I thought it was a bit strange that Leela only started caring about the mutants awful living conditions once she herself experienced them. That's very egocentric, which isn't like her.
I think it's unquestionable that Leela's behaviour in TMAR often came of selfish an bitchy:
- The mutant living the shortest time in the sewer, spending most of her life on the surface not even KNOWING she was one. made the biggest fuzz of the mutant's plight.
- She refused even to touch Fry as fellow mutant, while the "racist" Mrs Astor immediatelly rushed into her husbands arms.
But Leela has been known to act in an egocentric way before, so it was quite like her.
E.g. in LLLIS, a caring and selfish attitude was written on her in the same episode:
Wishing to safe the animals, but being stubborn on a "No plan, now we die" basis.
Did nobody else think that the ending was a bit abrupt and weak? I thought there needed to be more rebellion to hammer in the point of how horribly they have been treated. And Mayor Poopenmeyer just saying "OK." whilst funny, quite annoyed me, it made it seem like they obviously cut out a lot of things for time or something.
I think Poopenmeyer's quick "Yes" was a nod at corruption. Normally, appropriate laws allowing the mutants on the surface would have taken their time to be billed. But as the major contributor to his election campaign wanted exactly that, the whole process was suddenly much faster and efficient