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Author Topic: Futurama News during the 2011 Futurama run  (Read 53319 times)
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« Reply #80 on: 06-28-2011 17:21 »

Nothing. :(

The transcript is up on the Infosphere now.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #81 on: 06-28-2011 17:23 »

Ah sweet, thanks Aki. :p
Dorsal Axe

Bending Unit
« Reply #82 on: 06-28-2011 19:57 »

Fixed link to video.
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #83 on: 06-28-2011 20:20 »

Here's some news that caught my attention. Mainly this one note towards the bottom.

“We have a presidential election coming up, so we’ll probably need another Richard Nixon episode,” he said. “He’ll be running as the liberal candidate."

I'm confused by this... is Nixon going to run as a liberal in 3012?

« Reply #84 on: 06-28-2011 21:12 »

That's odd. I'm more hyped about what they say of Overclockwise though:
In another clever episode, previewed below, Bender massively increases his processing speed, takes on tremendous powers of computation, improves himself at an exponential rate and “passes the existential singularity and the concerns of mankind,” said Cohen.

“It’s pretty deep, but there are also a lot of flaming belches,” he said. “We pull you in with the mathematical theorems, and we keep you with the flaming belches.”

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #85 on: 06-28-2011 21:18 »

Fixed link to video.

Thanks! :D

Bending Unit
« Reply #86 on: 06-28-2011 23:04 »

nice new avatar Danny

and thanks for the clip Dorsal Axe this episode seem really promising :)

Starship Captain
« Reply #87 on: 06-28-2011 23:05 »

Saw the clip, I can't really make my mind up until I see what preceeds it. May be a fun concept. I'm just not a fan of 'Bender-centric' episodes. And two in a row,  :hmpf:

« Reply #88 on: 06-28-2011 23:10 »

I'm not surprised there's a lot of Bender in the start of the season. He is a beloved character, especially among the more casual fans. This season overall seems to be just as mixed as previous ones though.

Bending Unit
« Reply #89 on: 06-28-2011 23:22 »

Here's some news that caught my attention. Mainly this one note towards the bottom.

“We have a presidential election coming up, so we’ll probably need another Richard Nixon episode,” he said. “He’ll be running as the liberal candidate."

I'm confused by this... is Nixon going to run as a liberal in 3012?
I think the point is he has to be "liberal candidate" in comparision  to his oponent.

« Reply #90 on: 06-28-2011 23:23 »

Still don't get it.

Bending Unit
« Reply #91 on: 06-29-2011 00:42 »

Ironically, the real-life Nixon actually was fairly liberal on most policy issues -- in fact he would be considered to be generally to the left of Obama today.  Don't forget that he was the president who created the Environmental Protection Agency and passed the Clean Air Act (as part of the most sweeping environmental legislation agenda of ANY president of the USA), introduced a huge mass of civil liberties legislation, second only to Lyndon Johnson's record, and totally reformed the government's relationship with Native Americans.  Not to mention that he advocated (and almost succeeded in passing) a system of universal health care.

Not that I am a fan of Richard Nixon.  But the general public expectations of the time were far to the left of what we see in the USA today, and Nixon was working within that environment.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #92 on: 06-29-2011 02:37 »

Nixon was actually a pretty damn effective President. It's just a shame he was also paranoid and unscrupulous. If he'd been a little less of either, he might be remembered more fondly by Americans today.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #93 on: 06-29-2011 02:45 »

I'm confused by this... is Nixon going to run as a liberal in 3012?

I want to see him in a three-party race against Zombie Obama and Joe Biden's disembodied brain, as well as a hologrammatic simulation of Sarah Palin (complete with forehead "H") and her running mate, Mitt Romney's toupée.

Starship Captain
« Reply #94 on: 06-29-2011 02:47 »

Let us not forget that he was a classically trained pianist, as well.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #95 on: 06-29-2011 04:13 »

I'm confused by this... is Nixon going to run as a liberal in 3012?

I want to see him in a three-party race against Zombie Obama and Joe Biden's disembodied brain, as well as a hologrammatic simulation of Sarah Palin (complete with forehead "H") and her running mate, Mitt Romney's toupée.
I think more what will happen is that he's run out of the increasingly-conservative Republican Party by some Tea Party analogy and runs as a third party candidate. Or goes through classic Futurama Nixonian means to get rid of the far right wing candidat.e

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #96 on: 06-29-2011 05:14 »

For American viewers, if you watch full episodes of The Daily Show and Colbert Report online right now, they're running a "Thurs-Dimension" Futurama/Ugly Americans promo before them. The Futurama parts are brief, but include:

(^This is already seen in one of the storyboards)

as well as:

Nothing huge, but nice little random clips to see.

Starship Captain
« Reply #97 on: 06-29-2011 05:31 »

Let us not forget that he was a classically trained pianist, as well.
That may be what gives him the win. Or a funny storyline. Or most probably, nothing whatsoever. :p

Starship Captain
« Reply #98 on: 06-29-2011 12:16 »

I wonder what Nixon's new bofy will be for this election? He's used that big one twice. Although I guess it could be an identical one.

And Eleven is showing Benderama now, with Neutopia next week.

Bending Unit
« Reply #99 on: 06-29-2011 12:26 »

Yeah, I don't think I'll be tuning into Eleven next week. I'm finding it hard with the ad breaks which is kind of pathetic but I've been watching Futurama on DVDs and online for like, 2 years now.

« Reply #100 on: 06-29-2011 13:52 »

I want to see him in a three-party race against Zombie Obama and Joe Biden's disembodied brain, as well as a hologrammatic simulation of Sarah Palin (complete with forehead "H") and her running mate, Mitt Romney's toupée.

I know you're kidding, but I'm worried about this. Wouldn't surprise me if they actually tried to make fun of (subtly or directly) at any of the candidates, making the episode too topical for subsequent views. I don't mind them parodying the whole birther conspiracy, because it can be viewed without having the background scope, but doing the actual candidates? Please, no.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #101 on: 06-29-2011 16:14 »

Of course I'm kidding. Can you imagine anything owned by Mitt Romney only a heartbeat away from the Presidency?

* Xanfor shivers.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #102 on: 06-29-2011 17:43 »

Can we please confirm the name of tomorrow's ep? Is it Ghost in the Machines, Ghosts in the Machine or Ghosts in the Machines?

I'm going with Ghosts in the Machines, cause that's what the preview pics said on the Countdown. The Infosphere says Ghost in the Machines. :hmpf:

« Reply #103 on: 06-29-2011 17:49 »
« Last Edit on: 06-29-2011 17:53 »

Oh crap, I had only seen "Ghost in the Machines", but you are correct, released pictures say differently.

Is there anything except for the Infosphere that argues for the alternate "Ghost in the Machines"?

*moves the Infosphere article to its proper place*

edit: According to this the title is "Ghost in the Machines", and that is the source given on the Infosphere. That could just as well be Matt Tobey missing an S, though.

edit 2: MSN also goes with Ghost. link.

« Reply #104 on: 06-29-2011 17:53 »

On to further stuff. I don't think this has been posted: The making of a Futurama episode.

« Reply #105 on: 06-29-2011 18:35 »
« Last Edit on: 06-29-2011 18:37 »

116.Fry Am the Egg Man
Fry nurtures an alien egg that then hatches into a monster.

117.The Tip of the Zoidberg
The crew uncovers a dark secret about a covert mission.

118.Cold Warriors
Fry's sneezes reintroduce the common cold to the world of the future.

When Bender increases his processing power, he becomes godlike.

According to tv.msn

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #106 on: 06-29-2011 19:39 »

Ghosts in the Machines is more official, but more than one un-official source states that it's Ghost in the Machines... :confused:

Bending Unit
« Reply #107 on: 06-29-2011 19:45 »

so now is Reincarnation airing in november or the 09-08-2011 ??

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #108 on: 06-29-2011 20:17 »

Given what we know, I don't see any reason it wouldn't air September 8th. The experiment of separating a single episode from the entire season failed last year with a holiday special being aired for the holidays, imagine how it would go for something not holiday themed.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #109 on: 06-29-2011 20:43 »

Given what we know, I don't see any reason it wouldn't air September 8th. The experiment of separating a single episode from the entire season failed last year with a holiday special being aired for the holidays, imagine how it would go for something not holiday themed.

I still don't understand why they aired a holiday special in November... :nono:

Starship Captain
« Reply #110 on: 06-30-2011 00:07 »

When does this simpsons air their toh episodes. Yup.

Bending Unit
« Reply #111 on: 06-30-2011 01:29 »

Oooh, Cold Warriors sounds interesting! :D

Urban Legend
« Reply #112 on: 06-30-2011 01:58 »

David X Cohen mentioned that Reincarnation might air on the same night as Overclockwise as another double-bill like the Neutopia/Benderama opener in an interview, but he also said it might not...

« Reply #113 on: 06-30-2011 02:00 »

Sounded to me like he had no clue whatsoever, and like he had no control at all over it (I guess it's all up to Comedy Central). So, yeah, I won't take DXC's word for anything concerning the broadcast order.
Who, Where, What, How?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #114 on: 06-30-2011 03:00 »

I'm looking forward to "Ghost in the microwave' tomorrow night.
I think it will be one of the best eps this series.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #115 on: 06-30-2011 10:45 »

"Ghost in the microwave'

Ha ha, it's Machine. Or Machines.... WE DON'T KNOW!   :confused:

Starship Captain
« Reply #116 on: 06-30-2011 14:17 »

Bongo preview for Ghost. Not sure why the devil's  dressed like that. Then again, the previous preview had clothes that didn't appear.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #117 on: 06-30-2011 14:57 »

Hmmm. Didn't know the Robot Devil was so busty.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #118 on: 06-30-2011 15:09 »

Did Mom and the Robot Devil have a secret affair :confused:...

« Reply #119 on: 06-30-2011 16:44 »

Now that's an odd pic.

Hey, it seems like "Ghost in the Machines" is the official title after all.
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