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Author Topic: Thoughts on 6ACV12 - The Mutants Are Revolting - SPOILERS  (Read 55715 times)
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PEE Poll: Rating
1/10  (poor)   -1 (0.9%)
2/10   -0 (0%)
3/10   -0 (0%)
4/10   -0 (0%)
5/10   -5 (4.6%)
6/10   -4 (3.7%)
7/10   -12 (11%)
8/10   -27 (24.8%)
9/10   -36 (33%)
10/10 (great)   -24 (22%)
Total Members Voted: 109


Bending Unit
« Reply #200 on: 03-13-2012 21:56 »

I thought it was a bit strange that Leela only started caring about the mutants awful living conditions once she herself experienced them. That's very egocentric, which isn't like her.

Did nobody else think that the ending was a bit abrupt and weak? I thought there needed to be more rebellion to hammer in the point of how horribly they have been treated. And Mayor Poopenmeyer just saying "OK." whilst funny, quite annoyed me, it made it seem like they obviously cut out a lot of things for time or something.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #201 on: 03-13-2012 22:59 »
« Last Edit on: 03-13-2012 23:01 »

I thought it was a bit strange that Leela only started caring about the mutants awful living conditions once she herself experienced them. That's very egocentric, which isn't like her.
I think it's unquestionable that Leela's behaviour in TMAR often came of selfish an bitchy:
- The mutant living the shortest time in the sewer, spending most of her life on the surface not even KNOWING she was one. made the biggest fuzz of the mutant's plight.
- She refused even to touch Fry as fellow mutant, while the "racist" Mrs Astor immediatelly rushed into her husbands arms.

But Leela has been known to act in an egocentric way before, so it was quite like her.
E.g. in LLLIS, a caring and selfish attitude was written on her in the same episode:
Wishing to safe the animals, but being stubborn on a "No plan, now we die" basis.

Did nobody else think that the ending was a bit abrupt and weak? I thought there needed to be more rebellion to hammer in the point of how horribly they have been treated. And Mayor Poopenmeyer just saying "OK." whilst funny, quite annoyed me, it made it seem like they obviously cut out a lot of things for time or something.

I think Poopenmeyer's quick "Yes" was a nod at corruption. Normally, appropriate laws allowing the mutants on the surface would have taken their time to be billed. But as the major contributor to his election campaign wanted exactly that, the whole process was suddenly much faster and efficient ;)

Space Pope
« Reply #202 on: 03-13-2012 23:24 »

Poopenmeyer instantly changing his mind was the one of the episode's highlights for me. It was so simple, yet so well done.  :laff:

Bending Unit
« Reply #203 on: 03-14-2012 00:33 »

Oh I see. I never picked up on that, I'm not very money-minded. That makes a lot more sense now.
He was more for the money than actually sticking to any opinion then?
I still think Mrs Astor would have taken a bit more convincing though. She seemed to be well meaning but also very prejudice. Like she would want the mutants to have a better quality of life but wouldn't want them around her, with the exception of her husband of course.
Leela's traits are very hard to pinpoint as they tend to be contradicting.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #204 on: 03-19-2012 13:47 »
« Last Edit on: 03-19-2012 13:56 »

He was more for the money than actually sticking to any opinion then?
He's a politician...that should answer that question ;)

She seemed to be well meaning but also very prejudice. Like she would want the mutants to have a better quality of life but wouldn't want them around her, with the exception of her husband of course.

I think it was just a nod at "It's far more difficult to hold a grudge against a group when you know some of them personally (in a positive way)".  That lesson did imhO fit quite all right into the episode (though it was not really done in the most intelligent or subtle way, but rather "hammered in" very directly).

Regarding his presentation, Mr. Astor really seemed like a very honorable, not only well meaning but also well-doing guy, which Mrs. Astor seemed to have liked very much about him.
I think it was the message he delivered to her: Not only seeing the mutants as an anonymous group, but seeing single individuals and acting like that.

Bending Unit
« Reply #205 on: 03-19-2012 19:10 »

Yeh fair enough. Those are all cromulent points. I still feel as if the episode could have been longer or something though. It still seems to me like something important was cut inbetween Bender bending the sewage pipes and the mutants storming the surface. It just seemed a bit abrupt and rushed to me. :/
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #206 on: 03-19-2012 21:39 »
« Last Edit on: 03-19-2012 21:41 »

I still feel as if the episode could have been longer or something though. It still seems to me like something important was cut inbetween Bender bending the sewage pipes and the mutants storming the surface. It just seemed a bit abrupt and rushed to me. :/

Yep, no doubt about that. I think in the "Which Episode should have been a two parter" poll here on Peel, TMAR got first place.

Bending Unit
« Reply #207 on: 03-19-2012 22:02 »

Oh I never saw that poll.
My friend and I agreed that TMAR should have and could have easily been a film, let alone a two parter.

Urban Legend
« Reply #208 on: 08-03-2012 13:14 »

I thought this was pretty good, the best one on this Futurama DVD set that I've got, the closest episode yet to classic Futurama.


« Reply #209 on: 08-09-2012 02:53 »

the closest episode yet to classic Futurama.
Well, it is only the Hundredth Episode.

And you should get Season 6B, they got alot better episodes on there! Take my word on it! FOR REAL!  ;)
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