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Author Topic: Futurama in the UK - General Discussion - Season 7B airs 2nd November!  (Read 62744 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #40 on: 04-18-2011 14:34 »

Actually, I could import Season 5 or 6 or 6A or whatever the hell it is for Blu-Ray right? Blu-Ray is region free. Well it is on most of them.  :D
« Reply #41 on: 04-26-2011 08:15 »

Yes and no. Blu-ray has only three regions to them. Regiond A, B and C. However, they can be played worldwide.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #42 on: 05-07-2011 21:11 »
« Last Edit on: 05-07-2011 21:20 »

F**K! I asked Eric Rogers (again) to try and find out more about the UK air date, and...

'@DannyJC13 Dude, I just don't know... none of the writers know... Matt Groening doesn't even know.'

GRRRR!  :mad:

*EDIT* Good-ish news everyone!

'@DannyJC13 You'll get it, I'm sure of it... hang tight... and I promise, if I hear ANYTHING, you'll be the first to know here!'
« Reply #43 on: 05-17-2011 03:08 »

Comedy central has the new Futurama in the US doesn't it?
So would that mean it would be on Comedy central in the UK and not Sky1?
But then again Comedy central airs south park in the same week in both the US and UK..

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #44 on: 05-17-2011 17:35 »

I think we discussed all those points earlier in the thread OldVulgrim, but yes you are correct. :D

Welcome to PEEL.

Urban Legend
« Reply #45 on: 05-17-2011 19:17 »

No, Sky own the rights to air the show in the UK -the UK's Comedy Central doesn't have the same Futurama syndication rights that they do in America.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #46 on: 05-17-2011 19:22 »

Shouldn't Sky keep the rights to the original episodes and the movies, then CC get the rights for Season 6 onwards? :hmpf:

Urban Legend
« Reply #47 on: 05-18-2011 00:30 »

As far as I know, it works like this:

Fox own the rights to Futurama, they own the rights to air any episode they want -but they have no desire to air the show anymore, including any of the new episodes.

Comedy Central USA pay for syndication rights as well as to air the new episodes that have started up.

Sky is a Fox company. It's basically the UK's version of Fox. Because of that, they also own all the rights to the show by default in the UK.

Comedy Central UK hasn't bought the syndication rights to the show and therefore can't show the new episodes.

Sky may eventually decide to show the newer episodes (they did eventually get round to playing the movies, I believe). Like I said, I suspect that they might be waiting for all of season 6 to be available instead of airing half-season batches. The UK tends to operate by production seasons rather than American broadcast seasons.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #48 on: 05-18-2011 17:01 »
« Last Edit on: 05-19-2011 20:35 »

I hope you're right. :(

Also, do you think that if new Futurama won't make it onto UK TV at all, they might just release them directly to DVD? I mean they can't just ignore all the fans from the UK and the rest of the world.

Has any other country recieved Season 6 besides the US?

Urban Legend
« Reply #49 on: 05-20-2011 04:51 »

It will make it's way here eventually, even if it is just on DVD.

Bender's Big Score took 6 months longer to be released in the UK than in the US, but the later films came out sooner -in fact, Into the Wild Green Yonder came out a day or two before the US release.

I imagine season 6 will take it's time but subsequent seasons will come out sooner because they'll have some sort of release strategy in place for them.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #50 on: 05-20-2011 17:44 »

The day Season 6 legally touches the UK I will drop to my knees and cry acidic tears of joy...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #51 on: 07-11-2011 23:15 »


I e-mailed CC US and asked them if they knew any tiny single piece of information about Season 6 hitting the UK / other Countries that have not yet recieved it, and I attached this video by our very own 'Rush':


No reply, yet... :hmpf:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #52 on: 07-12-2011 21:01 »

I heard that season 6 is goin to start on the 22nd July on Sky 1.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #53 on: 07-12-2011 21:39 »


Bending Unit
« Reply #54 on: 07-12-2011 22:14 »
« Last Edit on: 07-12-2011 22:15 »

I heard that season 6 is goin to start on the 22nd July on Sky 1.

Could you tell or give us a source, where you found this neat, if true info?

And then my lame ass lazily made Youtube video would have an answer. XD Which may need to be deleted in time.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #55 on: 07-12-2011 22:22 »

Could you tell or give us a source, where you found this neat, if true info?


Bending Unit
« Reply #56 on: 07-12-2011 22:23 »
« Last Edit on: 07-12-2011 22:31 »

Thanks DannyJC13!

*Youtube vid deleted.*

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #57 on: 07-12-2011 23:30 »

*Youtube vid deleted.*

Hm, keep it handy, this info isn't 100% reliable, but it's worth getting excited for...

I guess...

Urban Legend
« Reply #58 on: 07-13-2011 21:37 »
« Last Edit on: 07-13-2011 21:38 »

I'm very happy about this as it means we're one step closer to a region 2 DVD / blu-ray release.

I bet that, as I predicted, this is all of season 6 (by the time they finish airing season 6A on Sky One, 6B will have finished airing in America and they can just carry on airing them in the UK).

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #59 on: 07-13-2011 22:21 »

I bet that, as I predicted, this is all of season 6 (by the time they finish airing season 6A on Sky One, 6B will have finished airing in America and they can just carry on airing them in the UK).

Nah, I bet they air 6B as 7A is on in the US, then 7A here while 7B is on there, etc. It's just how cruel they are. ;)

And nobody get your hopes up, this still isn't 100% confirmed... We've had news from ONE crappy little source... How official is this DigiGuide thing?

Urban Legend
« Reply #60 on: 07-14-2011 02:07 »

That would, at very least, eliminate two-year gaps between seasons being aired/released over here.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #61 on: 07-15-2011 17:06 »
« Last Edit on: 07-15-2011 20:56 »

Just flicked forward to the 22nd on my TV guide, I can 100% CONFIRM that Rebirth is airing at 8pm on Sky One. I didn't check for IAGDL, will look later. ;)

Yep, IAGDL is on right after it. :love: I'll be getting this Season on Blu-Ray, the first Futurama Blu-Ray I will have purchased. :D

Just realised, the Comedy Central joke in Rebirth is just going to flop now...

Urban Legend
« Reply #62 on: 07-16-2011 02:23 »

As things are going, season 6 will be my first blu-ray purchase which is fitting as season 3 was my first DVD purchase.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #63 on: 07-16-2011 10:04 »

As things are going, season 6 will be my first blu-ray purchase which is fitting as season 3 was my first DVD purchase.

Same here, I don't have Sky HD at the moment, I'm hoping the quality will be okay-ish, but either way I'm gonna get the blu-ray. :D

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #64 on: 07-17-2011 16:26 »
« Last Edit on: 07-17-2011 16:29 »


It will be nice to see it on tv instaid of the laptop.It's about time too has anyone seeing any adverts for it?

Just flicked forward to the 22nd on my TV guide, I can 100% CONFIRM that Rebirth is airing at 8pm on Sky One. I didn't check for IAGDL, will look later. ;)

Yep, IAGDL is on right after it. :love: I'll be getting this Season on Blu-Ray, the first Futurama Blu-Ray I will have purchased. :D

Edit: they seem to be airing double bills every week from 8pm-9pm

Source: http://digiguide.tv/list/Sky1+HD/29%20July%202011/



DOOP Secretary
« Reply #65 on: 07-17-2011 16:30 »
« Last Edit on: 07-17-2011 16:35 »


It will be nice to see it on tv instaid of the laptop.It's about time too has anyone seeing any adverts for it?

Nope, but the description for the eps are accurate, right names, right plots, and they are both on again at the same time again the day after.

And sorry about beating you dude, makes sense that I discovered it, since I was the one who set up the thread. :laff:

Hm, the eps are airing just like they did in the US, starting with a double bill, then one ep a week, and one thing is on my mind, when will the Holiday Spectacular air? Beginning of Oct? Or November like in the US? :confused:

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #66 on: 07-17-2011 16:36 »

Hm, the eps are airing just like they did in the US, starting with a double bill, then one ep a week, and one thing is on my mind, when will the Holiday Spectacular air? Beginning of Oct? Or November like in the US? :confused:

It's a double episode every week  :p

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #67 on: 07-17-2011 16:37 »

It's a double episode every week  :p

Not according to the DigiGuide site. :hmpf:

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #68 on: 07-17-2011 16:43 »

Look closer

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #69 on: 07-17-2011 16:45 »


Wait, what about AOTKA and PI?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #70 on: 07-17-2011 16:47 »


Wait, what about AOTKA and PI?

I have no idea maby it's on the following week?  :confused:
Or maby the listings have got it wrong?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #71 on: 07-17-2011 16:48 »
« Last Edit on: 07-17-2011 16:52 »

Oh lord, they better not air them all out of order...

No wait, it says here AOTKA and PI are on July 29th, a week on Friday. :hmpf: Yep, then TDVC and LI on August 5th. ;)

Infact, I don't care, just get them on the TV, and release that bloody Blu-Ray! :p


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #72 on: 07-17-2011 16:56 »
« Last Edit on: 07-17-2011 17:02 »

No wait, it says here AOTKA and PI are on July 29th, a week on Friday. :hmpf: Yep, then TDVC and LI on August 5th. ;)

Whoop Whoop I wonder if they will show season 6B once A finishes?
I wish I was american I mean they're tv is AWSOME!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #73 on: 07-17-2011 18:32 »

I wish I was american I mean they're tv is AWSOME!

First off, it's Awesome, not Awsome, second, most of their TV sucks (no offence, British TV is even worse. Doctor Who rocks though).

And 3rd, I imagine 6B will be as I previously said, when 7A starts in America. If they show 6B this year, I will be shocked. No way will it be here until ALL of it has aired in the US.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #74 on: 07-17-2011 18:52 »

I imagine 6B will be as I previously said, when 7A starts in America. If they show 6B this year, I will be shocked. No way will it be here until ALL of it has aired in the US.

Well they did do pretty well with there Comedy Friday lineup's with The Simpsons and all the other shows and Sky 1 will be finished airing futurama in october (or later if they stop airing them in doubles) where America would most likely have finished.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #75 on: 07-17-2011 19:04 »

I wish they could just do it like South Park as I've said before, airs on a Wednesday in the US then airs here on the Friday, 2 days later... :nono:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #76 on: 07-17-2011 19:10 »

I wish I was american I mean they're tv is AWSOME!

First off, it's Awesome, not Awsome, second, most of their TV sucks (no offence, British TV is even worse. Doctor Who rocks though).

Wait, you nitpick his spelling of "awesome" but not the inappropriate capitalization of it? Or the inappropriate lack of capitalization in "american"? Or the lack of some sort of punctuation between "american" and "I mean"? Or the abomination of misusing "they're" when "their" or even "there," would have been right? Or the fact that "tv" needs to be in capital letters to be correct?

If you're going to nitpick, don't make a half-assed job of it ;)
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #77 on: 07-17-2011 20:49 »

DannyJC13 was told :p...
Dorsal Axe

Bending Unit
« Reply #78 on: 07-17-2011 21:01 »

Oh no... They're calling it Season 7...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #79 on: 07-17-2011 21:02 »

Oh no... They're calling it Season 7...

I think that's an error on the site. ;)
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