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Author Topic: what do you think about a futurama movie  (Read 2304 times)
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PEE Poll: what  do you think about a futurama movie
great   -2 (4.5%)
ok   -0 (0%)
make a trilogy!!!!!!!   -38 (86.4%)
crap   -0 (0%)
just kkeep a show   -2 (4.5%)
not with real people   -1 (2.3%)
big screen and futurama dont go   -0 (0%)
cool   -0 (0%)
yeh!!   -0 (0%)
nnnaaaaa!!!!!!!!!   -1 (2.3%)
Total Members Voted: 44


Urban Legend
« Reply #40 on: 05-14-2002 08:02 »

Praise be to the big screan and all of it's glory


« Reply #41 on: 06-10-2002 18:21 »

Yeah, a trilogy would be awesome I do say. You're right PCC Fred, I don't think you can go wrong with a sci-fi trilogy.
Robotany 500

Bending Unit
« Reply #42 on: 06-10-2002 19:37 »
« Last Edit on: 06-10-2002 19:37 »

I would really prefer to keep the show going on as it did since now.
A movie, a trilogy or whatsoever "on da big screen" would be acceptable only in the case Futurama is doomed for true and there shall be no way to produce more tv episodes today, tomorrow or ...in the 31st century-
otherwise, if the serie goes on (which, I believe, is the very first hope of you all), then it might be better if they keep going for a lot more years- then when it is REALLY over (in the sense its time is REALLY finished) a movie or a trilogy would be ok, instead of continuing with crap episodes (like for what is happening to the Simpsons...)

Urban Legend
« Reply #43 on: 06-10-2002 20:42 »

Nobody for the trilogy? Really? Why not?

Nobody seems to like the trilogy idea...  :D
Robotany 500

Bending Unit
« Reply #44 on: 06-10-2002 21:04 »

trilogy or less, another question could be: those movies would be intended for Futurama fans (people who already know almost everything of the show, so the story of every single character) or they will be targetting also an audience of people who has only barely heard of Futurama? The main plot depends basically from this. Even if the trilogy (assuming that there'll be a trilogy) aims to attract both people who were and who weren't fan of the tv serie, then in the movie they'll have to explain again everything (how Fry went to the future, who are all the main characters, etc. plus adopting perhaps same scenes or jokes already seen on tv).

Urban Legend
« Reply #45 on: 06-10-2002 21:12 »

That could be the first 20ish minutes of movie one! Then you know whats up, and everyone is on equal ground.
Robotany 500

Bending Unit
« Reply #46 on: 06-10-2002 21:24 »
« Last Edit on: 06-10-2002 21:24 »

I don't know... not all main characters appeared on Episode 1 (think to Zoidberg, Hermes, Amy), but also we gathered much more important information about them in other episodes
I don't how they'll make the entire thing work, but writing a script for a 20min tv show episode is a fact, writing it for a 90-120min cinema movie is another. The people who worked in Futurama I believe have matured experience essentially in the first kind of scripting... It'll be a challenge, indeed: you can't delude old fan, you can't introduce a film for fan-only, you can't merely transpose a tv-show on the big screen using the same "rythm".

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #47 on: 06-11-2002 11:17 »
« Last Edit on: 06-11-2002 11:17 »

Like Matt (or was it David?) said "Everybody doesn't have to get every joke". It should be possible to make a funny movie, accessible to the broad audience (after a brief introduction), while at the same time make hardcore fans squel with delight.

With hardcore fans (and I think that pretty much cover most PEEL'ers) you don't need to hit them on the forehead with a shovel to make them notice things. They'll usually pick up on minute things, throw-away lines, a casual remark, the way Leela looks at Fry, etc. We'll get all these things, and we'll laugh at the jokes and gags.

The broad public would like the jokes, marvel at the 3D and brilliant animation, and if the story is wellwritten they'll probably be swept away as well.

Besides how much explanation do you need to see the humor inherent in "Lobstermooch, One-Eye and Drunken Garbagecan".

Still, straight-to-video might be the only viable way to go. Even though I would kill to see Leela on the big screen (just like I would kill to make sure Leela stayed on TV).
Robotany 500

Bending Unit
« Reply #48 on: 06-11-2002 11:31 »

personally, I would like to see such a movie with the same design and animation style of the tv serie. For example, I wouldn't like too see much 3D effects - which, according to Scott Vanzo, consist only in less than 5% of the scenes of an entire episode, if I don't mistake. Furthermore, I wouldn't like to see a smoother animation like in a Disney movie  :puke:
In a word, only the plot should change, due the absence of the 20' time limit.
Doing so, the cost of a 90-110' movie wouldn't override too much the cost of producing a number of episodes covering the same time. So, they could produce more than three movies...

Starship Captain
« Reply #49 on: 06-11-2002 11:49 »

I'd love to see a trilogy about fry and leela... but a trilogy would be nice in any way
Robotany 500

Bending Unit
« Reply #50 on: 06-11-2002 13:14 »
« Last Edit on: 06-11-2002 13:14 »

hey, remember: instead of the movie trilogy, if the serie goes on in the right way then nothing forbids a multiple-episode plot (like for "Who shot mr. Burns" in The Simpsons or even longer)
Robotany 500

Bending Unit
« Reply #51 on: 06-11-2002 13:29 »

and welcome to PEEL  :)

Starship Captain
« Reply #52 on: 06-12-2002 11:36 »

Originally posted by Robotany 500:
and welcome to PEEL   :)

If it was as good as "Who shot Mr. Burns", I'd love to see it. And of course I'd enjoy every episode if the series goes on...

Space Pope
« Reply #53 on: 06-12-2002 12:15 »

I say they make a live action Futurama, with the cast made up entirely of people over 65 and 9 months. It would be 5 hours long with dramatic politically-motivated monologues and periods of 15 minutes at a time showing nothing but the emptiness of space set to a classic 80's goth-rock sound track performed by the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, live in the cinema. Muppets, spliced with monochrome line drawings would make up the action and chase scenes, while romantic scenes involving more than 3 people onscreen would be shot in sepia tone. Oh, and ducks. The film's finale would include a grand army of a million white ducks, the likes of which has never before been depicted on the big screen.
Robotany 500

Bending Unit
« Reply #54 on: 06-12-2002 13:11 »
« Last Edit on: 06-12-2002 13:11 »

Ben: that would remember me the crazy nonsense-based movies such "Hellzapoppin" or those by Marx Bros of Monty Python...  :D

Delivery Boy
« Reply #55 on: 06-13-2002 13:40 »

I like the idea of a Futurama movie, but it probably won't happen. They've laid of a Simpsons movie so long.

Starship Captain
« Reply #56 on: 06-15-2002 02:26 »

Ive heard a million times that there doing one after the show.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #57 on: 06-15-2002 08:46 »

If a film is made, it should provide final answers to all the big questions (eg: will Fry and Leela fuck, Will Prof. Farnsworth ever invent something useful)

It should kill off Cubert, It should have lots of Zapp, and it should include the Robot Devil.
(nearly mistyped robot as Root there).

It should be a trilogy too. And it should have an amazing amount of swearwords, to stop it being labelled as a kids cartoon once and for all.

Space Pope
« Reply #58 on: 06-15-2002 22:40 »

And it should have a vampire and an explosion.
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