
Delivery Boy
yes there is a difference between speaking your mind & being a jerk.
Well at least you recognize the truth of that statement. Now perhaps it's time for some self-reflection. Regarding commenting, everyone has an opinion about why they do or do not like in an episode. Those opinions can be expressed in many and varied ways, but some of those ways will not be productive especially if it gets people riled up. That's why FishyJoe and Louiswuenator have made the observation they have made. Anyhow, the episode was well written, but too fast paced. It was a story that could have played over two episodes. In fact, had CC premiered season 7a with a part 1 and part 2 of this story it would have been smoother, the jokes funnier, the story more realistic, etc...

DOOP Secretary

c'mon, Futurama! you can do better
It already has. With these two episodes.

DOOP Secretary

futuRAmaMA for best n00b ever. EVER.

Starship Captain
It already has. With these two episodes. again that's your opinion, Danny. Unmentionable, it's awesome that you have an opinion. You obviously love Futurama, like we all do, but if it's a nice day where you are get some fresh air. It might help you calm down a lil bit. I think I'm going to do that too even though I am already calm. Ahhh, fresh air! 
i'm glad my opinion can be spoken & i really do love the show. fresh air is nice. i'll take a breather. good advice Unmentionable, you didn't like these episodes. Ok. We're not going to change your mind nor you ours. i don't care if anyone agrees with me or not. just want my opinion to be expressed Let's move on? OK

DOOP Secretary

Spacedal, are you maybe thinking of this guy? I seem to recall him taking issue with "Ghost in the Machines" last season, and getting...well, not bitchy in his arguments, but certainly, uh, passionate.

DOOP Secretary

Just out of curiosity, how did Amy know Randy's name? You know, in the opening sequence when she steals his car, mentions him by name, and then runs him over?
Do they have some history together I'm not recalling right now?
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
"The Bots and The Bees" Bender with his new-born son, BenThis was a nice little episode. It is nowhere near a classic but it had a nice story, some good jokes and a sweet ending. I could believe the relationship between Bender and Ben so that really helped further the story and give much more impact in the last few scenes. I'd probably compare the ending to that of "Leela's Homeworld", not really recognized for its sweet ending but it still chokes you up. While the main story was sweet, it did not really supply many jokes and I do think that is why the writers used Fry even-though his story had been done before. While this may not be the funniest episode there were a fair few great moments, including... * The over-the-top opening * "Wipe my tiny metal ass!"* The montage was sweet * "Quit whimpering or you won't get kidnapped"Narrator: "Meet Gerald, he is a maturing young robot..."Teenaged Robot: "Hey, he looks like me!"Narrator: "... His hideous appearance is a by-product of his hardware gearing up for an important mission ... REPRODUCTION"While it may not be the most memorable or funny episode I still very much enjoyed it. Characters were used well, nothing felt out of place, it was good. If the Fry subplot had dealt with something else (or if there was no subplot at all) then I'd probably have raised the grade slightly but it didn't take up too much of the time and was mostly seen during Bender's story so it wasn't too bad. 15/20 (B+) 

DOOP Secretary

I watched this with two casual fans on Wednesday, and the verdict was resoundingly "better than the second episode" from them. I have to agree as well. This episode flowed extremely well and got to the plot quickly, which is definitely a plus considering how poorly some of the CC episodes have been structured.
I was a bit odded that they went with a storyline that's been joked about before (Bender having a son), but they explained it well and succinctly enough that us diehards don't have a great deal to complain about. I did enjoy that they recognized how fast robots grow up (Ben's bot mitzvah was on his thirteenth day), which is in line with Bender having been fully an "adult" when he was made. It does call into question why Fatbot and other such units are perennially in a teenaged state despite being obviously over thirteen days old, but that can be explained away as them having been built robots rather than born robots (built robots are made at their permanent "age", born ones grow up to their "adult age").
Now with that possible plot hole out of the way, I have to say now that the humor was spot on with this episode. I didn't very much care for the Fry B-plot (which was more of a C-plot when you think about it, given that he doesn't do anything other than drink Slurm and has no progression), but Bender's jokes and heart were fantastic. I really liked his reaction to the two fembots getting hosed, and the best joke of the night (and in recent Futurama memory) was in this episode: the fembot at the bar ordering a screwdriver, and being given an actual screwdriver. It's one of those jokes that you wouldn't have thought of but are then surprised that Futurama hasn't used before. My two casual fan friends also laughed uproariously at this gag.
Overall, I'd call it a "pretty darn good" episode. It's not the best Futurama's done, but it's clearly above average. It gets a 7 on the poll from me.

DOOP Secretary

Personally, I thought URL and Bev's child was much cuter than Ben...


That is a nice shot Boxy.
I am downloding it into my safe box.


I already introduced myself so I wont do it again.
This episode was pretty disappointing, the emotional ending was contrived and most of the jokes were stinkers (especially the meme reference, what were they thinking?).
I laughed at Bev smashing her face into everything to compensate for her lack of arms, some of Fry's lines, Bender getting his arms mangled, and the improved animation but that's it. 5/10 for me.


I am still looking forward to a..."Space Pilot 3000 Movie".

Delivery Boy
Not to mention the borderline racism (URL drinks a grape soda - that's the entirety of the joke, there?)
You make a good point here. The racism issue has been brought up by a number of people on here, but I didn't agree because nothing about Bev was inherently black other than the fact Wanda Sykes was the voice. It would have worked equally well with a white actress because Bev didn't look "black". However, the grape soda thing was over the line. Thinking of it another way, what if URL was in a scene where he said he couldn't get enough fried chicken, or watermelon? It certainly would be seen as racist, so after considering your thought on that I'll have to agree there was some racism there, although it was probably unintentional. There are many eps of Futurama that have a less than "science-fictiony" feel about them. This was one of those episodes. It was nice to consider Bender as a daddy, and there were some good lines. I rated the episode an 8 which to me means "good +" simply because it's Futurama and the level of writing is usually higher. I think the writers are still in a "getting back in the groove" mode after having been tossed around and cancelled/renewed many times. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's how it seems to me. My expectations are pretty high for the remainder of this season, and once more casual fans realize that the show is on Weds rather than Thurs this season the numbers will go back up to last years numbers.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #156 on: 06-25-2012 23:21 »
« Last Edit on: 06-25-2012 23:32 »
Well..as a German, I do not have problems with the stereotype that we love beer and Sauerkraut. Though I am not overly fond of any of these two (eating/drinking wise) , I just shrug my shoulders at this kind of cliche. So what..."accusing" my ethnic group of generally liking a certain kind of food/drink it not really something I consider insulting/degrading. Also, I did not see anyone ever complain about that cliche. So, I do not see much of a point with Blacks being supposed to like Grape Soda and/or Roast Chicken in general Germans liking Beer and Sauerkraut = All right. Indians liking extremely sharp food = All right. Blacks liking Roast chicken = TABOO. (And I am pretty sure the Oktoberfest scene in FaoB will contain much more German cliches than just the preference for a certain food/drink. And I am also pretty sure none of them will bother any German Futurama viewer. Okay, we in Germany know that "chicken/grape soda" stereotype just via American sitcoms (that cliche does not exist here). Accusing a group of being dumber/lazier/inferior to another is racist, all right. But accusing someone of liking roast chicken seems just so pointless to me. Sure it's a generalisation, sure it's a rather dumb one, but the preference for roast chicken or a certain kind of food is just not an insult per se.

DOOP Secretary

PEELers set their standards way too high.