Re-watched this last night and to be honest this is one of the only eps I've ever seen which I liked less on repeat viewing. Perhaps it didn't help having watched Amazon Women in the Mood and Bird-bot of Ice-catraz only a couple of days before which I think are much better...
The relationship stuff made me cringe even more this time because I knew it was coming. Some of Leela's lines were awful and not natural at all. If anything I found those lines more out of character than what people are ragging on her for in being out of character in Möbius Dick. What about her character in Overclockwise? Is that perfectly fine and acceptable? Those lines along with her actions don't seem very natural for Leela, but somehow they can be totally forgiven can they?...
For me the episode wasn't even worth watching until after that boring World War videogame start. I don’t know about everyone else but I liked Futurama videogames when they actually went into the internet to play them, for example in A Bicyclops Built for Two. That was so much better than this boring videogame segment. A Bicyclops Built for Two actually made watching others play videogames fun! Not an easy task but it was amazing and totally Futurama style to me. Why couldn't they have gone back into the internet?...
Oh yeah, because then it wouldn't have set up the plot device properly, so we have to sacrifice the first couple of minutes of the ep with a boring segment of them playing a videogame on the couch in order to do that. Ok, how about we make it fun with an interesting videogame then? Nope, let's just have a boring cliché World War videogame. It’s ok though because there’s a joke in the title screen which makes it ok to pass off this lame un-futuristic tripe in which the whole theme is based on the past even though this show is about the freaking future!...
Retro nods in videogames are great, but this is a nod based on real past historic events, events which happened even in
our past, which is
not what I watch Futurama for! Once again they just forget about the history from the thousand years between now and the future and give us this lame videogame which could have been played by Bart and Milhouse in The Simpsons (not that it would have even been good on there either)...
So now we get that out of the way, the plot is set up, and it's quite a nice twist with Mom and her sons, but that's all trodden on shortly by the Leela relationship lines which sound like they’re taken from a bad fan-fiction. Where is the humanity? This doesn’t feel real, and as the Robot Devil pointed out; characters shouldn’t just announce how they feel! This makes me feel angry! There wasn’t even any built up, it was just hit straight out of nowhere which made it stick out even more. Simply terrible execution...
Once we move past that and get back to the Bender overcloking stuff things actually get interesting and feel a bit more like Futurama again. Cubert has some great one liners too. Unfortunately after Cubert and the Professor get arrested yet again things go downhill. Leela decides to leave just like that, which once more is so out of character and so nonchalantly written. It's like she just leaves on a whim and to hell with Fry, fuck all of the other past episodes, fuck that Planet Express is going out of business, fuck trying to save it, lets just go and think about our self here...
Nice one Leela, but of course we can forgive you for this apparent out of character moment even though we can't forgive your out of character moments in Möbius Dick which are actually integral to driving the plot in even though in Möbius Dick these out of character moments are
driving a Sci-fi plot rather than dancing alongside it and never crossing its path. Instead it’s ok having nothing to do with Sci-fi events and just being shoehorned in like a bad soap opera for the mere convenience of creating the outcome the writers wanted to portray...
On a side note; another thing I don’t like is Nibbler talking to the rest of the Planet Express crew so casually. I much preferred Nibbler being the dumb cute alien to them, when really we the audience knew better. That was great, but now that dynamic is lost. Oh and let’s not forget that Nibbler who Leela apparently cares so much about, enough so that she’ll even go to the trouble of getting Fry take care of him in The Why of Fry is just left behind without a single thought...
Wasn’t Nibbler meant to be Leela’s beloved pet? I thought Leela was meant to love Nibbler in that special way a person loves their pet? Apparently not enough to give a flying fuck about when she just upped and left though. I guess it’s a little harder to portray now that Nibbler speaks to everyone though. What a stupid thing to do to that character, I wish they’d have never done that. Anyways, it’s not as if Fry and Nibbler are that important are they? Oh wait...
So what now? Oh yeah, Fry the main character of the show tries to commit suicide. Just great, we’ve just written Leela completely out of character and insured that she comes off as a heartless bitch, and now we decide to move onto Fry and write him out of character by having him try to commit suicide. Good plan! Having your main character in a show try to kill themselves is unforgivable, it simply shouldn’t happen if we’re meant to care about these characters and take them seriously. I mean it’s the most convenient way to drive the plot though, right? So the audience will buy it, right?...
It’s ok though because we’ll drop the most established conventional way to commit suicide in the future, that’s right, forget the Suicide Booth. The barrel thing will do the trick, which lets face it was pretty lame, but I guess Fry must have got bored of Suicide Booths or something? Maybe he had no money? It’s anyone’s guess… Oh no, that's right, it wouldn't have driven the plot had he gone to a Suicide Booth, so for convenience he had to go somewhere else in order for him to meet Bender again, so we'll just conveniently make him commit suicide there. More great writing guys...
Once he meets Bender again and we’re still trying to get that bad taste out of our mouths from the main character in the show having just attempted to kill himself, strangely then we have perhaps the highlight of the episode. In my mind the greatest scene and certainly one which is more than welcome after what had lead up to it. If only things could have been written better in the lead up to this
accidental meeting...
A point worth noting is that once again this episodes highlight is Sci-fi based, so you have to wonder had they written the Fry/Leela plot points using Sci-fi elements then maybe things would have intertwined and flowed much better. Credit where credit is due though, the stuff inside Bender’s head was great and really helps save this episode from the slippery downward slope it was starting to roll down, in a barrel...
Then we have the overly long dragged out court scene. I was so pleased to see Judge Whitey again as I love his character, but then again he was ruined by his terribly off voice acting. It sounded so strained like a try-hard attempt to sound how he used to which failed miserably. His voice wasn’t the only strained and off sounding voice either though because something wasn’t quite right about Randy’s voice earlier on in the episode...
There were some good lines in the court, but overall it dragged on a bit too long for my liking. Bender coming back and being the court was great though, in fact everything Bender did after getting overclocked was brilliant and saved this episode big-time...
Speaking of the courtroom I noticed Vyolet in the panel, and this is something else which has bugged me since The Mutants Are Revolting happened. I don’t like how they changed the mutants/surface dwellers dynamic. It was always clool knowing that those mutants were always down there in the sewers, it almost added an extra layer to the shows depth. You didn’t even have to see them in most eps, you just knew they were down there like another civilisation underground adding to the rich tapestry of the Futurama universe. Now they’re just casually accepted on the surface, the dynamic has changed and that feeling is lost, and I don’t like it...
The court scenes finally draw to a close, so what next then? Ok, well Leela conveniently comes back again like a bird on its belly, nah she just walks in, no big deal, we’ll just buy it and accept it. A couple more badly written lines, a random apparent job which she did to fill the void and there we go, back to normal again...
Then they top the episode off with an over-the-top cutesy smushy ending with barf inducing cringe worthy facial expressions. At least Cold Warriors got it right when it came to adding a subtle touch of shippyness at the end. That was perfect in that respect, just a small nod to the Fry/Leela relationship dynamic, but nothing jarring or over the top. Oh yeah but somehow Overclockwise is somehow perfect despite the huge number or catastrophic flaws throughout...
It was pointed out to me by Inquisitor Hein that the shippy stuff in this episode didn’t have a Sci-fi twist unlike past episodes which often did. All shippyness was kept separate in this ep which could have been another one of the reasons it seemed more forced and disjointed. Each shippy moment should have had a Sci-fi twist in order to help set it up. Had Sci-fi moments occurred they may have helped justify the otherwise seemingly random and very out of character moments...
Then you have the fact they tried to cram too much into this episode, which again could have led to things feeling more forced and less natural, but when you look at the sheer amount of time wasted within this episode with the videogame at the beginning and the overly long dragged out court scene you have to start wondering if they could have executed this whole thing much better?...
If only they’d have spent their time more wisely and made a naturally more coherent flowing episode with Sci-fi elements which twist the plot points together, then it might have been memorable way for the right reasons. The shippyness should have been adding the human touch to Sci-fi elements, not just being shoehorned into the plot because it could have been the last canon ep they made and they just had to just get it in there...
Somehow all of these issues have been excused by so many, not even one point deducted for the many flaws within this episode. Instead a large percentage perfect tens which shocks me considering the amount of poor writing involved. I’m thinking I actually might have overrated this when I gave it a 7/10