
Bending Unit
« Reply #440 on: 01-17-2012 20:17 »
« Last Edit on: 01-17-2012 20:19 »
I'll go again since my winner never delivered.

After years of intensive research, the professor had eventually solved his elusive problem. With this final formula, the Fing-Longer was born.
Starship Captain
Fnord wins.
Just as I was about to add some others. Fry: Oh, no! It's the Egyptian Algebra Final Exam nightmare all over again! Farnsworth: FOCUS!
Next image: 

DOOP Secretary

Fry: *snort* Hey Leela... *chuckle* Check out this page I printed from the PEEL Shipper thread.
Leela: Ha! Hahahaha!!
Fry: Haha! I know, right!?
Leela: What a bunch of fucking retards!
Both: *burst into laughter*


Fry: "Can I haz cheezburger"? Ha!
Leela: "All your base are belong to us"? Priceless!

DOOP Secretary

Fry: Aw look, it's a picture of the first time Hermes was caught masturbating! Look at how surprised he is!
Leela: Aw it's so cute yet disgusting! By the way, what's with the glue on the back of this one, Hermes?
Hermes: Oh, that's not glue, it's the semen from that particular maturbation session. It's Jamaican tradition to coat an object in the semen of your first "been-caught" wank session.
*cue framegrab*


Fry: Understand now Leela. In a very short time we will be hitting 'Light Speed'...And I will be with you, every step of the way.

DOOP Secretary

Fry was excited when he found out they built a drive in across the street but he never knew Leela was so into Die Hard.


Hank Hill: [off-screen] Cold water? But that'll cause her...oh, Go-o-o-o-o-d....

DOOP Secretary

Nibblonian Leader, for introducing me to the word "lesboners", which I will now be using with great frequency, to the expected annoyance of my lovely girlfriend. Thanks, Nibbs! 


Fry: Leela, have you done something with your hair...?

DOOP Secretary

Fry: Hey Leela, fox-y ankles... 
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Fry: Leela, your arms look more pixely than usual...
Leela: So's your face! *huffs*...

DOOP Secretary

Fry: Leela. Leela! Leeeeeela!! ....Leela? ......uh... Peg?
Leela: Yes?