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Author Topic: Friendly Views of Futurama  (Read 2108 times)
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Bending Unit
« Reply #40 on: 06-10-2002 18:55 »
« Last Edit on: 06-10-2002 18:55 »

Excellent... 3 more join the fold.  Muahahaha.

  :sleep: top of the page shuffle   :sleep:

Starship Captain
« Reply #41 on: 06-10-2002 19:07 »

nearly all my friends like futurama: watch it and think its funny. but only 3 of them actually love it, and only 2 of them collects all the episodes.
all cant be like some of us...and me: About to start a cult-worship of the show  :D
Robotany 500

Bending Unit
« Reply #42 on: 06-10-2002 21:16 »
« Last Edit on: 06-12-2002 00:00 »

hmmm... I've got two friends who like this show a lot. They both like Futurama and Simpsons; one of them probably likes more Futurama than Simpsons and says: "I love Futurama very much, but in my hearth there's always a place for Homer Simpson". I almost agree with him: technically Homer Simpson has more personality than many cartoon charachters of the past and still represents an icon of our present age. Of course, Matt Groening remains also very proud of Homer, besides he abandoned the Simpsons show a long time ago. Anyway, I'm talking about different cartoons - Simpsons & Futurama - with very different plots and structures... Me and the friends of mine who like Futurama think that Futurama stands as the ultimate masterpiece in the american toon industry and a more "mature toon" than "Simpsons".
Other people I know aren't that cartoon-addict or Groening-addict, so in the best cases just watch some episode of his shows accidentally (and/or apathically).

Starship Captain
« Reply #43 on: 06-12-2002 14:18 »

do we count mailpals too? if not, I've got two friends who watch it and my brother and my sister do, too. as me, they all like the simpsons, too and I think one can enjoy both, can't one?

Bending Unit
« Reply #44 on: 06-12-2002 15:17 »

I have three friends who enjoy the show to.  Since we live in the states, I'm the only one who owns the DVD box set and the rest (season 2,3,4) on VCD.  I introduced the show to them about a year about a year ago when none of my freinds knew much about the show. Of my family, my mother enjoys watching the show on occasion, but my sister seems more into Sponge bob and Whose line is it Anyway?*groan*. 

Space Pope
« Reply #45 on: 06-12-2002 15:40 »

I recently spoke to a couple of people at work and a couple of people at college too and all 4 said they didn't like it, though I got the feeling they had never seen it before. I got the feeling they were putting it into a South Park kinda bracket. I have yet to meet anyone who likes Futurama as much as I do, but most of them are really into other shows on TV.

Urban Legend
« Reply #46 on: 06-12-2002 16:16 »

All of my mates love Futurama, but I am the biggest fan (I think). We all are addicted to a TV show or something eg. The Simpsons, Buffy, LOTR. My current favourite things to talk about are Futurama and the World Cup!
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