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Author Topic: Newsarama! (Futurama News Thread)  (Read 78796 times)
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Delivery Boy
« Reply #320 on: 09-04-2012 05:11 »

I also think Fry and Leela's big fling will somehow end with them breaking up.

After all, "overclockwise" truly told the future of the couple, wich will end in a happy way. Nevertheless, there was a few times were they seemed upset at each-other (when they read their future) and even exchanged slaps.

My guess is that their immediate relation will be over in that episode, only to come back in another. I am glad, because my favorites episodes of Futurama are when it's all about Fry & Leela's relationship. And time-travel. :)

Space Pope
« Reply #321 on: 09-04-2012 05:51 »

I think I'll avoid the previews for 7B, just so I can watch episodes with the most neutral expectations that I can.

I'm sure that won't stick.  :(

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #322 on: 09-04-2012 05:55 »

I did that for 7A just cos I was so busy. It had its merits. But I missed speculating.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #323 on: 09-04-2012 17:20 »

Everybody wants ponies.

Not me. Or Freako.
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #324 on: 09-04-2012 17:23 »

Everybody wants ponies.

Not me. Or Freako.

Don't you forget about me

Bending Unit
« Reply #325 on: 09-04-2012 18:15 »

Ponies are good with mustard on rye.
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #326 on: 09-05-2012 21:05 »

Ponies are good with mustard on rye.

You monster!
« Reply #327 on: 09-13-2012 08:58 »

Just realized this was never posted:

Anyone have any details about this at all, maybe a transcript?
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #328 on: 09-13-2012 13:17 »

Randomly poking through to see what disc I had on the computer, ended up looking at the deleted scenes from 6ACV (disc 1) and this randomly popped up - foreshadowing?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #329 on: 09-13-2012 21:39 »

Eric Rogers:

"Just saw color screening of what might be my final ep of Futurama... & maybe the best one I've done for the show. #2013 #proud"

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #330 on: 09-14-2012 00:39 »

I think he's just saying "might" because they haven't been renewed yet. But I think they will be. Or else he's quitting the show, which I wouldn't mourn too much?
Just Fan
Starship Captain
« Reply #331 on: 09-14-2012 03:01 »

They definitely haven't been renewed yet.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #332 on: 09-14-2012 22:00 »

They only find out if they're getting renewed in spring 2013.
Mr Snrub

Urban Legend
« Reply #333 on: 09-15-2012 01:41 »

I think I'd be okay with futurama ending after this season, on a relatively high note. We can all agree that the last thing we want is for it to Simpsons itself.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #334 on: 09-15-2012 10:59 »

No - the show needs to end with an epic interstellar war against the Brainspawn, at the end of which EVERYBODY dies!

Urban Legend
« Reply #335 on: 09-15-2012 12:05 »

Coldy's new thing is tragic endings.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #336 on: 09-15-2012 12:12 »

New thing?  I thought it was his thing.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #337 on: 09-15-2012 22:04 »
« Last Edit on: 09-15-2012 22:08 »

A more precise date for finding out if the show's been renewed: sometime in January. Confirmed on Eric Rogers' Twitter.

"@mgmalloy might be... We won't know until January, but this could be it!"

"@HonkyTonkBufalo it's not certain yet, but we won't find out if we are coming back until January. If this is it, it's a great last ep 4 me."

"@SlammedDynasty well we don't know for sure if we are done... We find out in January. But if this is it, it's a great final ep for me."

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #338 on: 09-15-2012 22:08 »

So exactly like last time?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #339 on: 09-15-2012 22:09 »

So exactly like last time?

The public/fans only found out in March last year, and that wasn't even official, it was leaked by Maurice LaMarche.
Mr Snrub

Urban Legend
« Reply #340 on: 09-16-2012 02:33 »

He's done it again! Maurice LaMarche wins the emmy for voice over work in Silence of the Clamps!

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #341 on: 09-16-2012 04:59 »

Wooo, go LaMarche! I didn't much like that episode, but his voice acting was of its usual high standard.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #342 on: 09-16-2012 19:51 »

Fuck yeah! :D Two years in a row!

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #343 on: 09-16-2012 23:36 »

Has Billy West ever received an Emmy? Where's the love for him?
Mr Snrub

Urban Legend
« Reply #344 on: 09-17-2012 00:55 »

That's a good point. Maybe he's too good for the Emmy's. They're beneath him.
« Reply #345 on: 09-17-2012 05:12 »

Awesome, Congrats to LaMarche? Maybe it will help comedy central in their decision making for the series future?

Space Pope
« Reply #346 on: 09-17-2012 06:21 »

Nice! That's a well deserved win.

Sadly, I don't think he'll win it three years in a row. I can't think of any episode from 7A where he had a noticeably amazing performance. Maybe the Thief of Baghead?
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #347 on: 09-17-2012 14:49 »

Yay LaMarche!

But no love for Billy </3

If they were to put an episode up for awards, it should be Fun on a Bun. If not for the voice acting - for the animation and epicness.

Urban Legend
« Reply #348 on: 09-17-2012 16:55 »

Voice acting is its own category, separate from the animated half-hour category. "Fun on a Bun" will almost certainly be next year's Emmy contender.
Mr Snrub

Urban Legend
« Reply #349 on: 09-17-2012 19:43 »

If it's anything like last years nominations, the episode picked will be Thief of Baghead or something. Watch.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #350 on: 09-17-2012 20:17 »

Eric Rogers has already confirmed 'Fun on a Bun' is their Emmy nomination for next year.

Urban Legend
« Reply #351 on: 09-18-2012 01:02 »

Last year was less obvious which episode should be entered. "Reincarnation" seemed like a logical choice, but it was a bit "out there" for the likes of Emmy voters and casual fans. "Overclockwise" was something of a fan-favourite, but I think it's an episode that, again, plays much better to established fans of the show than a casual viewer.

The Emmys love an emotional bite to an episode so the next logical choice was "The Tip of the Zoidberg".

If they weren't going to submit "Fun on a Bun", they'd probably go with "Near-Death Wish" or "The Bots and the Bees".

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #352 on: 09-20-2012 04:19 »

Is anyone else bothered by the fact that an episode of The Penguins of Madagascar won Best Animated Program? This is almost as much of a travesty as when Samurai Jack beat out "The Sting" many moons ago (I say "almost" because "The Tip of the Zoidberg" was certainly nowhere near as deserving of ultimately pointless institutionalized recognition as was "The Sting." Still a bummer, though).

I'm not trying to be a snob or anything--seeing as how I did not see the award-winning episode in question; it may well have been brilliant--but it just seems kind of silly to me. Isn't there a separate Children's Programming Emmy category for this very reason? I mean, if my beloved Phineas and Ferb doesn't qualify as "adult" programming, I don't think a show about anthropomorphic penguins should be any different.

Space Pope
« Reply #353 on: 09-20-2012 07:11 »

Sorry, but Samurai Jack had amazing animation. I'm in agreement with everything else you're saying but Samurai Jack is a worthy show to be beaten by.

Urban Legend
« Reply #354 on: 09-20-2012 11:07 »

Having amazing animation doesn't equate to being an amazing show.

I haven't seen Samurai Jack, so I'm not saying it wasn't a worthy win, but having better animation that Futurama (which from what I've seen, it doesn't) isn't a reason to give it an award over Futurama. I mean, South Park's won Emmys - it's supposed to be about the quality of the overall product and you can make an amazing overall product with shoddy animation.
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #355 on: 09-20-2012 17:06 »

I have actually seen that Penguins of Madagascar episode and do think that it deserved to beat out Futurama in this instance. The winning episode was a fantastic piece of animation history and while the Futurama episode was good, it wasn't as good as the Nickelodeon show. I do agree that POM shouldn't have even been in the category in the first place but as it was, I'm glad it did win...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #356 on: 09-20-2012 18:08 »

Why Futurama hasn't jumped the shark

Urban Legend
« Reply #357 on: 09-20-2012 18:43 »

It hasn't jumped the shark, but it has gone somewhat stale and season 7A was terrible.

Also, the article refers to season 7 as Futurama's second season. Obviously, they mean the second season since coming back from cancellation, but still.

But the show's certainly not beyond redemption at this point - I'm just not exactly feeling hugely positive about its future.

Space Pope
« Reply #358 on: 09-20-2012 21:12 »

Having amazing animation doesn't equate to being an amazing show.

I haven't seen Samurai Jack, so I'm not saying it wasn't a worthy win, but having better animation that Futurama (which from what I've seen, it doesn't) isn't a reason to give it an award over Futurama. I mean, South Park's won Emmys - it's supposed to be about the quality of the overall product and you can make an amazing overall product with shoddy animation.

Samurai Jack was a well written show, and most people were very impressed with the animation, an impressive feat for a children's show. Now it's been a few years since I've seen the show but I digress. Futurama is the show I prefer but I'm totally willing to admit that there are other shows worthy of winning Emmys for best animated show.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #359 on: 09-20-2012 21:28 »

Futurama is the show I prefer but I'm totally willing to admit that there are other shows worthy of winning Emmys for best animated show.

Oh, I definitely agree with that--and, in fact, I don't think "The Tip of the Zoidberg" was at all deserving of critical recognition or praise; it was, to be blunt, one of 6B's shittiest shit-fests.

But that's precisely what bugs me: the writers didn't submit a better 6B episode for Emmy consideration ("Cold Warriors," "Reincarnation") in the first place, and so it's not even like they went down fighting. Those silly penguins trampled 'em, and for good reason.
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