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Author Topic: New to futurama just bought the HUGE box set and season 5 need help on getting..  (Read 1056 times)
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Lil Kis
« on: 04-02-2011 02:12 »

Ok i'm new here. Never saw a Futurama episode before. I usually buy anime but I wanted something different so I bought the box set of Futurama Seasons 1-4 and movies 1-4 and season 5. I ordered on amazon so I won't get them until a week from now but what can I look foward to in the show? I have questions too if anyone can post here and answer I greatly appreciate it!

*On a rate of 1 being worst to 10 being best what would you rate the entire show of Futurama? and why?

*How would you rate the characters of the show too?

*How bout the musiq?

*Would I like this show if I hate the Simpsons and Family Guy? I think those shows are boring...

*I know this show is about the comedy but are there any sad moments or sad episodes in this show? I like drama more than anything well and horror...

*Is this show better than the X-men animated series back in the early 90's?

*Why do you recommend this show?

*Also what can I look fowrd to in this show when I get it?

*Without spoilers what is your favorite season 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 and why?

*Without spoilers what is your favorite Futurama movie and why?

I know this is a lot of questions but plz answer and help I would greatly appreciate it. If I like the show count me in for season 6 and 7 to buy when they come out!!! PS... when does season 6 and 7 come out anyways?
Bending Unit
« Reply #1 on: 04-02-2011 02:43 »

About your last question, do you mean when season 6 and 7 come out on dvd? half of season 6 (It's called volume 5, so I think you already have it.) have already aired and came out on dvd in the us. I think the season will come out worldwide as a whole after the second half of season 6 airs this summer. (I don't know what county you come from).

Season 7 was JUST ordered, (read this handy press release here:http://www.comedycentral.com/press/press_releases/2011/032811_futurama-renewed-for-26-new-episodes.jhtml). it will be like season 6, as in it will be a big 26 episode season split up in two and airing in 2012 and 2013. The dvd for that won't be out for a couple years I guess.

There is a lot of confusion with season numbering, because Production seasons and broadcast seasons were  different in the original run, then the movies came out and got counted as a season, then season 6 and 7 are big seasons split up into 2 broadcast seasons. In short, It's a big mess, and I don't have time to explain it. :nono:

sorry, I don't have time to answer all your other question. Anyway, welcome to PEEL young one! I've been here for about a year, so I'm still a little newish too. :laff:

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #2 on: 04-02-2011 03:19 »

Actually that's quite interesting that you bought the show, having never seen it, and then found a Futurama forum to gauge about it. Quite impressed.

I'm sorry I don't have much time to type, but I can tell you that it has remained my favorite show since its premierein 1999. So for 12 years I have remained wholeheartedly faithful to it. That's a long time considering how many shows arre introduced and then later canned, and I have about 15 to 20 TV series on DVD. So I think it says a lot about the quality of its programming :)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #3 on: 04-02-2011 03:33 »

How about you just watch it yourself and form your own opinions?
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