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Author Topic: I'll start my own thread, with Blackjack! And captions! (framegrab thread)  (Read 61638 times)
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« Reply #240 on: 07-05-2011 23:23 »

Bender: And heres my specialty for tonight's dinner....

Judge 1: Just looking at that lobster is giving me seafood poisoning

Judge 2: Is he wearing a diaper?

Bender: It adds flavor

All Judges: * vomit *


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #241 on: 07-06-2011 17:35 »

Bender: And heres my specialty for tonight's dinner....
Judge 1: Just looking at that lobster is giving me seafood poisoning
Judge 2: Is he wearing a diaper?
Bender: It adds flavor
All Judges: * vomit *

That was pretty good for your first caption, I laughed. ;)
Starship Captain
« Reply #242 on: 07-07-2011 07:51 »

The judges here are showing the three possible reactions to a fart: Wondering What It Is; Fearful At The Smell; Realizing The Humor.

Urban Legend
« Reply #243 on: 07-09-2011 05:10 »

What a low turnout. Has the influx of the new episodes reduced participation? Well, I guess we'll never know...

Gorky FTW.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #244 on: 07-09-2011 05:29 »

Hey, neat! I'm flattered, El-Man, thanks. :)

Now for a new, blurry framegrab!


« Reply #245 on: 07-09-2011 05:44 »

Leela: Godammit, another invisible barbell?! Where do they keep coming from...?
Who, Where, What, How?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #246 on: 07-09-2011 06:01 »

Bender: And heres my specialty for tonight's dinner....

Judge 1: Just looking at that lobster is giving me seafood poisoning

Judge 2: Is he wearing a diaper?

Bender: It adds flavor

All Judges: * vomit *

I feel you were cheated Infoman that was by far the funniest of the lot
Bias forum stick to old peelers lame jokes I guess. 
I'm sure EI-Man has a terrific sense of humor if he picks that rather than yours
it's like ordering a salad rather than a burger...Oh you're a vegan that explains it.
Starship Captain
« Reply #247 on: 07-09-2011 07:22 »

Leela's attempt to goose Bender failed once again, due to her lack of depth perception.

« Reply #248 on: 07-09-2011 08:07 »
« Last Edit on: 07-10-2011 11:01 »


You win some, you lose some no biggie. I congratulate Gorky :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #249 on: 07-09-2011 10:55 »

Bender: And heres my specialty for tonight's dinner....

Judge 1: Just looking at that lobster is giving me seafood poisoning

Judge 2: Is he wearing a diaper?

Bender: It adds flavor

All Judges: * vomit *

I feel you were cheated Infoman that was by far the funniest of the lot
Bias forum stick to old peelers lame jokes I guess. 
I'm sure EI-Man has a terrific sense of humor if he picks that rather than yours
it's like ordering a salad rather than a burger...Oh you're a vegan that explains it.

I thought you were going to delete your account. It made me happy. :confused:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #250 on: 07-09-2011 14:55 »

Bender: And heres my specialty for tonight's dinner....

Judge 1: Just looking at that lobster is giving me seafood poisoning

Judge 2: Is he wearing a diaper?

Bender: It adds flavor

All Judges: * vomit *

I feel you were cheated Infoman that was by far the funniest of the lot
Bias forum stick to old peelers lame jokes I guess. 
I'm sure EI-Man has a terrific sense of humor if he picks that rather than yours
it's like ordering a salad rather than a burger...Oh you're a vegan that explains it.

Oh no, you've figured out my deepest, darkest secret: I'm not funny at all! People only reward me with meaningless victories in a just-for-fun framegrab game because I'm a more established member! Guess the charade is over. :hmpf:

Starship Captain
« Reply #251 on: 07-09-2011 15:19 »

Leela: Now this is a trust exercise, just fall back and I will catch you.........

Urban Legend
« Reply #252 on: 07-09-2011 15:59 »

Leela: All right, you won the bet. See, I've got the polishing mittens...

Bender: Damn right! Now, here's my ass. Get to work!

(And I'm not a vegetarian, I just live with one.)

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #253 on: 07-10-2011 13:02 »

Leela: Bender, what do you mean you can't remember? You were the one who said you could find your way back to the ship!

Bender: So, I lied. What do I care? You're the one who's boned if you haven't found a Tauntaun carcass by sunset.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #254 on: 07-11-2011 20:15 »

I don't know how long I'm supposed to wait before declaring a winner, but I sense there shan't be any more entries, so here it is: jeepdavetj wins, because sometimes the most obvious caption is also the best one.

Yes, I've bastardized Occam's Razor to rationalize my decision. It's called being really classy.

Starship Captain
« Reply #255 on: 07-12-2011 00:27 »

Holy crapple in the Snapple! I won?  Ok, here ya go, I went with something pretty new. Just because I don't know which has been used before. So enjoy. This should be interesting!

Um, and if I did this totally wrong, someone else take over. I suck at computers  :laff:

« Reply #256 on: 07-12-2011 00:59 »

Bender: Okay, ma ho's, this ain't no drill. Hedonism Bot is waiting right outside and wants one of you to come with him.
Leela [thinking] Oh, lord.
LaBarbara Oh, don't you even...
Amy [thinking] Please pick me, please pick me, please pick me...

Starship Captain
« Reply #257 on: 07-12-2011 01:12 »

Nibblonian Leader

Urban Legend
« Reply #258 on: 07-12-2011 01:17 »
« Last Edit on: 07-12-2011 01:18 »

Amy's been really in-your-face about getting her PhD.


Starship Captain
« Reply #259 on: 07-12-2011 01:23 »

Nibblonian Leader

Urban Legend
« Reply #260 on: 07-12-2011 01:27 »

Who, Where, What, How?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #261 on: 07-12-2011 01:48 »
« Last Edit on: 07-12-2011 02:02 »

Bender: Okay, ma ho's, this ain't no drill. Hedonism Bot is waiting right outside and wants one of you to come with him.
Leela [thinking] Oh, lord.
LaBarbara Oh, don't you even...
Amy [thinking] Please pick me, please pick me, please pick me...

What, wheres the funny? The only reason I wrote this is because you always say it's a good thing you don't write for Futurama...Right back at ya.

Bender: Okay, we got An astronaut. Now which one of you is going to be the moon?...It can't be Labarbara because her ass is black.
Nibblonian Leader

Urban Legend
« Reply #262 on: 07-12-2011 02:02 »

Amy being a whore.

Bending Unit
« Reply #263 on: 07-12-2011 02:27 »
« Last Edit on: 07-12-2011 02:54 »

Amy: Hey guys, I just got back from my physics convention. Uh, why are you two wearing those skimpy outfits?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #264 on: 07-12-2011 02:51 »

This happens more than you think.

What, wheres the funny? The only reason I wrote this is because you always say it's a good thing you don't write for Futurama...Right back at ya.

The last of these three reactions is not like the others.

Urban Legend
« Reply #265 on: 07-12-2011 03:49 »

Bender: That's the worst Village People impersonation I've ever seen.  You don't even have the right number of People!

« Reply #266 on: 07-12-2011 06:14 »

Bender: You call this sexy?! The bile would be rising to the top of my throat if I had bile.

Urban Legend
« Reply #267 on: 07-12-2011 07:03 »

Bender: You got the helmet so nobody notices that eyeball!

Leela: Yeah, like they'll be looking at my face...

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #268 on: 07-12-2011 15:00 »

Bender: No, no, no! Its Step Step Kick Step Turn Slide Step Step Jump Brachiate Ululate and then gently down, you idiots, NOT Step Step Kick Step Turn Step Slide Slip Batusi Undulate and then fall on your ass! And would it kill you to Emote a little, for goodness sakes.
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #269 on: 07-12-2011 16:59 »

Leela: We're not those type of girls! We're not going to do that with each other!

LaBarbra: You tell him girl!

Amy: ...

Bender: OK, OK, how about we turn on some fans and rub some vasoline on the lenses for an artsie effect?

Leela & Labarbra: Uhmmm...

Amy: ...

Bender: And I throw in a bucket of hot wings.

Leela & Labarbra: Deal!

Bender: And Leela, the helmet goes too!

Amy: Yes!

Starship Captain
« Reply #270 on: 07-13-2011 04:01 »

Hobbit takes it! I was waitin for some one to pull out a Shriners joke with LaBarbras hat :p

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #271 on: 07-13-2011 13:38 »


Starship Captain
« Reply #272 on: 07-13-2011 16:06 »

Amy and Hermes enjoyed their invisible milkshake while Zoidberg looked on with want. Bender on the otherhand was thinking of how to steal the Lime Green Touch Lamp the professor had bolted to the table.

« Reply #273 on: 07-13-2011 16:18 »

Lacking lips, a heartbroken Zoidberg was unable to join in on the "synchronized whistling" contest.

Bending Unit
« Reply #274 on: 07-13-2011 18:58 »

The Professor stands naked in front of everyone, exposing his full-frontal nudity.

Amy & Hermes: Ooooh.

Bender: Impressive.

Zoidberg: Meh, I've chopped off bigger ones than that.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #275 on: 07-13-2011 21:57 »

Professor:  Due to budget constraints I've sold the ship and replaced it with this very stylish and highly economical miniature intergalactic flying saucer.  On future delivery missions you'll use the microtronic black hole compressor to shrink your bodies down to the appropriate size to fit comfortably within the saucer.  Oh, by the way, the compressor doesn't work on clothes...

Starship Captain
« Reply #276 on: 07-14-2011 07:41 »

That's one parole board I wouldn't want to face ...

Urban Legend
« Reply #277 on: 07-14-2011 14:48 »

Amy and Hermes were impressed that Leela was going on a date with a rich doctor. Bender only heard 'rich'. Zoidberg was unimpressed - he knew from personal experience that doctors never had any money.
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #278 on: 07-14-2011 20:55 »

The Topless Tuesday contest winner was always tough choice.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #279 on: 07-15-2011 01:42 »

Zoidberg: Mmm, chopped off dicks and flaming garbage.  This conversation is making me so hungry!
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