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Author Topic: Futurama episodes for a 3 year old?  (Read 34125 times)
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transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #240 on: 06-28-2015 23:38 »

...censor your kid when they start calling people snot-eating bastards...

That really doesn't sound like something a child should be censored for saying. It might give them the impression that profanity is somehow wrong, or inappropriate. That's not the message that we should be putting out.

We should encourage kids to be creative and enthusiastic with profanity, and to express themselves in unique ways. The only time they should be censored is when they're spouting the same old tired shit as every other child, over and over again.

That's when it's time to sit them down for a few hours with Roger's Profanisaurus.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #241 on: 12-04-2015 13:20 »

imo you shouldn't show a three year old this show.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #242 on: 12-05-2015 02:52 »

I agree. However, at that young of an age, the child wouldn't even understand anything suggestive, vulgar, or otherwise indecent. I still wouldn't want my children watching most of this show, however (assuming I ever had children).

Then again, I've been watching The Simpsons since I was pretty young. Maybe 6 or 8 or something. I'm sure I never understood the indecent jokes.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #243 on: 12-05-2015 22:21 »

So what's the point then. Just put on Disney Junior. I probably would let my kids watch The Simpsons and Futurama though. Heck, I'd probably let them watch South Park. They'll learn all this anyway, why does it matter when.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #244 on: 12-08-2015 04:16 »

There is no baby. I told him that to make it interesting.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #245 on: 09-14-2016 05:46 »

In the final episode of Futurama Fry enters the cryogenic tube and is frozen for 1000 years.  He awakes in the year 2999 following a mysterious woman wearing black.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #246 on: 10-01-2016 21:28 »

They'll learn all this anyway, why does it matter when.

You ideally want them to learn it once they've developed the maturity necessary to use what they know only when appropriate. For example, a six year old calling their teacher an unclefucker to their face is a child who wasn't ready for the South Park movie.

Whereas if they call their teacher an unclefucker whilst talking to their friends in the playground, this is more appropriate.

Still not actually appropriate. Just more appropriate.
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