
DOOP Secretary

But as always, she still sucks.

DOOP Secretary

You don't wanna know.

Liquid Emperor
Who is Laura? Futurama finale ratings:
Twice as many people watched Jersey Shore as did Obama's address. Score one for America! Not bad for Futurama, considering everything else what was going on. I love the GIFs. This episode is really suited to them, especially the anime segment just because of the animation style. The Cubert/seal one is amazing, and I love the new everyone-laughing one.

DOOP Secretary

Since all of you guys are apparently completely oblivious to recent events, let me direct you as you seem to come quite often in this thread.

Liquid Emperor
What is the demand for these things? Do you guys like them? I don't know, but they are fun to make.
I'd love some feedback, or a kindly "knock it off". Either way.
Buddy13, I for one love them. I'm just waiting for a GIF of the crew watching Bender and Fry dance, with Hermes' coat blowing behind him. I supsect that there hasn't been much response b/c it's Saturday night and astonishingly, some people around here do go out. I'm old and married so....  But please do come up with the one I requested.
Starship Captain
Hermes didn't really have any good spoken jokes Dwight wasn't in it at all! 0/10! Cancelling sarcasm mode ... Another one would be an episode that entirely focuses on videogames. One could be shooters like halo, the second could be fantasy/rpg games like the Legend of Zelda mixed in with JRPG and MMORPG. The third could be platformers like Super Mario, with cutsie references to puzzle games as well. But don't those first two things look alike? I mean, if you're going to go for variety (which was the real point of the episode), you MUST include Pong ... That whole anime section must have been a nightmare for the voice actors, having to deliberately do the most authentic terrible voice acting they could muster. No, I bet they actually enjoyed it. Am I the only one who thought of H.P. Lovecraft when Fry caused his new Color out of Space? 
Yes. I'm an HPL fan, and I didn't consider it. Most likely because the Colour Out of Space was a destructive force, not one of beauty. Does anyone know what any of the high scores (except DXC, obvs that's David X Cohen) stand for? The first one could be Peter Avanzino. I have no clue on the others.
I checked Peter Avanzino's Wikipedia page, but there's no middle name listed :-(
Well, David "X" Cohen doesn't have a middle name, either. Some comments that got me riled up:
These was one of the rare moments i would like to see references to pop culture in Futurama, but they manage to screw up this bad?! This is their idea of an anime/ Video game rip-off these days?! My my, I have seen so much better on Family Guy. Fcking Family Guy.
First people complain about the Pop Culture references, and now they want more?! RETARDS. I'd like to present my hypothesis: Fnord's Internet Hypothesis: The total intelligence of Internet users remains constant. Thus, the more there are, the dumber they get.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

Spacedal: I'm pretty sure I have read many times that one of the reasons why In a Gadda da Leela isn't well liked is that it is implausible, but I could be wrong. I'll have to check up on that now that you mention it.


So also I noticed the scoring for this episode is pretty high here around 9 and 10, yet the premise for the episode is kind of similar to that of In A Gadda Da Leela where the storyline is not in canon. Do you think people liked this one more because it established itself in the beginning that it was an alternate episode that would not be in canon? I definitely think that had an impact on me. If the scene with the Galactic Entity had been cut, and maybe even the opening thingies to each part, it would have felt weird.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #190 on: 09-11-2011 15:08 »
« Last Edit on: 09-11-2011 15:11 »
If I remember right, it's because he had to register with some group and "David Cohen" was already taken, so he added the X because it looked cool.
His full name is "David Samuel Cohen". As there was already a "David S Cohen" in the "Writers Guild of America" (which demanded unique names), he chose "David X Cohen". He chose the "X" because it sounded more "sci fi", and he expected it to attract attention.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

I'm gonna make the one with all the faces laughing, and then the breezy Hermes coat. Any other requests? They're good, now how about Fry and Bender dancing on top of the podium in the anime segment?...

DOOP Secretary

If I remember right, it's because he had to register with some group and "David Cohen" was already taken, so he added the X because it looked cool.
His full name is "David Samuel Cohen". As there was already a "David S Cohen" in the "Writers Guild of America" (which demanded unique names), he chose "David X Cohen". He chose the "X" because it sounded more "sci fi", and he expected it to attract attention.
Alternately: The 'X' makes it sound cool. But it was still funny watching them fly around in the invisible ship.
"I hope this is the control stick!" Damn, I really enjoyed "In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela" and never felt the need to erase it from canon. It's good, raunchy fun. Not a brilliant episode, but I think it's criticized quite a bit for reasons that I don't entirely agree with. Oh well.

DOOP Secretary

Dorsal Axe

Bending Unit
Yeah. I think it would be a bit strange to have three incredibly similar questions in a row on the what if machine (What if we looked like an old Fleischer cartoon? What if life were like a video game, but not like last time I asked that? And what if life were like anime?).
I think it could have worked if they asked normal questions. For example: Fry: What if I found the perfect gift for Leela? Farnsworth: What if I solved the Grand Unified Theory? Zoidberg: What if Zoidberg had to save the day? And then worked in some kind of concept of the professor "jazzing up" the machine to make the display of the results more exciting.