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Author Topic: At first I didn't think it'd make that much a difference...  (Read 2023 times)
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Delivery Boy
« on: 09-26-2011 03:02 »

But watching some of the first run episodes, the live orchestra really helps develop the mood and atmosphere of a scene. I never thought it'd make all that much of a difference to begin with, so it came as a big surprise to me when I noticed. Does anyone else hope Futurama will get financially successful enough to be able to reinstate a live orchestra?
Nibblonian Leader

Urban Legend
« Reply #1 on: 09-26-2011 03:10 »

Maybe, seeing as the budget is smaller, and everything they slashed, I'm guessing probably not. But, don't let that get'cha down! Go buy a few DVD's to help the cause!

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #2 on: 09-26-2011 03:45 »

Mmm, they've already slashed the animation budget and that's probably where any increase in funds they get is going to go. I dunno, I haven't noticed much of a difference. The sixth season sounds good, too.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #3 on: 09-26-2011 04:27 »

I kind of hope they get an orchestra again just because I have friends actively trying to get work in orchestras (or studying to break into such) and it's hard out there for them right now. It's discouraging that television shows have increasingly cut down on them. I have to give the Groening (before Futurama was forced to make cuts) and MacFarlane shows credit for sticking with them.

That said, I'd have to admit I don't notice a huge difference, but it depends on the episode I'm sure. I'd love, love, love to have a compilation album of the musical scores on the show, though. Of recent episodes, The Late Philip J. Fry and The Mutants are Revolting in particular had some really amazing music in them.

Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 09-26-2011 13:17 »

Some of the music - particularly in early 6A episodes did sound a bit cheap and 'off', but The Beast with a Billion Backs was synthesized and that had some of the most beautiful music in the show's entire run in my opinion.

Not the mention the harrowing score of The Late Philip J. Fry.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #5 on: 09-26-2011 17:29 »

I remember Mutants are Revolting having really nice music throughout. I'd have to go back and watch more S6 episodes and focus on the music to pass more judgments, but I don't ever remember thinking "gosh, this music sucks".

They didn't have an orchestra for the movies, right? Cos BBS had some great music.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #6 on: 09-26-2011 18:16 »

Doesn't Christopher Tyng compose most, if not all of the background music? Surely he could access his old Orchestra or something.
Ambitious misunderstood

Bending Unit
« Reply #7 on: 09-26-2011 18:27 »

I remember Mutants are Revolting having really nice music throughout. I'd have to go back and watch more S6 episodes and focus on the music to pass more judgments, but I don't ever remember thinking "gosh, this music sucks".

I had one such moment. Futurama has a new "generic sad moment" music (for example when Leela leaves earth in Overclockwise and says goodbye to Fry). And I suddenly thought: Wow, this is cheesy. The Fry-Leela-subplot generally wasn't too great in this episode and I thought the music made matters worse. Other than that, the music in Season 6 never struck me as bad.

However, I often thought while watching the first couple of seasons "Hey, this music sounds great (even if you normally don't notice it, which is an attribute of good background music)!". I don't have those moments anymore. It's a minor issue though.

Urban Legend
« Reply #8 on: 09-26-2011 19:24 »

Doesn't Christopher Tyng compose most, if not all of the background music? Surely he could access his old Orchestra or something.

The budget cuts meant that whilst they could continue to hire Christopher Tyng, he couldn't continue to hire his orchestra.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #9 on: 09-26-2011 19:30 »

Well that's dumb... :mad:
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #10 on: 09-26-2011 19:38 »

I watched The Sting last night and the orchestra made such a difference, possibly one of the best Futurama scores ever. I was imagining if they'd have made that now, the ep definitely would've lost out by not having an orchestra no matter how good the synthesized music would be. Also the music they used in Reincarnation, in particular the first segment really helped give it that feeling it had. Wasn't that some old re-used music rather than freshly created synthesized stuff?...

That's not to say that all of Season 6's original music has been crap, because some of it has been brilliant. As people have pointed out the Late Philip J Fry had great music, as have other eps...

If I could choose to bring it back though? Hell yes! The orchestra in particular helps give extra feeling and depth to those special deep and emotional eps. It's a shame Futurama is faced with a lower budget causing no orchestra, cheaper animation and shorter run time (well that's just the stupid adverts), but still :hmpf:...

Urban Legend
« Reply #11 on: 09-26-2011 19:48 »

Well that's dumb... :mad:

Quite a smart move, if you ask me. They had to cut something from the budget and I'd rather they lose out on the music's quality than having particularly worse animation, reverting back from HD/widescreen or replacing voice actors.
Music and writing staff are definitely the two areas of the show that took the biggest beating, but I mean... I'm happy with it as it is.

Like Otis, if I could choose to have the orchestra back, of course I would, but I can live without it.

« Reply #12 on: 09-27-2011 17:35 »

As a fan of film and televison music, the biggest disappointment of the Futurama movies and the Cartoon Network episodes has been the lack of an orchestra for the underscores. Synths sound cheap and tacky compared to live players. :(
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #13 on: 09-27-2011 19:33 »

Got a few million to spare? Or perhaps your own orchestra? If you do then you know what to do...

Give me the money and let the orchestra play their own soundtrack live in my TV viewing room while I watch the movie and Season 6 eps...

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #14 on: 09-28-2011 20:09 »

Watching Love's Labour for the FRO/SCRUFFY test, the lack of an orchestra or score was really, really noticeable. I believe others pointed that out in the ep's review thread. It was rather disorienting, actually, and for me, it detracted from my enjoyment of it.

Good scores/soundtracks should not be intrusive, I think, but I guess it's the mark of good musical direction when viewers notice that the music isn't there.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #15 on: 09-28-2011 20:23 »

I still want to know the name of that sad song that used to play.

Can't remember how many eps it's been in, but I know 2 moments:

In AOI when Giant Bender dies. (I think...)
In Godfellas when Leela tells Fry that Bender will be drifting forever.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #16 on: 09-29-2011 01:59 »

Futurama has a new "generic sad moment" music (for example when Leela leaves earth in Overclockwise and says goodbye to Fry). And I suddenly thought: Wow, this is cheesy.

Oh yeah, I did actually think the music was a bit overdramatic during bits of Overclockwise. But I'm not sure that's a problem that having an orchestra would have fixed.

I also agree that the lack of much music in some of the first episodes is jarring. The first part of I, Roommate feels weirdly paced and kind of empty.
Starship Captain
« Reply #17 on: 09-29-2011 09:16 »

Mood/background/movie music, when done correctly, tends to not stand out; it's only when it's done badly that it's generally noticed.

It also doesn't receive as much attention; the first really good book on movie music was only published around 1970 or so.

Starship Captain
« Reply #18 on: 09-29-2011 11:09 »

I do miss the Orchestra and my favourite music moments are when Leela sees Fry dead in The Sting and the sad music used in The Luck Of The Fryrish and Jurassic Bark. It does make a difference, but it's not top priority for the show. I'd pick HD Animation and Quality Scripts over Music anyday.
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