Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

But Matt Groening also said this about Fox ordering another season:
"If not, onto bigger and better networks."
Sounds promising to me, I'd rather the show continued, even if it does have a different team working on it.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

I'd really like if Matt had the ruthlessness to say to FOX: "screw you, if you don't renew Futurama I'm pulling the plug on Simpsons, right here, right now".
But, I read somewhere that Matt doesn't like doing business that way, it's not his style. That guy is just too nice.
Mr. Potter


I think that Matt is smart and if Fox don't want to make Futurama he will find another network to do it. We have to remind that he has a great influence in the television business.
Code Green

Delivery Boy
« Reply #7 on: 05-01-2002 19:45 »
« Last Edit on: 05-01-2002 19:45 »
Originally posted by Xenomorph: This is obviously a tactic to
A) Scare Fox into renewing Futurama or B) Anger Fox into dumping Futurama so they can air it on another channel. Actually I disagree on that. I have noticed that Matt seemed to be getting tired of doing the Simpsons within the last few years and I am not surprised that he is thinking of stopping production of the show. I mean you can't blame him, he's been doing it since 1989, (since 1987 counting the Tracy Ullman Show Shorts). He must be bored of the show by now. The other dilema for him though is Futurama. This has got to be depresssing to him. He wants to end The Simpsons, but FOX wants to keep it on the air, and he wants to keep Futurama on the air, but FOX wants to cancel it. Also, The Simpsons is signed by FOX to make episodes until Season 15 (they are currently in Season 13). If they end the show when their contract's up, that won't be until at least 2004 so even if they do pull the plug on the show, it will have two good years left on the air. That's plenty of time to tie up loose ends and all. Also, by then, all Simpsons fans may be tired of the show anyway, that is if they aren't already.


Originally posted by Otis P Jivefunk: But Matt Groening also said this about Fox ordering another season:
"If not, onto bigger and better networks."
Sounds promising to me, I'd rather the show continued, even if it does have a different team working on it. I was thinking... I know I posted this in another thread but... Matt should goto Cartoon Network. Great Ads, shows are treated well, and The Adult Run would be a perfect place for it. But What I was thinking was this: I thought I read somewhere that the animaters from Rough Draft Studios were going on to do a project at Cartoon Network.. so If Matt went to CN then He would have a better chance at getting the original Animaters back! Then he'd just have to worry about the writers...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

I clicked on yout link, wiggles. If that is true, then all I can say is DAMN!


Originally posted by wiggles: ...snip... It looks like Matt has felt that he has had to counter these stories ...snip...
Either that or Fox ordered him to...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by VelourFog: just because he says he'll move on to better networks, doesn't mean he'll take Futurama with him. Yeah, but he implied it


Originally posted by VelourFog: just because he says he'll move on to better networks, doesn't mean he'll take Futurama with him in that old AARP magazine article he mentioned he was getting less interested in Futurama as well and it might be too hard to get it back together. i'd think he'd more likely just do some other show/thing. how old was that AARP articale?


I don't recall a Matt Groning strip called "Life in the Future."

Starship Captain
Originally posted by Kryten: Actually, Matt owns all the rights. Whic is WHY Fox hates the show Yay! /me runs around in small circles. That is the best news I have ever heard. Now please please please tell me that is the truth.


wish that matt got more nerve to say "NO" to fox fox ain't worth it