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Author Topic: Are you a shipper?  (Read 3628 times)
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PEE Poll: Are you a shipper?
YES!! Absolutley!   -10 (22.7%)
I definitely am a shipper, but I'm not obsessive   -13 (29.5%)
I ship occaisionally   -7 (15.9%)
Eh, I don't really care   -9 (20.5%)
Nah, I don't care about any of that drivel at all   -5 (11.4%)
Total Members Voted: 44


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #40 on: 09-13-2011 01:26 »

I don't think Harry and Ginny ever had chemistry at all, especially in the movies. It was just awkward half the time.

Fanon Ginny is a lot more interesting than Canon Ginny, even though they both had the same potential.

Hell, if JK hadnt randomly outed Dumbledore long after the books were finished, I would have never thought of him as gay at all.  There is about as much evidence in the books for him being gay as there is that Harry and Ron spent their entire adolescence making sweet, sweet gay love.

Anyway, I'm thinking that the majority of fan reaction will be along the lines of "OMG! gay wizards should have bright pink robes and wands that look like dicks. They should all mince rather than walk, have plaited beards with ribbons in them, and speak like a corss between Julian Clary and the guy from Are You Being Served, then we could tell what they are!!"

Because people are mature and intelligent and Harry Potter fans especially so.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #41 on: 09-13-2011 02:11 »

To be honest just about EVERY romantic pairing in Harry Potter felt random and forced.      

Every teenage romantic pairing, yes, I agree, and I am glad someone thinks that. I don't think Harry and Ginny ever had chemistry at all, especially in the movies. It was just awkward half the time. As to Dumbledore, yeah, he was never exactly flamboyant. At all.

I am not a shipper for every fandom, no sir.

Yeah, all the teenage ones do for sure.  I didn't think Tonks and Remus was very convincing, but it was damn more believable then any of the teenage relationships.  I mean seriously, you could pair Harry up with Hermione/Luna/Ginny/Ron/Draco/Parvati/Lavender since they all had zero chemistry (it was a bit like OoT, only with much ship torpedoing at the end and without the females actually being interested in the blank slate Link to begin with.)

I never thought of Dumbledore being flamboyant either, or at least, being any more/less flamboyant then the rest of the wizarding world.  The entire wizarding world is pretty camp/festive/decorative, so Dumblydore barely registers on the radar.

One of my biggest problems with JK's writing style is that its fairly obvious no one ever told her: "show, don't tell."  If she doesn't spell it out for you in the books, she will in some interview.    

Haha one of the HP fangirls on my favorite anti harry potter site was all "WHAT DO YOU MEAN LAST MINUTE HOOKUP?  The entire series was about their love!!!"   Right, you mean two mild cases of sulking and one act of physical assault over seven years?  Right, love story, totally the focus of the books and not the battle between da chozen 1 and wizard hitler.  Right.

Sorry to rag on HP again, but one thing both the fans and the not fans agree on is how  forced all the teenage pairings felt.  (Which in turn made the epilogue at the end all the more horrific and feeling like the wish fufillment of some over zealous fanfiction shipper.)

Starship Captain
« Reply #42 on: 09-13-2011 04:34 »
« Last Edit on: 09-13-2011 04:37 »

As to Dumbledore, yeah, he was never exactly flamboyant. At all.

I absolutely agree. Dumbledore? Who would've ever thought?

Space Pope
« Reply #43 on: 09-13-2011 04:42 »

I'm s shipper depending on the fandom. Like Futurama I was a Fry/Leela shipper now I don't care.

But Harry Potter Fandom huge Harmonian aka Harry/Hermione shipper here.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #44 on: 09-13-2011 04:44 »

So much more on-screen chemistry between Harry/Hermione than Ron/Hermione. Of course, there's a hell of a lot of on-screen chemistry and UST between Ron/Harry too. :p

Space Pope
« Reply #45 on: 09-13-2011 04:50 »

You and your UST for Ron/Harry.... :nono:

My shipping for Harmony is definitely obsessive.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #46 on: 09-13-2011 05:10 »

Harry/Luna 4ever!!1! :love:

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #47 on: 09-13-2011 05:20 »

Yeah, all the teenage ones do for sure.  I didn't think Tonks and Remus was very convincing, but it was damn more believable then any of the teenage relationships.  I mean seriously, you could pair Harry up with Hermione/Luna/Ginny/Ron/Draco/Parvati/Lavender since they all had zero chemistry (it was a bit like OoT, only with much ship torpedoing at the end and without the females actually being interested in the blank slate Link to begin with.)

I was a rabid Tonks/Remus shipper for like three years and still have a soft spot for them, but I agree, nothing there was ever that convincing. I think a number of good fanfiction writers (and thousands of terrible ones) have developed some of the characters in ways that are completely different from the canon versions but are a hell of a lot more interesting.

Harry/Hermione did get some on-screen love especially in the last movie. Way more than Ron and Hermione did. Which was weird.

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #48 on: 09-13-2011 11:33 »


      Anyway, I'm thinking that the majority of fan reaction will be along the lines of "OMG! gay wizards should have bright pink robes and wands that look like dicks. They should all mince rather than walk, have plaited beards with ribbons in them, and speak like a corss between Julian Clary and the guy from Are You Being Served, then we could tell what they are!!"


John Inman

« Reply #49 on: 09-13-2011 17:12 »

I would definitely watch the show without the Fry/Leela thing, but yes I'm a shipper. I'm always looking forward to see something happening between the two... And all the shippy episodes are so damn great! I voted for the first choice but I guess I could also have voted for the second.  :)
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #50 on: 09-15-2011 22:02 »

You and your UST for Ron/Harry.... :nono:

But it works. I mean, you could recut scenes from the movies together and com up with about an hour's worth of story where Harry and Ron are totally in love. I'd say that it's almost as obvious as the man-love between Spock and Kirk.

« Reply #51 on: 09-16-2011 10:09 »

I'm a chick and, when it comes to Futurama at least, I'll ship pretty much anything. Well, as long as it makes some sort of (at times, strange) sense to me, I suppose.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #52 on: 09-16-2011 11:21 »

SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #53 on: 09-20-2011 21:34 »
« Last Edit on: 09-20-2011 21:40 »

Yeah, all the teenage ones do for sure.  I didn't think Tonks and Remus was very convincing, but it was damn more believable then any of the teenage relationships.  I mean seriously, you could pair Harry up with Hermione/Luna/Ginny/Ron/Draco/Parvati/Lavender since they all had zero chemistry (it was a bit like OoT, only with much ship torpedoing at the end and without the females actually being interested in the blank slate Link to begin with.)

I was a rabid Tonks/Remus shipper for like three years and still have a soft spot for them, but I agree, nothing there was ever that convincing. I think a number of good fanfiction writers (and thousands of terrible ones) have developed some of the characters in ways that are completely different from the canon versions but are a hell of a lot more interesting.

Harry/Hermione did get some on-screen love especially in the last movie. Way more than Ron and Hermione did. Which was weird.

You know I was flicking through some websites, and I was actually pretty surprised the amount of hatred Cho Chang gets.  She's a fairly minor character, and she's mostly very sweet/loyal when she's not crying (which is pretty understandable considering her boyfriend was just murdered.  Too bad Dumblydore or anyone else thinks of assigning grief councellers to the people who are going to be affected by his death: the boy who saw him die, and the girl who loved him.)

But seriously I see a lot of hate like "she was a crybaby slut who used harry hur dur ginny nevr cryded".  Like srsly?  We never see Ginny cry because no one close to her had been murdered (and if we had seen her after Fred's death, I'm pretty sure she would be hysterical, which most peopel would be.)   I could actually write a whole essay rebuffing the reasons the fans say for hating her.  Jojo also says she gave lots of subtle hints that Ginny was such a better mach for Hazza, but Ginnny's personality is even more non existent then Cho's, and the few reasons are ultimately very superficial, like Ginny being better then Cho at Quidditch.  (Jojo has a major problem with showing, not telling.  If I was her manager, I would ban her from giving extra information in interviews, so she is actually forced to write it into her books and make it part of the narrative.)  

So yeah, I feel sorry for Cho, since Harry is an absolute prick to her.  Face it, her boyfriend has been killed, nobody is giving her a straight answer on what happened, the media is feeding her contradictory information when they're not ignoring it, and Dumblydore rarely acknowledges his non Harry students.  Of course she would want to  ask Harry to see if they could get closure, and maybe bond over their mutual grief. (comforting the widow.)  But Hazzah being the entitled little prick he is, chalks his absolute lack of empathy (one of my biggest problems with Hazzah is he rarely thinks about the feelings of others) down to a lack of experience of girls.  

So yeah it does feel weird that so many people hate Cho, especially the Ginny fangirls (most of their arguments could easily be applied to Ginny and it would actually have a point half the time).  Cho could have been an interesting character, and is surprsiingly complex for a minor character in a franchise with mostly flat/static characters, and surprisingly shows something resembling human emotion. Sure even if she and Harry had hooked up, it would have been a bit bleh (Jojo can't handle romantic relationships very well in her writing) but I think it would have actually had more beleivablity then Harry/Ginny Ron/Hermione, since they actually have a conflict in their relationship that they could have worked through and been all the more strong for it (Harry/Ginny boils down to Ron saying "No dont fuck my sister" once or twice but then randomly changing his mind a few hundred pages later.)   I was hoping Cho would be a major character, but ends up being another pointless token character, amounting to nothing more then Harry's romantic training wheels.   I guess it says a lot about Jojo's writing that characters like Neville and Luna are far more interesting then the main trio, and again, a pointless character like Cho is actually far more sympathetic then the main three again.  I thought it was pretty hypocritical of Harry to rip her a new arsehole for sticking by her friend for a massive lapse in character, (Harry always sticks by his friends, even when they do things that are exceedingly crummy and its presented as a Good Thing, but when Cho does it, Harry actually starts blaming her for something that really isnt her fault.)

Rant over.  I should join Ferretbrain, I could actually write a few essays on what would make Harry Potter a lot more interesting then I found it.  I guess I shouldnt try to use logic with crazy fans, especially when the crazy fans are rabid shippers to boot (the actress who played cho has actually got a lot of hate mail and death threats.  Im not surprised she doesnt want to act again.)

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