
Starship Captain
Well, the first act was really good, focusing on Fry's comic, offering a few good laughs out of the 3010 Comic Con, spoofing the cancellation of Futurama in a futuristic way, but after that, the jokes are lessened and the plot kind of becomes predictable as it almost totally focuses on Lrrr and Ndnd. The twist of Fry not getting killed by the laser gun was already predicted very early on the episode, when they brought it up that it was a teleporter gun. It's a shame because the episode could have been left on a really good cliffhanger of Fry, or even Leela seemingly killed (like The Sting) and bringing it into a nice conclusion at the end of the next episode. Nevertheless, the scenes with Lrrr have mostly been done before (Spanish Fry) and it was kind of dragging on a bit. The Orson Welles fake movie scenes was good, but again, its all been done before (When Aliens Attack). Overall, the episode's first act was very strong, but the rest was average. I'll still give it a dead-on 8/10 as a result, since the first act was very strong on its own.


It may have been because I was half-awake but I had forgotten about the teleporter by the end of the episode. But obviously Fry doesn't die so I was just wondering "what was the twist" instead of thinking "ogod he's dead!"
I can't think of a great reason for Lrrr to hesitate on shooting Leela. It's not like he hadn't tried to eat her before.
I was expecting this to be a fairly weak episode and it was for me, but it did give me a lot of lines that made me laugh. Solid 7/10 from me.

DOOP Secretary

I thought the last part of this episode was when the episode got 'decent enough'. I have to agree it was weak. It wasn't crap, but the plot was too predictable and not funny. The Comic-Con part didn't work for me.
I am a huge fan of meta-humour, but generally, meta-humour is also the hardest thing to do, because it is so easy to fall flat. Though, I hope this is the last time. We really should get over the fact the show was cancelled and brought back.
Not as terrible as some people would paint it herein, but yeah, weak one of the season. At the very least; no cringe worthy moments. So that is always a plus from me.


One of the weaker of this season indeed, but still a fairly enjoyable episode. 7/10. While some part was extremely funny (Comic-Con, Orson Welles, a lot of background gags such as the Well-people in the jar museum and the Australian Man) while some were quite meh (the sitcom elements). I also really liked the Fry-Leela subplot - it was cute and didn't feel at all forced to me.
Better review coming up.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
Well... can't say this was my favorite, but it's always a treat to hear Maurice do his Orson Welles impression again. Yes, always.
The teleportation gun really was too predictable. The episode loses major points for that. In fact, the story overall has got to be the worst of the season.
...and yet, I laughed. The comic con stuff was hysterical, "dork calling Orson" was great. Bender spontaneously selling cast iron frying pans was freaking adorable.
The "furry" (or perhaps Lrrr-y?) allusion is funny on paper but I can't say I found myself laughing at anything on screen.
I give it a 5. Weak plot that saves itself with some fun gags.
Nothing I want to say has not been said by Kryten and Fishy. I agree 100%.
Delivery Boy
« Reply #56 on: 08-27-2010 21:41 »
« Last Edit on: 08-27-2010 21:48 »
Loved this episode! However my only beef about it was Fry's comic strip. Does Fry think Leela is weak and defenseless or is he becoming sexist?
No, he just seems to be indulging a schoolboy-crush-type fantasy. It actually seems like a parody of that kind of stuff. Believe it or not, I'm a little reminded of the old Nickelodeon cartoon Doug (another character voiced by Billy West) and his Quailman comics and daydreams/fantasies of rescuing Patti Mayonnaise/winning her heart. It feels like a Fry version of that kind of stuff (hence, much more absurdly stupid and logically and artistically challenged...) Sure, it felt to me like a more reciprocal version of something from the 4ACV-era 'ship, but it was cute, and it's so Fry...

DOOP Secretary

I loved Fry's comic book stuff precisely because it was so childish and cliched ("Don't thank random chance, thank my meteor-wishing power. With your lips"). I felt like Fry drawing comics in the first place was a sort of callback to "The Birdbot of Ice-Catraz" (or even "The Luck of the Fryrish", what with that childish spaceship drawing). The writers don't often showcase Fry's boyish charm (though Leela certainly mentions it often enough), but goofy, kid-like things like creating his own comic book are part of what make him such an endearing character.
Speaking of callbacks: I agree that Fry jumping in front of Leela to save her from imminent death is becoming a tired plot device. However, I liked Leela reminding Lrrr that she was in his mouth for five minutes, and Grrrl screaming after Lrrr that she wants to have his popplers. (Though bringing to mind "The Sting" and "The Problem With Popplers" did remind me that Patric Verrone used to write some really good episodes, and his past two offerings have been kid of lacking.)


Hermes had no lines all episode lol
Omg thats so true. Bummer.


LOVED the "I like the doodles drawn on the side" line from Sergio Aragones. Been a MAD Magazine reader for quite a while and Aragones' little doodles are always my favorite part.


Hmmm. Not so great. I did like the Comic-con stuff, especially Bender in costume as Leela. But the main plot was basic mediocre sitcom junk. This was my least favorite of the new season. I give it a 5.


Thoroughly meh - the only part I really enjoyed was Katee Stackhoff as Grrl. Hope to see more of her, and Zoidberg, why not?
That Don Guy

6/10 - a few good scenes, but the "let's try something done 1000 times before on TV but with the Futurama twist" doesn't always work.
Hands up, those of us who thought until now that it was spelled LLRR...
-- Don

DOOP Secretary

6/10 - a few good scenes, but the "let's try something done 1000 times before on TV but with the Futurama twist" doesn't always work.
Hands up, those of us who thought until now that it was spelled LLRR...
No one did. It's on the wiki.

DOOP Secretary

I actually found the meta-jokes fricking hilarious to be honest. Also, the first bit of music as they entered the ComicCon sounded like Frank Klepacki's work so I was locked in a period of nerdgasm for the next 5-6 minutes anyway... ZOMG they mentioned Joss Whedon.
That and on one hand they poke fun with giving "what every nerd dreams of" in the form of Bender crudely dressing up as Leela while...I don't know, rewarding I guess, with giving Leela dressed up as Princess Leia. I'm fairly sure that ticked a few people's boxes. Maybe it wasn't fantabulously witty, clever or funny but I appreciated it! Though the less said about that maybe the better.
On the whole though...I really liked this episode - not nearly as much as last week's, and yes the plot was weak in some places despite I think a strong premise - and double yes, the twist at the end...I was genuinely shocked for about three seconds then it became pretty obvious (and before the cross-dresser reappeared though at first I really did think they just killed her off). I'm sure it was painfully obvious for others for some time before.
My feeling exactly.

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
I quite liked this one overall. It's in the top half of episodes for this season so far for me, but the story-line did seem a bit contrived/forced. However my only beef about it was Fry's comic strip. Does Fry think Leela is weak and defenseless or is he becoming sexist? Fry is no Walker Texas Ranger. Why couldn't his comic strip be about both him and Leela being superheroes? It reminded me of those old Cheerios commercials with Kidd and Sue.
I though it was implying that Fry is stuck in the Hero [male] rescues Love Interest/Victim [female] from Evil Villan [male] mindset. "Dork Calling Orson! Dork Calling Orson!"
I'm sad to admit it but I too am old enough to get that reference. Background jokes that made me chuckle: [Note: mathematically the fourth root of four is equal to the square root of two.]- Comic-con 3010 — Free admission with Ewok pelt
- Videogame: the movie
- Movie: the videogame
- Coming soon! — Calculon in Delayed and Overbudget 2
- T Shirts — XXXL and up
- Line for next year's admission ->
- The Toyminator
- Spaceship in a Bottle
One background sign in the convention which I did not get: Also how can a moderately sized human inside a full-sized Omicronian coutume get it to move and behave realistically?
Starship Captain
the notion of a battle to the death with kitchenware was funny.
You're probably too young to know, but in sitcoms and comics from back in the 50s and 60s, hitting her husband with a frying pan was the way that a wife got back at her husband. I liked Leela reminding Lrrr that she was in his mouth for five minutes Do you think that MG, et al, could have gotten away with that line on Fox? Edit: Yay! I'm a delivery boy!

DOOP Secretary

7/10 - Some funny Bits, but it had a Standard story line and there were some Plot Holes in it.... Good to see an Episode based slightly more around other Characters too. (Lrrr and NdNd)

DOOP Secretary

And the whole plot about 'women just nag... ' is kind of too much of a stereotype for me.
I think you mean overdone and cliché. Stereotypes can be funny. If we don't just roll our eyes when we hear them... again.