DOOP Secretary
I was pleasantly surprised by this one. Usually when somebody makes an episode about some sort of controversial issue they pick a side and then preach to the point where it's not funny no matter what you think about the issue. That's the sort of thing I was expecting. Instead what I got was an episode that managed to make fun of everybody while still showing both reasonable positions (not the extremist nut jobs) as being valid. That is how you make a good controversy episode.
The managed to pull of another interesting pairing to by putting Cubert and Zoidberg together.
"Wow!What are you some kind of dumpster Jedi?"
I also love how it only took the Professor two hours to build the ship but it took him twelve to build the slingshot.
Delivery Boy
« Reply #3 on: 08-13-2010 05:06 »
« Last Edit on: 08-13-2010 05:10 »
Much better than last week's episode. Not an amazing episode, but it was very good. About ties with Lethal Inspection for #2 episode of the season so far. I also liked that both sides of the debate were made fun of, and the episode didn't bash me over the head with a message. It was too busy being funny. I also found Cubert tolerable in this episode, believe it or not. (But I don't blame Zoidberg for hating him...) And Leela and Amy are both hot with the cave-bikini look. Rrrrrowr! Anyway, I'd give it an 8.5, but since I can only rate it a whole number, I'll round it up to 9. This episode delivered, and I'm hopeful for the next 3.
Not as good as last weeks! but not too bad, it had its moments but the whole pace of the episode was off to me. the whole fight with the dinosaurs was way off base with where the episode was going and felt out of place.
all and all 5.0
I thought it was a pretty good epsidoe. Definitely had a solid feel to it. However I didn't find myself laughing as much. I loved the b-story though. I also loved when Bender stayed in the cave.. like the cavemen did when "the solar rays" hit the planet. And the evolution theory mirroring that of humans.. really nice touch.
And maybe I missed the ending but why did Zoidberg end up hating Cubert? Because he was copying him with the claws?
DOOP Secretary
Sorry, bendersfender, but fighting robot dinosaurs = WIN.
Case in point. "This is a really cool way to die!"
I liked Benders suggestion that evolution was jump started by a robot at the end. And how it was shot down by the proff. lol Especially in light of the Godfellas episode. I gave it a 9. Plenty of lol moments, and who can complain about a scantly clad Leela??
Brock Baker
Good episode, definitely the funniest of the new season. A lot of laugh out loud moments in this one for me. Flying Spaghetti Monster was a nice nod. So does that make two planets now that are inhabited by robots?
Bending Unit
...but ... but ROBOT DINOSAURS!
Hah! Okay, let me try again. I loved- The robot threeway battle of destruction Leela's mock response to the ship being eaten The Professor needing four pianos The 'future exhibits' lines Skimpy wear for Leela and Amy Bender knitting I did enjoy the episode, just letting my obsession with the love lives of fictional characters get in the way of being truly happy like the fool I am. Ignore it.
Delivery Boy
« Reply #23 on: 08-13-2010 06:22 »
« Last Edit on: 08-13-2010 07:18 »
I get what you're saying, Chives. But I didn't care in this episode, this is a non-ship episode anyway and nothing in this episode cheesed me off (not even "I'm gonna miss Spencer," that was a funny line -- and it's hard to take that seriously when she's talking about a *robot caveman*... ) Oh heck, maybe they do have an active relationship in the periods of time not covered by the episodes, that we don't get to see... To bring the discussion back to the episode, I nearly lost it when I saw Bender's eyeballs-on-a-spring in the robot evolution display. The background jokes in this one rival those in the classic episodes...
...and who can complain about a scantly clad Leela?? Who would even notice Leela when she's next to a scantly clad Amy?
Me for one. Although, Im confused. Who is this A-me you speak of? Are you refering to that rather homely looking female that was annoyingly always standing next to the glorious Hot mama that is Leela?
DOOP Secretary
And so the age old battle begins again.
transgender nerd under canada
DOOP Ubersecretary
Brilliant episode. Has proper sci-fi, background gags, a sideplot, and lots of Professorial goodness. So why did I only give it 6/10 ?
There were a couple of things that I felt weren't given due coverage. I mean, the whole robot civilisation thing was good, but I think it could have been better. The Cubert plot felt like it was taken further than was needed (the end gag and the first gag in said plot being all that were necessary), and there was not nearly enough mockery of the whole evolution/creation debate. Roboklahoma made me laugh, but jeez. The whole purpose of the episode seems not to have been to crack jokes at idiots on both sides of the argument, but to draw robot dinosaurs. Whilst cool, robot dinosaurs do not provide me with nearly as many laughs.
I was hoping for something more than "God may have started evolution" as a conclusion. I mean, I could've asked a six-year-old and gotten that as an answer. Which is why mocking both sides is much funnier, and much more fun.
I missed the first few minutes, but I enjoyed most of the rest. Zoidberg seemed out of character dealing with Cubert. I liked one of the exhibits at the Robot Museum: the NANDerthal. Heh. Wish they explored the robot-cave-men a bit more, seemed to have potential. I'll hold off on a score until I re-watch with the first few minutes.
robot dinosaurs = win.
my favourite episodes are those that rely on sci-fi and math.
great episode, and i too want a science mobile :P
I gave it a 7/10. It was fun to watch, but a bit stilted at times (the pacing seemed a bit strange, but maybe that's just me). At first I was a bit disappointed that they seemed to be going in a "creationism and evolution are just as valid" direction (as a staunch supporter of scientific rigor, I absolutely disagree with that sentiment) but was relieved that they spun off into a more science-friendly "how can we be sure life in our universe wasn't the product of life somewhere else?". Loved the FSM cameo. It made me smile.
Ralph Snart
Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
6/10 for me. On par with AOTKA. The lowest I've given any of the new shows is 6/10, with TLPJF getting the only 10/10 I've given the new batch.
Enjoyable. Even hooking up Futurama's least likable characters (Zoidberg/Cubert) wasn't too bad. For the people worried about "the ship", I noticed that Fry and Leela were close to each other during most of the episode, even sleeping on the ground at the Mars U. ampetheatre after people long deserted the Dr. Farnsworth vs. Dr. Banjo debate. It was somewhat out of character for Fry to passively watch Leela being carried away by Cavebots, but having him object or try to rescue her would have destroyed the episode.
So, I can't put my finger on it, but this episode looks pretty full to me but I can't force myself to give it a higher rating.
Still, a 6/10 episode of Futurama is almost an 8/10 episode of Mythbusters, so that means I'd rather watch a 6/10 episode of Futurama than an episode of anything else.