
DOOP Secretary

The Sting.

DOOP Secretary

Interesting concept. My Survivor games have done this from the worst to first perspective, but I never remember anybody trying the first to worst approach. The problem with the worst to first is that there's more bias involved so people will try to get an episode they really dislike but know others love out earlier.
Okay, I'm going with Roswell That Ends Well. It has the best combination of sci-fi, humor, and heart. The truest Futurama episode. Second place for me will be The Prisoner of Benda, because it also captured that essence, not so much on the heart but much heavier on the humor.

DOOP Secretary

The problem with a 'greatest episode', is that there are going to be a majority of episodes not ranked at all. The problem is, if you want a real list, you need a lot of data.
There are several issues involved. In order to get enough data, you need people to arrange enough episodes to their liking. And while that isn't as easy as just spewing out your favourite episode, it does provide the data you need. Instead, I recommend building a sophisticated interface to allow people to easily and intuitively (and quickly too) order all episodes too their liking.
And if you are lucky, you might get me to build it.

DOOP Secretary

Plus, people generally have a rough idea of what, say, their top 10 or 20 episodes are anyway (likewise, they probably know what their 10 or 20 least favorite episodes are). So, if "The Sting" won out over "Roswell That Ends Well" for the top spot, those who still rank Roswell number one will just continue to vote for it until it wins the day. I think this is more a matter of individuals working through their own Top 10 or 20 or whatever list (then, when those episodes are gone, by necessity having to formulate a new top 10/20 list) seeing how it compares to the lists of others, and from that data composing a somewhat definitive list.
That said, for a list more representative of the entire fan community's opinion, we'd need a few more participants...

DOOP Secretary

I'm not sure you quite get how this works.
No episodes will be left out because eventually all the episodes people normally go for will get through to the ranking list and it'll become a case of people picking the lesser of two evils (I'm using the phrase there, not referring to the episode with that title).
98 episodes from now, we might be left with only 2 episodes that haven't been chosen. For sake of argument, let's say these are The Cryonic Woman and Attack of the Killer App. People then have to choose their favourite from those 2.
I assume I was confused by 3 people in a row naming The Sting. But this also introduces another problem that the survivor system has. Your opinion will only be heard if you meet up.

DOOP Secretary

HA! I see what you did there.


Devil's Hands

DOOP Secretary

There are already threads open on each episode, each having their own polls where you can vote on a scale of 1-10 how you liked the episode. There are also rankings for each episode on CGEF, our sister site. The only way to do this right is the way it's already being done in this thread.
Free Hot Meal

Liquid Emperor
Or open a thread for each episode and have people state what they would rank the episode in their list of 88 (as movies will only count as 1...not 4) and then compile this data?
If you were really gonna do this properly you'd make people rate each part of every movie separately.
I see what you are saying, but the reason I am having the movies count as one is because they really were just 1 "extended" episode. I saw the movies before they were on TV, so I saw each run the whole way through. Spitting the movies into 4 different parts to vote on almost seems like taking every episode and splitting it into Acts and then voting for each Act. But that would get crazy, silly, and almost impossible. So that is why I am calling the movies as just 1 "episode". You don't go to a movie and when telling a friend if it was good or not, break it down into 4 parts. (you might mention the intro and ending, but that is different than breaking it into 4s). Besides, it almost seemed when they converted the movies to TV, it detracted from them a tiny bit as well. As for this crazy group consensus thing, I can't really give a rank for every episode other than like my couple of most favourite episodes so I probably won't participate in this.
I understand it's hard to pick episodes past the first 10 or so (bottom or top). That is why I suggested voting each episode from 0 to 10. Then you don't have to say if said episode was your favorite, but rank it on how you feel it was. Once everyone does this, you could average the votes and compare it to other episodes in order to get a list. I'll continue this tread, but check a few other things out as well to try and get a few other dynamics to make the list better. The only way to do this right is the way it's already being done in this thread.
Cool! Then I'll continue this on.

DOOP Secretary

For the sake of personal sanity, in rankings I consider the movies to be singular units. I cannot remember where the episode breaks exist because the original way all of us (well, almost all of us) viewed them was as singular flowing units. Sure, there are some episodes in the movies that work alright as singular episodes (BG Part 4 and IWGY Part 1), but otherwise most of the components make little sense on their own to the point that a discussion of them would be pointless. Plus, who actually watches them as individual episodes?