DOOP Secretary
But which character is saying that? This could make or break your chance of winning this round, winna, don't mess it up.
Robot Devil: Honestly...what is up with that hair?!
Robot Devil: So, Mr. Fry, I hear you sexually molested my three robot daughters. Fry: Robot daughters?
Liquid Emperor
Robot Devil: Mr. Fry, this may be Robot Hell but we still have rules here.
Fry: Yeah, like...?
Robot Devil: Like you can't just pee anywhere.
Fry: So like where...?
Robot Devil: Not on my leg for starters.
DOOP Secretary
And no ' on Hyper Chickens...
DOOP Secretary
Robot Devil: So why are you here?
Fry: I talked at the theater.
Robot Devil: In that case, you want the special hell.
Who, Where, What, How?
Delivery Boy
No, that's not true at all; I can select a winner – and honorable mention, for that matter – for many reasons: humor, creativity, parody/satire skills (but never irony؟), and many more that I am too lazy to type at this time. Do you really think that I would rank "punctuation" so highly on the list‽
I don't take part in this game anymore because I don't have very good punctuation. Aki said extra points go to good punctuation. So thats basically me out. Punctuation does seem a very strong part of the game, people being caught out for it. Just a bit unfair, In my opinion.
Liquid Emperor
A lot of times people post things that are pretty much unreadable or not understandable because of weak spelling or punctuation. It's not that the submitter is being penalized for wobbly skills, it's just that no one knows what it's supposed to mean or it reads far different than what the author meant to say.
I don't take part in this game anymore because I don't have very good punctuation. Aki said extra points go to good punctuation. So thats basically me out. Punctuation does seem a very strong part of the game, people being caught out for it. Just a bit unfair, In my opinion. That was when I was the leader, and quite frankly, the leader of the game is allowed to give extra points to whoever he or she wants. Now it is weiner's turn, and he can give points for mentioning Zoidberg if he wants to. That aside, it was also a joke. And if you had paid attention to what went on, I was the one calling out Danny for calling out such a minor mistake. RAGE. You missed the "Cause", the missing comma between "Sorry" and "Fry", the wrongly put ellipses and the capital letter after ellipsis. Neither of them are annoying enough to be pointed out, though, so I don't really see the point in this.
See what I did there? See the "Neither of them are annoying enough to be pointed out" and the "I don't really see the point in this"? Now quit playing martyr and get back to posting funny captions.
Robot Devil: You know what? You can go to hell. Fry: But... I am in hell. Robot devil: Hm?
Starship Captain
I've been playing sporadically since the beginning. Well, that explains why you didn't see it, then. Getting back to the thread ... Robot Devil: Well, Mr. Fry, this is how I run things in Heaven. I can't be held accountable for what Michelle Bachman said about the place. (too obscure?)
transgender nerd under canada
DOOP Ubersecretary
I've been playing sporadically since the beginning. Well, that explains why you didn't see it, then.
The asshat n00bs like you with asshat posts like that are two of the reasons I'm not tempeted back into this thread very often. Also, it's very rare now that there is more than one caption posted per grab that's actually funny. It's not uncommon to get a grab posted to which nobody makes an amusing or even vaguely cromulent reply. * tnuk swirls his cape and departs in his flying saucer.
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
Ok, everyone, let's try to stay on track. Don't make me turn this thread around!
Robot Devil: I invented all sorts of punishment on your kind Fry. You know that constant nagging disgusting urge you vile humans have to urinate?
Fry: Yeah, what of it?
Robot Devil: Oh, nothing. It just sickens me. *shudders*
DOOP Secretary
I do my best dammit!
Ah, you remind me of me from just a few weeks ago...
DOOP Secretary
H'okay, so it's been over a day since the last submission, so I'll make a call now: Winner: Beelzebot: This is Robot Hell, idiot, not the Robo Hotel. Just for that, I'm not going to validate your parking. Runner-up: Robot Devil: So why are you here?
Fry: I talked at the theater.
Robot Devil: In that case, you want the special hell.
And Honorable Mention: Beelzebot:
DOOP Secretary
Zoidberg: Y-M-C-A! Bender: (harsh whisper) Can it, crawdad. They're sick of the contemporary pop culture references!
Zoidberg: I can't hold up this invisible barbell any longer, I can't!