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Author Topic: Futurama in the UK - General Discussion - Season 7B airs 2nd November!  (Read 62246 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #160 on: 08-15-2011 17:19 »
« Last Edit on: 08-15-2011 17:21 »

What?! You better be trolling... :nono:

There is nothing disturbing in the entire episode... :nono: Except for the Professor at the end... And even adults are disturbed by that... :O_o:
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #161 on: 08-15-2011 17:56 »

Well the amount of half naked girls, sexist remarks and scenes that may be inappropriate to air at 8:00 (I agree with you however, but you know how the UK is :/)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #162 on: 08-15-2011 18:00 »
« Last Edit on: 08-15-2011 18:02 »

I think they would have realised that before finalising the air time, I mean, the Professor said 'Piss' in Proposition Ininity, and that's not usually allowed on Sky, especially before 9. (Okay it was like 6 mins till' 9, but still.) Infact, that entire ep was slightly raunchy, if they can show that but not Neutopia, that's just retarded. I doubt they won't show it, but if they don't, again:

Meh, as I say, as long as we get the eps and then the DVD/Blu-Ray, I couldn't care less about what order they are in. :D

Or if they aren't shown at all.

And yes, I know how the UK is, it's stupid. :nono:

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #163 on: 08-15-2011 20:17 »

and Mom said "Bastard" about six times in AOTKA

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #164 on: 08-15-2011 20:18 »

And in "A Fishful of Dollars".

Starship Captain
« Reply #165 on: 08-15-2011 20:33 »

I'm hoping the DVD / Blu-Ray will get a Christmas release, want so bad. :(
Same here, but only for the Audio Commentaries.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #166 on: 08-15-2011 20:37 »

That's stupid. Why not the eps too?

Starship Captain
« Reply #167 on: 08-15-2011 20:41 »

Sorry, I meant mainly for the Audio Commentaries- you see, I've already seen most of the new episodes at least once/twice, so it'd be great to listen to the Audio Commentaries, because they're entertaining.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #168 on: 08-15-2011 20:44 »

Sorry, I meant mainly for the Audio Commentaries- you see, I've already seen most of the new episodes at least once/twice

Yes, most of us have, but I still want the Blu-Ray for the eps, and of course the Commentaries, but mostly the eps.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #169 on: 08-15-2011 22:03 »

Something about having them on DVD makes me wanna watch them more...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #170 on: 08-15-2011 22:13 »

Something about having them on DVD makes me wanna watch them more...

EXACTLY! It's like you have the power to do whatever you want with them... :D

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #171 on: 08-17-2011 18:56 »


Just thought I'd say, Neutopia is still going to be shown, it's on the 9th of September, they've just swapped it with Benderama. :hmpf:
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #172 on: 08-17-2011 19:30 »

So Stupid...  :o

Bending Unit
« Reply #173 on: 08-18-2011 12:48 »
« Last Edit on: 08-18-2011 12:49 »

Ugh, I managed to watch the 'Standard' Definition of Futurama on Sky 2 and the accouncer said 'Fry and Co try and save the world' when the episode was That Darn Katz... eer I think 'Fry and Co' were a bit busy, being mind controlled by cats and all.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #174 on: 08-18-2011 14:48 »

Jesus Christ, it's really starting to piss me off.

I imagine 'The Prisoner of Benda' will be called 'Prisoner of Bender' or some crap like that, they really don't care. :nono:
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #175 on: 08-18-2011 16:06 »

More like 'Prison of Frey'  :rolleyes:

Urban Legend
« Reply #176 on: 08-18-2011 16:10 »

"Prison of Frey" followed by "Irreconcilable Differences"
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #177 on: 08-18-2011 16:26 »

The Muttons are Revolutoning
Law and Order
Goats in the Machines
Silence of the Clams
Yo Gaba Leela
The President Heads
Moby Dickus
Frey am Eggman
Zoidberg Tip of Iceberg
Cold War

And you get the idea with that...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #178 on: 08-18-2011 19:39 »
« Last Edit on: 08-18-2011 20:12 »

Haha Cold War and The President Heads were great!

At least they got 'That Darn Katz!' right... Okay, looking at the descriptions for tomorrow's eps, it's not as bad, they just have a strong hate for the word 'The'. And now 'A'...... 'Clockwork Origin' and 'Prisoner of Benda'.

Also, HOLY JESUS! I JUST SAW THAT STUPID ADVERT FOR THE NEW EPS INVOLVING THE STING. I CRINGED. Backarama? Bigarama? Better than Everarama? WTF? And why splice in like 6 new clips with a thousand clips of the old eps? JUST SHOW US THE NEW STUFF.

Bending Unit
« Reply #179 on: 08-18-2011 20:25 »

Sky 1 is crap... If it weren't for actually showing Futurama (and the Simpsons) I wouldn't watch the bloody channel.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #180 on: 08-18-2011 21:28 »

Sky 1 is crap... If it weren't for actually showing Futurama (and the Simpsons) I wouldn't watch the bloody channel.

Sky1 treat The Simpsons like dogs mess... Every 5 weeks they restart with the same episodes on an endless loop

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #181 on: 08-18-2011 21:34 »

You mean like they used to do with Futurama? The amount of times I saw the junkyard scene in 'The Honking'.... :mad:

Bending Unit
« Reply #182 on: 08-18-2011 22:41 »

I think Sky just don't like Matt Groening and the team.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #183 on: 08-19-2011 18:46 »

Okay, I think this one is wrong, it's the description for 'A Clockwork Origin':

'The theory of evolution is put to the test as the Planet Express crew visit a planet populated by robots.'


'A revolutionary invention from Professor Farnsworth and Amy allows the crew to exchange minds.'

Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #184 on: 08-19-2011 20:32 »

I'm sure they don't know the name of the crew as many of the descriptions read 'Fry and Co...' when Fry isn't hardly involved in the episode (This is apparent in next weeks episode Lrrconciable Ndnd...Whatever and many other episodes this season and even in the original run)
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #185 on: 08-19-2011 20:36 »

Sky 1 is crap... If it weren't for actually showing Futurama (and the Simpsons) I wouldn't watch the bloody channel.

I ditched it after Lost Season 6 finished, nothing worth my time on that channel anymore. I get my Futurama elsewhere and then I buy all the eps on DVD anyways...

Also, on a side note they spewed various crap at the beginning of each Lost ep, but it got even worse when those blasted 118 adverts came on as well :mad:...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #186 on: 08-19-2011 21:58 »

So I was about a quarter way through TPOB on Sky1 HD when it started lagging, so I had to watch it in SD on Sky1.

Fuck you, Sky.
« Reply #187 on: 08-21-2011 14:40 »

That Darn Katz, sorry if this has already been mentioned but I feel like I imagined it! In this episode, that aired in the UK on Sky One on a Friday night, when the cat head shaped spacecraft landed it made a meow meow meow meow noise (like Homer Simpson thinks when he is on jury duty, when Bart witnessess the alledged attack at the Quimby mansion).

On the subsequent repeated episode it didn't make that noise, it kind of purred when landing. I'm 100% sure I'm right about this, can anyone confirm it or am I just losing my marbles???

Sorry if my description is poor, but it's a bit difficult to explain!

Urban Legend
« Reply #188 on: 08-21-2011 15:07 »

The meowing you're on about is an advertisement jingle for Purina catfood. Perhaps they ran into some sort of copyright snafoo and had to replace it?

Starship Captain
« Reply #189 on: 08-21-2011 16:11 »

Sky 1 is crap... If it weren't for actually showing Futurama (and the Simpsons) I wouldn't watch the bloody channel.

Sky1 treat The Simpsons like dogs mess... Every 5 weeks they restart with the same episodes on an endless loop

I know what you mean, I'm getting sick and tired of the episode where Lisa trys to rescue the beached whale.

Channel 4 is better for the Simpsons. It may be only once per weekday at 6:00PM, but at least they show the classics.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #190 on: 08-21-2011 16:41 »

What? Different noise for the Cat Ship? I heard a deep 'MEOW', just like in the US version... :hmpf:

Bending Unit
« Reply #191 on: 08-21-2011 19:47 »

Why does the second episode on Sky HD always lag... it pisses me off. I mean its been on for enough weeks and they should start 'seeing a pattern' soon. Idiots.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #192 on: 08-21-2011 19:53 »

I'm glad I don't watch Sky anymore :hmpf:...
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #193 on: 08-21-2011 20:08 »

Just read the description for "The Mutants are Revolting"

Leela is banished to the sewers when she is discovered to be a mutant. But our intergalactic gal won't take things lying down.  :nono:

Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #194 on: 08-21-2011 20:10 »

OMG that's just, well... there are no words, only shame :nono:...
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #195 on: 08-21-2011 20:14 »
« Last Edit on: 08-21-2011 20:18 »

Just read the description for "The Mutants are Revolting"

Leela is banished to the sewers when she is discovered to be a mutant. But our intergalactic gal won't take things lying down.  :nono:

She pilots an intergalactic spaceship!  Intergalactic means crossing galaxies, not that it comes from a galaxy outside of the Milky Way right?  I think you're confusing it with the term "extra terrestial".

Sky One is horrible.  I absolutely hate that episode where Lisa gets her own tv news show, and Mars University, because they were on at least twice a week.  I never want to watch either of them again, and always change the channel when they are on.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #196 on: 08-21-2011 21:23 »

Why does the second episode on Sky HD always lag... it pisses me off. I mean its been on for enough weeks and they should start 'seeing a pattern' soon. Idiots.

Hadn't lagged for me... Until this week. Load of shit. :mad:

And holy fuck, that description for TMAR pisses me off SO MUCH. :finger:
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #197 on: 08-21-2011 21:46 »

Why?  I don't honestly see what's so bad about it.  I would say a girl who pilots an intergalactic spaceship is pretty... intergalactic.  I would be mad if someone said she was an extra terrestial since that would be calling her an alien. 
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #198 on: 08-21-2011 21:56 »

It's a pretty shitty description though, you've gotta admit...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #199 on: 08-21-2011 21:57 »

Fucking hate Sky, assholes!


I'll be honest, if I saw that and I wasn't a Futurama fan i'd be slightly put off. :nono:
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