

I'll have to go with 'losers'.


Oh, why do you people need to put a label on everything? We are all individuals!!! Yes, I have also been drinking.


Ooh, I know! We can communicate in AL1! And AL2 and/or AL3 for the hardcore fans.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #63 on: 12-02-2003 19:07 »
« Last Edit on: 12-02-2003 19:07 »
the way I see it, the word 'trekkie' (sp?) is the last half of the shows title with an 'ie' sound added. which would make us 'Rammies' hmmm..... nevermind. my theory sucks. one other [offtopic] thing: Originally posted by SamuelXDiamond: Communicating in AL1? That's a dumb idea, Anarchist. Who'd ever do that? this coming from the guy that has AL1 in a picture in his sig.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

The Futurama staff already gave us our name on the season 4 DVD's: nerdlingers. Sounds neat, doesn't it? Originally posted by Zeep: one other [offtopic] thing: Originally posted by SamuelXDiamond: Communicating in AL1? That's a dumb idea, Anarchist. Who'd ever do that? this coming from the guy that has AL1 in a picture in his sig. That's kinda the whole point of the joke.

« Reply #65 on: 12-03-2003 06:23 »
« Last Edit on: 12-03-2003 06:23 »
Y3K pals, Y3K Freaks YFreaKs (pronunce why free keys, non fan wouldn't say it well, hehe !, also it's a bad play on words  ) YFreaKies Freeders (for fryleelabender...) edit : hi Zeep ! I like your nickname  zeepzoopzeepzoopzeepzoop hm, sorry, i'm forgetting myself

« Reply #67 on: 12-03-2003 13:49 »
« Last Edit on: 12-03-2003 13:49 »
@ Pikka Bird :you really think I should ? everybody keep saying that... aaaah well, you're right ! I give up for this too.
back to the topic : Squeezit's KUALA LUMPUR is not bad
ok I really give up ciao


1. Bender's Minions
2. The Futurist movement is as dead as the dodo (never survived WW2), so 'Futurists' IS avaible.

@marco75 : dodo or dada ? what is dodo ?
David A

Space Pope
Originally posted by Zoop: what is dodo ? The dodo was a flightless bird that survived until the 19th century, when it was driven to extinction by humans, dogs, and rats. As usual. Originally posted by Tikka Bird: Tut-Ankh A That's really clever, actually. If the A stands for Amun, that would make me Tut-Ankh-Amun. I like it. "Buried with a donkey, He's my favorite honky. Born in Arizona, Moved to Babylonia, Got a condo made of stone-a. King Tut!" Pass the cola and Super Piratos.


i am constantly being taken over by the brainslugs so brainslug worshippers