
Liquid Emperor
« on: 08-26-2010 21:56 »
Only two more episodes! Review and discuss the new Futurama episode 'Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences' in this thread and consider posting a short review on CGEF, too! Again, I'll leave this thread open for the time being, but please don't post before the episode is on.

Hi guys- first time poster, longtime viewer.
IMO this was one of the worst episodes of Futurama I've ever seen. The jokes from the Planet Express crew seemed so forced, especially from Bender. The plot was pretty boring, and I laughed only a couple times.
And what was with the fangirl dressing up as an Omnicron? Weird...that went nowhere too.
I feel like this season is running out of steam...


« Reply #6 on: 08-27-2010 04:41 »
« Last Edit on: 08-28-2010 00:00 »
Yeah, I'll have to agree with the above posters. The episode had some strong points... but overall it was just alright. However there were many parts that had me laughing. The plot just seemed a bit predictable and characters seemed somewhat forced. Anyways... Roswell that ends well is on  Edit: After watching the episode for a second time, I enjoyed it much more 

DOOP Secretary

I actually thought this one was pretty good. The whole Comic Con thing was kinda "meh" but the rest of it was pretty solid. Bender selling weapons to everyone at the end was priceless.


Not great but not horrible. Most of the best stuff occurred in the comic con. Groening shooting Bender was the best bit.
Ghost and Horse


I thought it was good, not great. It certainly didn't suck. A solid 7.
Who didn't see the teleporter gun coming though?

Urban Legend
Before I post my thoughts on the episode I feel I must address some things: They lost points, however, for not accounting for the 1000 light years of distance between Earth and Omicron Persei 8.
Uh, they did account for it. The radio waves wouldn't have taken 1000 years to travel 1000 light years to Omicron Persei 8 because the speed of light is faster now. The waves in When Aliens Attack only took 1000 years to reach Omicron Persei 8 because they were emitted when the speed of light was still the speed that it is today and old waves travel at the old speed of light. They talk about it in the commentary for When Aliens Attack, I believe. Another filler episode.
Just because an episode isn't the most awesome episode ever and/or doesn't somehow make some huge change to the Futurama Universe doesn't make it a filler episode, otherwise most episodes could just be called "filler" episodes. Who didn't see the teleporter gun coming though?
I don't think we were meant to not see it coming considering that it looked exactly like the one the Professor used. Okay, this episode: Not the best so far but definitely not the worst. It had some good jokes and the storyline kept me interested for the most part so all in all, a pretty average episode but it's not like I was expecting it to be awesome anyway... I guess I'd give this one a 7.

Starship Captain
Simpsons did it! O.k., now that that's out of the way, time for more detailed thoughts. I don't like the handling of Lrrr in this episode. His entire story is a sitcom trope that is handled like a sitcom trope. Pretty much nothing he did/that was done to him was unexpected, which is strange for Futurama to so closely follow the stories of "classic" sitcoms. The bickering between him and Ndnd isn't new or unfunny (Spanish Fry), but it was handled much more Futurama-y in earlier episodes. Here it was very lukewarm without much of a reason for the story to be told (except for Maurice Lamarche's awesome Orson Welles impersonation, of course). I don't even know why Ndnd took him back for backing down to her. It would have made more sense for him to shoot her, cry for a bit, then have her appear behind and love him for being a man again (though I guess that wouldn't have worked for the comic book plot). Leela similarly didn't take too well in this episode. It felt like a regression of her to take her back to her overtly bossy ways (which isn't a trait of hers I feel is needed). I was annoyed with her essentially being a weak excuse to trudge Lrrr into the P.E. Crew's lives in what I don't uniquely feel was a very Simpson-like plot. I'm not saying that all The Simpsons episodes that have a guest stay over are bad, but I am saying that I don't think this style of plot works as well with Futurama as it can on The Simpsons (with the exception of Zapp (BBA and parts of IAGDL cement him as a worthy intruder)). Also, it was pretty weird for Lrrr to be so comfortable and chummy with the crew (specifically Leela). I know that at some point minor characters not remembering or acknowledging the main characters is illogical, but Lrrr's comfort with the crew in this episode showed me why that's not a bad thing. It highlights that weirdness if you have the minor characters interact so comfortably with the main characters, because you know it won't stay that way. Fry's comic was weak but kinda worth it for his part in the ending. It does bring up the humorous thought that at this point the writers could totally have a color card for "Fry appears to have died by sacrificing himself, Leela is really sad about it". The Comic-con portion was better than I thought it would be. In it's brevity I managed to enjoy the sign gags and Sergio Aragones guest spot. The Futuralla panel isn't too dragging, though the costume contest is (it also is helping me realize that no matter how much I dislike TBWABB, the writers apparently love it), especially Bender's costume being every nerd's fantasy (how?). I enjoyed Katee Sackhoff's guest role. Short and funny. I knew Battlestar Galactica's and 24's writing are what was holding her back. She's definitely a good actress. Overall, Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences wasn't bad, but it's not something I'm hoping to be a standard plot device for the series.
Starship Captain
Simpsons did it! Hey, that's what I was going to say! (a reference to the Simpsons episode "I Am Furious Yellow", where Bart draws the "Angry Dad" comic, for those of you who may be boycotting the Simpsons). Fry's cartoonish talents also recall the ending to "The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings", where Leela enjoys Fry's simple melody on the holophone. I didn't like the comic tie-in, to be honest; I felt that was the weak part of the episode. (I'm a nerd, but I'm not a comic-book nerd.) I guess there were a couple of good moments in the Comic-Con scene: Groening saying "Fox has really streamilined the process", and a drop in volume when Lrrr tries to talk into the microphone. I almost reached for the remote when that happened. (Actually though, wouldn't they have better microphones by the 3000s?) I was afraid of a further regress, where the "Futurella" comic would be of disembodied heads inside of spheres, introducing a comic called "The Future Experience" that takes place in 5010; that comic would consist of ... BTW, did anyone else expect the fat Spiderman in the wheelchair to be Comic Book Guy? The end of the Comic-Con scene did provide one laugh-out-loud moment for me: DORK CALLING ORSON!!! (Man, does that give away how old I am ... ) The funniest joke (for me) in the whole season. The rest of the episode could have been called "How Lrrr Got His Grrroove Back" ... Flashback to "Put Your Head on My Shoulder" (someone buying a car at Malfunctioning Eddie's). One more thing to ask: Was the Grrl (the spelling should have given that secret away) a reference to furries? And I didn't think for a moment that Grrl or Fry were dead, either. Overall, middle of the pile.
Dorsal Axe

Bending Unit
« Reply #27 on: 08-27-2010 10:27 »
« Last Edit on: 08-27-2010 10:35 »
I personally enjoyed it. I thought it was a pretty solid episode to be honest. The Comic-Con segment was surprisingly good (usually these sorts of scenes tend to be pretty dire, but this somehow managed to be the opposite), and Katee Sackhoff's role was funny and perfectly balanced. I also enjoyed the unexpected appearances of Zapp Brannigan and Nixon, and the real invasion of Erth segment. The animation is amazing. Seeing the Australian man in the slave mines was another awesome "full-circle" moment, in much the same vein as the old man at the Central Bureaucracy in Lethal Inspection.
Yeah, there are definite shades of "been there, done that" with certain elements of the episode. That doesn't mean it was unfunny though. In fact, I preferred this episode to Spanish Fry as this was much less "in-your-face" with humour, and nowhere near as boring to watch to me. Fry's comic was the only weak part of the episode for me. The idea was nice, and it was charming, but it wasn't particularly funny and seemed somewhat wasted.
The only thing I actively didn't like about this episode is how obvious the gun/teleporter was. Perhaps if less attention was called to it at the beginning, or the gun featured later on had a different design (which could be explained as a "2.0" version, which could have provided another joke) then I would have forgot about it and the moment would have had some sort of impact.

DOOP Secretary

Fun episode, enjoyed the return of The Scary Door and heads in jars. Some rather meh jokes and the ending with the teleportation gun was way too predictable.