in Put Your Head on My Shoulder.

With a certain interpretation, Leela could be considered wanting a "several-woman-man", as long as she is part of that group  :p

E.g. Rebirth: "As long as Robo-Leela's not a jealous type like me, thing will wor"
Let's face it: Nearly EVERYONE suspected and had a certain idea how things might work ;)
TBE*: Leela saying she feels a little "left out"....

Yep, those phrases could be subject to so many interpretations... :p :D

* Just caught a few snippets when searching for a butterfry screenshot. So -as I have not seen that episode- I might have posted above comment rather out of context. Though I somehow doubt it... ;)
Starship Captain
« Reply #55 on: 07-20-2012 01:31 »

kinda weak.  It seemed like they had an idea for a plot but couldn't figure out how to make it work, so they just showed alot of Leela and Amy half-naked.

Nothing wrong with that. (Okay, so I'm a straight single male ...)

Ever since "Thief of the Baghead" episode, episodes started becoming ice cold. Except for "Zapp Dingbat".

Hot sex with Zapp!

it's several ideas that would have made great standalone episodes mashed together, causing the plot to be all over the place, and for each storyline to be wasted since 20 minutes is not enough for multiple storylines to develop properly

My main complaint is that there weren't enough ideas. The ones mentioned are all connected, so it's just one thread. There was no B-story here; everything was related to the Butterfly Derby.


And I agree that the ending was artificial, and sudden. But remember (at the end of When Aliens Attack): "At the end of the episode, everything's always right back to normal."

New topics related to this episode:

(1) Anyone got the text of the quote at the end about violence being interrupted by sex? It summarizes the weird sex/violence dynamic related to the USA.

(2) At the end of Overclockwise, Bender writes out the future of Leela and Fry. Leela slaps Fry at one point, and in the commentary, someone says that the incident that prompted that slap had already been written (and would presumably show up this season). So ... Was Fry and Amy sleeping together what caused Leela to slap Fry? (Remember that Bender might not have provided ALL of the details; he might have just written: "Amy gets in bed with Fry.")
« Reply #56 on: 07-20-2012 01:37 »

(2) At the end of Overclockwise, Bender writes out the future of Leela and Fry. Leela slaps Fry at one point, and in the commentary, someone says that the incident that prompted that slap had already been written (and would presumably show up this season). So ... Was Fry and Amy sleeping together what caused Leela to slap Fry? (Remember that Bender might not have provided ALL of the details; he might have just written: "Amy gets in bed with Fry.")
Actually this one makes a lot of sense, maybe the episode "Fry and Leelas big fling" comes in as the end of what they read in Benders letter?
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #57 on: 07-20-2012 01:51 »

I have to disagree with Ford.  They were all connected by a thread, but the plot jumped around all over the place at breakneck speed.  One minute they were on the butterfly derby, next they were getting addicted, next they were on amibios 9 getting necter, then amy was trying to molest fry, then the whole butterfy thing happened.  Too much in one episode.

Urban Legend
« Reply #58 on: 07-20-2012 01:57 »

The fact that Amy and Leela wore some sexy costumes and made out with Fry made this episode awesome.
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #59 on: 07-20-2012 03:22 »

@Tastes Like Fry: I too thoroughly enjoyed that visual gag of Fry hiding behind Hermes. He and Bender were the best parts of this episode (except or the butterFry, that was weird).
The ButterFry I didn't think was too bad, they just didn't play it right. This episode needs more Bender.

Personal attacks on Micheal Rowe isn't right people - kay, so this episode wasn't recieved well by us and there was some continuity issues with character traits, but there are, what, several editors working on the story? and would Cohen and Matt have looked at it at some point?

I'll admit I did think this episode was okay, but honestly, Micheal Rowe should be taking lessons about Futurama Character Traits, because he really doesn't seem to show his knowledge of it. He wrote "Fry Am the Eggman" and "Proposition Infinity". He also wrote "Bend Her" too.
I think as time goes on we're just going to get more critical - I liked all those episodes. Perhaps he should stick to Bender stories, those are episode gems.

TLFs alternate ending:
Fry flies into the arena, the "murder" team is distracted by the smell and sight giving Amy and Leela the chance to rip their wings off and the bad guys plummet into the lava, screaming and then once they hit the lava (offscreen) they do the 'comic' reaction of being burnt: shooting up into the air with a trail of smoke behind them, bums on fire.
Everyone cheers as Leela and Amy wave to the crowd ("Winners don't use drugs!")
[Cut to next scene:]
A squirming ButterFry lying on the table with the Professor prodding, accidentally prods a hole and goo comes squirting out, but then does Frys fist! Fry smashes some of the bug casing before a joyous Leela starts helping, consequently covering everyone in goo.
Fry crawls out, naked and covered in the goo which Hermes questions 'what is this stuff?' to which the Professor looks through a scope and answers 'It appears to be some kind of regenerative mucus, but where did it come from?"
Fry promptly sneezes out the goo. Bender:"That explains it." Collective "eww"
Bam. Le end


You're hired. That would've made tenfold more sense because it's often done in the series.
Yeah, that's why I wrote it. It's not that hard xD And thank you! <3

Amy/Fry, Leela sharing Fry, Fry enjoying being shared? ... just no. >< I thought Fry had made it clear he had a one girlfriend policy

I can only remember when he said he's not a one-woman man in Put Your Head on My Shoulder.
Yeah, but I was thinking of a more recent BWABB, and even though Yivo messed that up for a bit, I think Fry went back to that - Since the movies he's never really been with anyone else but Leela (and ever so briefly with the Mayors wife) that I can remember.

With a certain interpretation, Leela could be considered wanting a "several-woman-man", as long as she is part of that group  :p
Leelas a bit cross when she finds out Amy tricked Fry into (uh, like about ten seconds worth) "sleeping" with her - she gets cross at Fry, but then in her nectar induced state she (and Amy) are focused on kissing him, and the more nectar they consumed the more they didn't care, so I think it was very much the nectar talking... and groping.

E.g. Rebirth: "As long as Robo-Leela's not a jealous type like me, thing will wor"
Let's face it: Nearly EVERYONE suspected and had a certain idea how things might work ;)
TBE*: Leela saying she feels a little "left out"....

Yep, those phrases could be subject to so many interpretations... :p :D

* Just caught a few snippets when searching for a butterfry screenshot. So -as I have not seen that episode- I might have posted above comment rather out of context. Though I somehow doubt it... ;)
I thought with Leela saying that the Robot Leela is not a jealous type was a scene where she wasn't going to let robo Leela touch him and being very jealous, cause they're, y'know the jealous type. If a dual Leela threesome was what Human Leela wanted, then Robo Leela would have wanted it as well.

Leela feels left out cause it's her boyfriend and someone else... at least that's my interpretation, cause at this point she's not taking Nectar anymore.

Random thought: If there's no room for a subplot, then the main plot is too damn long/too much happening/too complicated. Bender should have had his own subplot for this episode.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #60 on: 07-20-2012 03:28 »

I didn't actually pay attention to the ending, but apparently I am informed there were mutilations at play. And thusly, my hatred for the writers this season grows with intensity. Why is this show becoming a Simpsons spinoff? And what's with all these dumb plots? Didn't they used to be a delivery company, as they pointed out before? Lol.
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #61 on: 07-20-2012 03:31 »

There's a delivery coming... don't know when, but they obviously make a big deal out of it

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #62 on: 07-20-2012 05:12 »

There were a number of funny jokes (everything with Bender was great...I'm telling you, he could be a breakout character!), but man was the story in this a mess. I didn't feel anyone was OUT of character, but it just felt so rushed and the characters felt like they were just moving from plot point to convenient plot point without much real motivation. It isn't out of character for Amy and Leela to suddenly join this fighting league, or start abusing this Nectar substance, or what have you, but they just decide to do these things WAAAAY too quickly and with no buildup. It felt like the characters themselves were just thinking "well, this is the next thing we have to do in the plot," and there wasn't any motivation that would be made it more interesting.

This is the second or third time this has happened this season. I'm not too worried, but I hope the next few episodes have stronger stories.

Not a bad episode, still reasonably funny, entertaining, etc. But not one of the better post-revival outings.

Space Pope
« Reply #63 on: 07-20-2012 05:53 »

Rowe has written the following episodes:
 "Bend Her"
 "Bender's Game" (Credited for Part 3)
 "Proposition Infinity"
 "The Futurama Holiday Spectacular"
 "Fry am the Egg Man"
 "The Butterjunk Effect"

Wow... that's a really, really poor history of episodes. Bend Her and Fry am the Egg Man are the only ones there that aren't sub-par...  :hmpf:

« Reply #64 on: 07-20-2012 06:11 »
« Last Edit on: 07-20-2012 06:24 »

Didn't they used to be a delivery company, as they pointed out before? Lol.
Well they did show the crew delivering MOON ROCKS to the moon at the beginning of this ep (which was a very poor joke to me). But hey, we only seen half of what may be a great season! I thought it's been pretty good! Although I am not a fan of "Thief of Baghead" since it's just filled with References, but it's still a enjoyable ep.

Rowe has written the following episodes:
 "Bend Her"
 "Bender's Game" (Credited for Part 3)
 "Proposition Infinity"
 "The Futurama Holiday Spectacular"
 "Fry am the Egg Man"
 "The Butterjunk Effect"

Wow... that's a really, really poor history of episodes. Bend Her and Fry am the Egg Man are the only ones there that aren't sub-par...  :hmpf:
I guess we shouldn't have expected much from this writer. :hmpf: I did like "Fry Am The Eggman" alot though. And also this ep somewhat.

Urban Legend
« Reply #65 on: 07-20-2012 06:44 »

I didn't actually pay attention to the ending, but apparently I am informed there were mutilations at play.

I don't recall any mutilations. :confused:

Didn't they used to be a delivery company, as they pointed out before? Lol.

They usually average about 4 or so deliveries per season and we've seen one delivery so far in 6 episodes of a 26 episode season (if you count the moon rocks in this episode).

As for Mike Rowe episodes having jokes about Leela hurting animals, you can't actually blame Mike Rowe for every one-liner in an episode where he's the credited writer. Most of the jokes are written collaboratively by all the writers. It's not like one writer just goes out and writes a whole finished episode as we see it on TV.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #66 on: 07-20-2012 07:28 »

Rowe has written the following episodes:
 "Bend Her"
 "Bender's Game" (Credited for Part 3)
 "Proposition Infinity"
 "The Futurama Holiday Spectacular"
 "Fry am the Egg Man"
 "The Butterjunk Effect"

Wow... that's a really, really poor history of episodes. Bend Her and Fry am the Egg Man are the only ones there that aren't sub-par...  :hmpf:

Hm...I would  consider "Bender's Game" as a better movie (a point of view probably not shared by too many).
As stated before: Futurama imhO sometimes tries to spoof just too much.
Yet -by avoiding EVERY cliche, but trying to give EVERYTHING a new twist- you can easily stray away from the original too much. E.g BBB: It was meant as monster movie (and also religious) spoof.  Yet the result was just weird.
Bender's Game was at least rather spot-on, and stayed close to the RPG setting.

Space Pope
« Reply #67 on: 07-20-2012 07:38 »

Rowe has written the following episodes:
 "Bend Her"
 "Bender's Game" (Credited for Part 3)
 "Proposition Infinity"
 "The Futurama Holiday Spectacular"
 "Fry am the Egg Man"
 "The Butterjunk Effect"

Wow... that's a really, really poor history of episodes. Bend Her and Fry am the Egg Man are the only ones there that aren't sub-par...  :hmpf:

Hm...I would  consider "Bender's Game" as a better movie (a point of view probably not shared by too many).
As stated before: Futurama imhO sometimes tries to spoof just too much.
Yet -by avoiding EVERY cliche, but trying to give EVERYTHING a new twist- you can easily stray away from the original too much. E.g BBB: It was meant as monster movie (and also religious) spoof.  Yet the result was just weird.
Bender's Game was at least rather spot-on, and stayed close to the RPG setting.

He's credited for part 3, which is right where the entire movie fell apart.

I could rant on about how I feel about Bender's Game, but I'll save that for another time.

Starship Captain
« Reply #68 on: 07-20-2012 07:39 »

I don't recall any mutilations. :confused:
I can't either.  All I can think of is when Fry gets crushed under a moon rock in the first act, or if you count Fry's transformation into the butterfly as mutilation I guess.  Both of those are reaching though, by the definition of mutilation.

« Reply #69 on: 07-20-2012 08:18 »
« Last Edit on: 07-20-2012 08:19 »

He's credited for part 3, which is right where the entire movie fell apart.

I totally agree with that.
Professor Zoidy

Urban Legend
« Reply #70 on: 07-20-2012 09:17 »

There's a delivery coming... don't know when, but they obviously make a big deal out of it
Damnit, just what I wanted. Another thing to want to cosplay... :laff: 

But seriously, Rowe is unfortunately credited with what we at PEEL consider to be a lotta sub-par material. But we can't solely blame him because the script passes through so many hands before it reaches the end of the line. Basically, everyone is responsible for Bender's Game's ending that laid a finger on it and/or gave it the green light.

Also I think DotheBartman is spot-on. As he said, the characters aren't written wrong per say, it's more of an issue that it's just so rushed it feels off.
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #71 on: 07-20-2012 10:47 »

I was actually enjoying it so much that I could almost forgive the ending for being a bit daft. On its own it probably have been an atrocious ending, but I was still in a good mood following the rest of the episode and felt it was deliberately trying to be a joke in itself. One of the funnier episodes this season in general, I loved some of the visual gags as well as the one-liners, I enjoyed seeing the double-date scenario, the return of Kif's parents and the Derby plot didn't seem as far-fetched as some other episodes.

About Leela's mentioning of animal cruelty - I mean on a more serious note, bad writing and characterisation is one thing but it's blatantly obvious that Leela is generally a humongous hypocrite as has been discussed before. But I think slipping those throw-away jokes in appeals to finding humour through absurdity. I mean, we all know how malevolent Bender is and his comments that refer to this trait can still be funny. But having such an otherwise sanctimonious character such as Leela utter throwaway remarks about behaving in a totally contrary manner, in my opinion, are there to get a laugh - because sometimes you just have to laugh at something that sounds wrong. Or get mad about it.

/edit - 8/10 BTW

Urban Legend
« Reply #72 on: 07-20-2012 11:37 »

Bad premise, awful plotting that made very little sense and was full of horribly contrived and lazily written elements, but probably the most consistent episode of season 7 on the gag-front.

Pretty much all of this season so far has been consistent for me in that it's very hard to pick a best or a worst, but they've all been awful. I hate what seems to be happening to my favourite show.

At least this was my least anticipated episode of the new season and the next 5 make up the episodes I've been actually looking forwards to. If the show is going to find redemption, it's with the next 5 weeks.

« Reply #73 on: 07-20-2012 12:58 »

I thought this episode was ok, gave it a 7/10

I thought Fry (as always) and Kiff were cute and they seem to get on well, loved Fry's "It's not easy being a derby wife"  :laff:

However it all went a bit weird at the end with the "mating" and it just ended so quickly, i think i actually jumped a bit when the credits came up, pretty weak ending..

But Bender's line about voice actors and Fry's PJs make my overall opinion of the episode better :)

Delivery Boy
« Reply #74 on: 07-20-2012 13:52 »

This episode was all right, but probably the weakest so far in the season. And almost all of it has to do with the ending-they didn't tie the loose ends up. Amy and Leela recovered from their addiction to nectar remarkably fast, and Fry's morphing into a butterfly was entirely ridiculous. The mating part could have been thrown out easily-it just didn't serve a purpose.
This is pretty unfortunate, as the first and second parts of this episode were very good. Bender was hilarious. The dynamic between Amy and Leela was given some good depth-although the banter and put-downs  between friends is hardly an exclusively female-female thing. It was extremely quotable, and as someone who watches sports fairly frequently I appreciated the nods to modern sports problems with steroids. Kif and Fry work well together, and I wouldn't mind seeing them interact more.  And in my opinion they didn't overdo the fan-service aspect of the sport. 

So like many before me I'll give this one a 6/10. A drop from the last 5 episodes, but it still had its strengths and many funny moments. 

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #75 on: 07-20-2012 19:16 »

I didn't actually pay attention to the ending, but apparently I am informed there were mutilations at play.


« Reply #76 on: 07-20-2012 19:24 »

I think my supermodel girlfriend has implants.  Guys do not have that option.

Of course, that does not excuse having a healthy active lifestyle.

Like me and my girlfriend.

« Reply #77 on: 07-20-2012 19:36 »
« Last Edit on: 07-20-2012 19:38 »

Bad premise, awful plotting that made very little sense and was full of horribly contrived and lazily written elements, but probably the most consistent episode of season 7 on the gag-front.

Pretty much all of this season so far has been consistent for me in that it's very hard to pick a best or a worst, but they've all been awful. I hate what seems to be happening to my favourite show.

At least this was my least anticipated episode of the new season and the next 5 make up the episodes I've been actually looking forwards to. If the show is going to find redemption, it's with the next 5 weeks.
Hey, i'm starting to realize that the 4th, 5th, and 6th production episodes of this season and season 6 are kind of alike. user-ratings-wise. People seemed to hate those episodes of Season 6 just as much as you and others hated them episodes of this season.

Now I'm starting to wonder if the production crew did that on-purposely.......  :hmpf: Well all we know is that the rest of this season looks absolutely great! (not real excited for the Bender-Fox episode, for some strange reason  :rolleyes: )

Bending Unit
« Reply #78 on: 07-20-2012 21:07 »
« Last Edit on: 07-20-2012 22:01 »

I know it's early days, and the gotfuturama episode ratings can be flawed, but I just thought I'd point out that this episode has a not-so-great score of 65%, thus one of the lowest ranked episodes of all time (so far anyway)
Mr Snrub

Urban Legend
« Reply #79 on: 07-20-2012 21:50 »

Early CGEF scores tend to be full of hyperbole anyway (either "Best and Funniest episode ever!" or "Biggest disgrace in futurama history!") so I don't pay a huge amount of attention to it in the early goings.
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