Urban Legend
Anyway, my personal favorite bit from those ads was Fry's line: "Leela, I'm no doctor, but I'm afraid you be exhibiting symptoms of illin'." Second. I hope we get more material from Reincarnation, even though we have four already. I need something from the video game one... I'm pretty certain we will. The Fleischer stuff was act I, the anime stuff is act II, so the next logical thing is to spend a few days on act III concept art. That'd also explain what's going to fill much of the next eight days. I think we'll get 3 days of video-game segment stuff, then 5 days of promotional clips / ads / etc. Plus maybe some sort of complete surprise -maybe something like that recap of past episodes narrated by Zapp Brannigan from last year? There hasn't been any news about any of the new episodes being broadcast outside of the US.
I think they've just been waiting for a full production season. When shows like this go abroad, they tend to air them in production order and moreorless stick to it. I think they sell seasons abroad in production batches rather than broadcast batches basically. Hopefully we'll get a complete season 6 DVD set in region 2 to make up for the wait.
DOOP Secretary
It's just your typical scene showcasing conference table antics, Dorsal Axe. Plenty funny, like FoA says. My favorite part was the dramatic sting on the equation, and Fry's matter-of-factness about his inability to understand it.
The gist of the clip: The Planet Express headquarters have loads of small Benders running around, duplicating each other. The big Bender and the PE crew sits by the conference table, everyone is mad at Bender. He says he likes the idea of lots of Benders, but the others don't. The Professor appears and shows a mathematical formula, which shows that if not stopped, the Benders will multiply until they consume all of Earth's surface. He concludes that the Benders have to be destroyed. Bender asks if he too needs to be destroyed, whereupon the Professor picks up a gun and shoots Bender in the chest. By the way, it seems that the Countdown is done with the stills and concept arts, and will spend the rest of the days on videos. Or at least that's my interpretation of the text: We've seen lots of great storyboards and character designs throughout the Countdown, but a quick comparison of the Mona Lisa and Fast Five is all you need to know that motion pictures are always better than still pictures, so let's watch a video today. A little sad, seeing as I wanted to see the video game style from Reincarnation, but cool to see videos too.
Or you could get a proxy IP...
« Reply #1063 on: 06-15-2011 20:40 »
« Last Edit on: 06-15-2011 20:45 »
Never fear fine citizens InfoMan is here http://www.facebook.com/slurmed (Just press play on the vid in the comments section) Superhero of the futurama forum remember that name 'InfoMan!'
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1064 on: 06-15-2011 21:00 »
« Last Edit on: 06-15-2011 21:02 »
Didn't we already have Super Heroes in the PEEL 2 Beta Madness? And I have the feeling you're some other user's second/third/fourth etc, account.... Also, yes, InfoMan!'s link works. Something I notciced, it appears the Professor has a modern style pistol, not a futuristic laser one.
What's with the giant pink ball?
That's what you got out of the pictures?! The whole Professor picture makes me consider that he's some sort of stripper... I hope I'm wrong. :P
DOOP Secretary
I've already looked at the main details enough (urgh), now I'm looking at the background details that may lead to clues and stuff... For example, the clock on the wall in the Female Hermes pic, it appears to say 5:05 AM/PM.
I'm really starting to worry about some elements of the episode. For example, is this alien really just changing the genders (and thus, some elements of it like the "men" starting to enjoy shopping), or is it also changing other stuff, like their personalities? If not, why the hell would Hermes strip naked, et cetera? I really hope this isn't just "for the sake of it" out of character behaviour.
Oh, right, I totally forgot about the porno-ish storyboard... maybe the alien is forcing them because he (yeah, he) is a total pervert and is interested in the (to him) weird and kinky gender aspect? Is it wrong that I find female Fry kind of hot?
It could also be about you being 14 and entering puberty.
DOOP Secretary
I like the screenshot from The Silence of the Clamps. It has a very clool art style. I'm very very afraid of Neutopia and feel like it'll be the Gadda of this season.
another short clip from neutopia
Awesome! I love all the minor characters in the background. To be fair, Hermes has never had a problem with stripping naked. Him and Farnsworth enjoy a bit of naked chess in Xmas Story from what I remember (gone are our primitive notions of modesty).
Not naked for the sake of sexiness, as seems to be the case here.
I started to think of that too. And I'm curious as to what they're all doing on the rock planet.
Is that goth chick the Professor's fat love in 300 Big Boys by the way? I hope she's having a larger role, I don't think we've seen her even in the background before.