transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #405 on: 02-13-2012 23:26 »
« Last Edit on: 02-13-2012 23:45 by totalnerduk »
[/quote] I think Totalnerduk got his centuries wrong.
Quote or retraction, plz. Edit: Perhaps this will be helpful (From chat): <booze> tnuk: your YLL post, I guess Cinimod means this " due to him being from the 29th Century." should be "20th" <totalnerduk> Bender is NOT from the 20th Century <booze> oh wait, I misread, nvm <booze> still, he's from the late 29th century, so it's not easily forgiven <totalnerduk> the point is, it's old information for him. <booze> you beeing from the late 20th century still wouldn't reference pop stars from nearly 1000 years back  <totalnerduk> He could be aware of it for any number of reasons <totalnerduk> same as we are aware that the Egyptians used crocodile dung as birth control. <booze> he isn't even aware of half the stuff in present futurama time though  <totalnerduk> Bender? He's aware of what he needs to be aware of. <totalnerduk> Perhaps that information was important to him at one point. <booze> Fry: "I was frozen for a thousand years" Bender: "You were? Learn something dumb every day" <totalnerduk> See, that information's not important to Bender. <booze> and whatsherface should be more important? <totalnerduk> But a thousand year old human slut who for all we know is some sort of sex goddess in the thirtieth century MIGHT be. <booze> quite doubtable <totalnerduk> It's comparable (again to use the ancient Egyptians as an example) to you knowing about Cleopatra. <booze> quite a lot of difference between a woman who ruled an empire and some slut <totalnerduk> Don't forget, our information preservation is a lot better than theirs. Plus, Aguilera was at one point a celebrity rather than just some random slut. <booze> not like you know any of the names of people who sung for Cleopatra <totalnerduk> Like I said, our information preservation is greater than theirs. Besides which, you'll notice I said LEAST easily forgiven. Bender's reference to Christina Aguilera is probably the least easily forgiven, due to him being from the 29th Century.

DOOP Secretary

6ACV21? I meant that it was more likely a continuity error that he was watching VHS tapes in A Fishful of Dollars because they hand't established that most tapes were damaged during the second coming at that point.
This is the part i was objecting to. I don't think there's any continuity error here. At no point in the entire series have they ever stated that there are no more VHS tapes. Unless you meant something other than what I thought you were saying, in the post quoted above.

Liquid Emperor
But he had to go through a lot of stuff to get the artifacts and precious items. There's a chance he could of met one of them during so...Plus GaGa could be in the head museum!
How many of those artifacts are from the early 21st century? The head museum is a good point, though. Honestly, Bender is form a lot of centuries
He isn't from a lot of centuries, he just visited them like we do with other country's.
I was born in New Mexico but have lived in Oregon for 20 years. I say I am from Oregon, even though I could just as easily claim I am from New Mexico. I visited Idaho a couple years ago - I do not say I am from Idaho. If you live through the entire century, I think you can say you are from it.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #422 on: 02-15-2012 19:43 »
« Last Edit on: 02-15-2012 19:54 by totalnerduk »
TheMadCapper has explained the point I was trying to make. I realise that I should have used a quote to show you what I meant, so here's one:
Bender's reference to Christina Aguilera is probably the least easily forgiven, due to him being from the 29th Century.
I think Bender is from the 30th century, if TMC and I are correct. It just seemed unlike you to make a mistake like that Totalnerduk, based on previous posts from you that I have seen.
You're right. I should have said the 30th Century. Hm. Either my brain wasn't working when I made that post (likely), or somebody went back in time to change the way we refer to centuries and I didn't get the memo (unlikely). Either way, thanks for the clarification. I was honestly rather confused until Bend-err pointed out which post was most likely the one under debate, so quotes really are useful in this type of conversation. ... She could be in the Head Museum...and so could GaGa! BAM!
It's likely that they're both in there. But it's not terribly likely that anybody knows who they are. I mean, once they're both dead they might be largely forgotten. Then again, they might just become legends outside of their own lifetimes. We can't tell at this point. Both of them are mediocre musical artists, both of them pretty much flash-in-the-pan celebrities... I'm guessing they're in a forgotten corner of the museum, their jars propping up tables of more noteworthy people.  I was born in New Mexico but have lived in Oregon for 20 years. I say I am from Oregon, even though I could just as easily claim I am from New Mexico. I visited Idaho a couple years ago - I do not say I am from Idaho. If you live through the entire century, I think you can say you are from it.
Not quite the same thing there, fella. You're from Oregon because that's your home, and you go from it to other locations. You start your journey in Oregon. You were from New Mexico until you made Oregon your home. Now you go from Oregon to wherever you're going. However, your lifespan is one long journey. You begin it in the century you're born in. You don't stop, die, and get reborn in the next century. So you're still from the one you began in, en route to the next one. Living through the century is just like visiting Idaho (from your example). You've been there, but you're still from Oregon (and the century you were born in).

DOOP Secretary

Look, if I were to meet a time-traveller or travel through time, I would say I was from 2012 as opposed to the year of my birth, 1990. In the interest of being specific, you should say you were born in 1990 and had traveled from 2012, thus giving them information on when you were from and when you'd traveled from.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
Look, if I were to meet a time-traveller or travel through time, I would say I was from 2012 as opposed to the year of my birth, 1990.
Different again. You stopped your journey to the future, and began a new one from the present to the past. You travelled from 2012. You are from 2012 only in the context of your time travelling journey. When you get back to the (relative) present, you are once more on your journey from the year of your birth to the future. Context is everything. Especially when talking about time travel. Bender lived through every second of several centuries multiple times. Whilst he was essentially just waiting the time out, he still has a completely valid case for being "from" whatever year it may be.
No, he really doesn't. He is from the thirtieth century (thankyou TMC/Cinimod). He has travelled to mutlipe eras, from the thirty-first. But he is from the thirtieth century for forwards-dependant contexts. His journey began there. For backwards-dependant contexts, he is from the period at which his backwards journey began. Again, context is everything.


Probably my least favorite episode of of the second run barring the Holiday Spectacular (which I haven't seen in awhile), but it's still not completely terrible. The first act in particular was pretty good, and I also like the very end. The problem for me is that Leela being a fame whore and Bender blackmailing Leela are both decent ideas, but there just wasn't enough room in this episode for both of them. They could've explored an interesting Bender-Leela dynamic in this one, and moved the fame whore thing to some other episode.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
The problem for me is that Leela being a fame whore and Bender blackmailing Leela are both decent ideas, but there just wasn't enough room in this episode for both of them. They could've explored an interesting Bender-Leela dynamic in this one, and moved the fame whore thing to some other episode.
^This. Come to think of of, giving these two ideas more room might have reduced the "kid show" feeling. The episode suffers from sometimes looking too much like a kid show itself, instead of a story ABOUT a kid show.


My husband and I think this one is hilarious. We have a 16-month old daughter and so we love that it makes fun of programming aimed at children. I think the two funniest parts are the auto-tuned introduction of the pilot show "Popular Slut Club" and the song about "If it's alive, don't lick it." I'm pretty sure we're going to sing that one to our daughter when she's old enough to understand because I'm tired of fishing caterpillars and stinkbugs out of her mouth when we go out to the garden. Maybe it's more funny if you have kids. Since we have the DVD set, I watched the commentary and deleted scenes from the episode. Those shed more light onto where the writers are taking Fry and Leela, which is interesting.