Delivery Boy
Planet Express all the way! Oh, btw, wasn't the Nimbus modeled after a can of ham? 

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

The PE ship. Watching it gracefully swoop in and kick ass in "Roswell That Ends Well" great. Highly manouverable, deadly accurate, the shields can withstand anything the Omicronians throw at it, and if that fails the windshield can withstand a head-on-collision with an asteroid.
And the voice was cool, both Weaver's and the original one. I hope the original voice return someday, I really like that one. "Ooops. Sorry! Muah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.."

Starship Captain
Originally posted by Shadowstar: Gooooooooo PE Ship! It's just creatively designed. I can just imagine how long it took to create the blueprints and designs and such. As good a cue as any to plug Payndz's Ain't No Such Thing As Too Much Amy Wong, which also houses ever-expanding blueprints and "goofs" involving the Planet Express Ship... In the DVD set, Groening and company mention that they originally intended to have official, concrete blueprints which would act like a character model, but quickly abandoned the idea as too restrictive. Payndz works very hard to compensate for this... Personally, I picture the ship as having a flip-open upper shell--hinged on the side along the red line--which allows engineering intern Amy to re-arrange the internal set-up at her whim. (I now return you to your topic. Sorry.)

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by BrainSluggo: As good a cue as any to plug Payndz's Ain't No Such Thing As Too Much Amy Wong, which also houses ever-expanding blueprints and "goofs" involving the Planet Express Ship...
In the DVD set, Groening and company mention that they originally intended to have official, concrete blueprints which would act like a character model, but quickly abandoned the idea as too restrictive. Payndz works very hard to compensate for this... [snip]
I really like the fact that the staff at Futurama knows about Payndz' page, they even mentions it. "We drive him crazy" (Groening? Cohen?) So they do visit fan-websites. Nice.
Mr. Potter


I go with the Planet Express ship. I love the inside of the ship.

DOOP Secretary

I am partial to the design of this ship in the foreground, the one shaped like an "X."

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Bender3000: What about the Hubble telescope. It seems to have undergone some changes since our time. For the better. Much better. But they forgot to upgrade the shields accordingly. That's gonna pull down. I agree with the people who voted for the Nimbus. That's really an impressing spaceship. Big, hulky, awe-and fear-inspiring. If the PE ship wasn't in th epoll, I'd voted for the Nimbus. But the PE ship is just too cool. Streamlined, manouverable, heavely armoured and armed, fast, spacious, what more can you ask for?

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Teral: But the PE ship is just too cool. Streamlined, manouverable, heavely armoured and armed, fast, spacious,
Don't forget retro-stylings