
DOOP Secretary

As we know, the first episode of production season 7 will be the one in which Bender gets a soda machine pregnant. There's plenty of potential for Fry/Leela shippy-ness, there. Leela feeling a bit broody and making Fry scared of commitment or the same thing with the roles reversed? It's a good opportunity for them to reflect on their future as a couple.
Good point. Props to the writers if they decide not to cop out on Fry and Leela's relationship at the start of season seven; that parallel you draw between the confirmed Bender story and the speculative subplot could make for an interesting episode.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Oh yeah, Fry and Leela's relationship, forgot about that. Wasn’t really missing it though, eh...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Hold on, Cold Warriors looks to be excellent as well!...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

I'm wondering how close the storyline will be to Futurama Comic #11. If it is similar I don't mind because I love that comic. In fact that comic is one of the main reasons I’m so excited for the ep, because the potential has been proved...
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #491 on: 08-20-2011 16:05 »
« Last Edit on: 08-20-2011 16:14 »
Good point. Props to the writers if they decide not to cop out on Fry and Leela's relationship at the start of season seven;
I somehow got the impression season 6 was also a test run how to deal with it: 6a) Mostly a couple wise interpretation 6b) Mostly a non-couple wise interpretation (so far) After the end of both seasons, the future treatment/writing might be based on this comparison. It's a good opportunity for them to reflect on their future as a couple.
"Considering their future together" was mentioned as a subplot in "Overclockwise" by David x. Cohen in an interview. Just going on with the same thing in next seasons first episode...hm...dunno...

DOOP Secretary

Just so you know; you cannot link to pages on the US copyright catalogue. Yes, I know; it sucks. But you are correct.


Didn't know that. Thanks for the heads up. I'll remove the link  .
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
Okay...this title does in fact make more sense than "The Boots and the Bees"...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

I like the title a lot now, the premise I'm not so sure about. It's interesting and could turn out well, but has the potential to suck more than a hooker on rent day...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Haha, that's awesome! Thanx for sharing. Definitely looking forward to this one, it's like a bigger step to take after the events of Futurama Comic #11...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Nice, looking good! Those spinning blades remind me of the ones that farmer on the moon had in The Series Has Landed. Also, I wonder what that bucket is for? Is it incase Fry wets himself?...

DOOP Secretary

Wets himself? Looks like it is where his remains is going.

Starship Captain
« Reply #503 on: 08-20-2011 23:50 »
« Last Edit on: 08-20-2011 23:52 »
I'm inclined to think that Slurmed made a typo Yes I did...  Thanks for noticing!! In my defense.. I should have used Copy & Paste Wets himself? Looks like it is where his remains is going.
Second! -- The promos look really interesting!

DOOP Secretary

Thanks for the pictures, Danny. Also... I'm still having mixed opinions on this ep and TCFTCC having similar plot lines... 
I don't love that they're doing it, but of all the comic plots that the show could borrow from, "The Cure for the Common Clod" is one of the best choices. And didn't "Benderama" borrow a bit from issue fourteen of the comics, what with all the Benders? The way I see it, there are only so many stories out there, and as long as they aren't out-and-out animating the preexisting comics, but are instead composing new stories that may share some plot details, it's not a big deal.

DOOP Secretary

I've never read it either, actually (though I share in your desire to do so), but I have a vague notion of the plot from looking it up on the Infosphere. At any rate, it seems like there are a few similarities, but it doesn't really take away from my enjoyment of "Benderama." The writers have said that the comics and the series are two separate entities, so I'm able to appreciate and evaluate them as such. Though, if the two media have to borrow from one another, I would definitely prefer that the comics be derivative of the series, and not the other way around.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

I remember buying Comic #14 just days after it came out in America (the shop I got it from import the American ones). Of course that was some years ago, so many years in fact that I didn't draw the comparison to it from Benderama. That is a good point you've raised there though. I still have the comic in my closet and from what I remember it was a good issue, but most of the low teens were though. It couldn't have been as good as issue #11 though because even I instantly thought of that when I first saw the ep synopsis for Cold Warriors...
I don't mind them using Comic ideas if they're good ones, but only if they would also work in an episode format as well which I think this will. I remember thinking when I read it how much I'd have loved to see it as an ep. Not literally exactly the same, but with the same basic foundations. I hope this ep doesn't disappoint, because it has a lot to live up to. Possibly the best Futurama Comic of the lot (out of the ones I've read) IMO...


Nice, looking good! Those spinning blades remind me of the ones that farmer on the moon had in The Series Has Landed. Also, I wonder what that bucket is for? Is it incase Fry wets himself?...
I think that is the Professors version of the 'Juice-A-Matic 4000'. ...or quite possibly a 'Verion T Disruptor'.


I agree, she even looks more concerned than Fry himself.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

The comic is one of the best comics, but it can't hold a candle to even the worst episode of the TV show. Issue #11 is far better written than Holiday Craptacular, that's for sure  ...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Aside from humour though, don't you agree that it was better written from a story/resolution point of view?  ...