DOOP Secretary
The Glamorous Life of a Scientist
Fast cars, trendy night spots, beautiful women, and how Professor Farnsworth designed them all.
Frida Waterfall
"The Transcredible Exploits of Zapp Brannigan"
Well, they already showed it once in "In-a-Gadda-da-Leela", but I'd like for it to cover all of Zapps "adventures" during his military career. I'd like to see how Zapp "slept" his way up to the top military ranking general.
Seriously, if the series wasn't renewed, this would make a great mini-series. Hey, at least then we would still get new "Futurama" material.
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
The E! True Hollywood Story of Hedonism Bot. It would be a 2 hour special.
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
Wait of all things Kurt doesn't wanna see a spinoff? I'm shocked!
1000 Lightyears from Earrrth starring Lrrr and Ndnd on Omicron Persei 8. A funny and lighthearted sitcom. I can see that. The name would need tweaking.
Tnuk stole my original idea with his NYPD 3000...But there are so many interesting possibilities.
DOOP Secretary
Nerd instinct kicking in here, sorry, but it's NNYPD, not NYPD...
DOOP Secretary
Even worse than Xanfor's 'What If my Nephew was Frozen in the Year 2000 and came to the Future?' idea?
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
Yes, much worse. At least that incorporates something original with Futurama, that being the What-If machine.
DOOP Secretary
Even worse than Xanfor's 'What If my Nephew was Frozen in the Year 2000 and came to the Future?' idea? In my defense, that idea was for the last few moments of Futurama's final episode.
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
The Bachelorette starring Leela. Hey, that's not that bad.
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #39 on: 08-28-2011 15:38 »
« Last Edit on: 08-28-2011 15:40 »
I'd so watch the show of Leela in Yo Leela Leela.. even if I have no frickin idea what this show is about...
Ok ... Anyways... Today is the Future! - Lrrr critiques today's TV programs in the future!... Phnog's Life Struggles - Dips deep into Phnog's past to reveal (accompanied by anecdotes from some of his former students) why he became such a sexist jackass!... Mafia, Robot Style! - Explores the daily lives and exploits of our favourite Mafia crew!...