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Author Topic: Will FOX show reruns?  (Read 1166 times)
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PEE Poll: Will FOX show reruns?
Every Sunday   -0 (0%)
Every other Sunday   -0 (0%)
Some Sundays   -4 (20%)
A few Sundays   -5 (25%)
Not shown at all, pre-empted by [insert show name]   -11 (55%)
Total Members Voted: 20


Liquid Emperor
« on: 04-16-2002 06:48 »

OK, I was looking foward to Sunday's, but now I'm not sure, seeing how on 4/28, Futurama has been replaced by that horrible Simpsons ep "Latest Gun in the West." And here's the question, WILL FOX show Futurama re-runs any time from now till Season 5 starts (probably at Xmas time unfortunatly)

Bending Unit
« Reply #1 on: 04-16-2002 09:07 »

Going by the "If you assume that FOX will do anything to screw with the fans you'll rarely be wrong" reasoning, Fox will probably show Futurama but preempt it so much (and so randomly) that it will be nearly impossible to watch it.

My ideal situation would be for Fox to do for Futurama what SciFi channel did for Farscape.  Farscape's a great show with a tiny problem.  They build on the mythology so much that it's hard to come into it in the middle of Season 3 and pick up what's happening.  So SciFi channel (during a long period between new episodes) ran daily repeats going from the pilot episode to the latest one.

Fox should put Futurama repeats on (during a decent timeslot) and run from the pilot through to the most recent repeat.  And if they can't repeat all of them (as I think there would be only 20-something weeks), take the top episodes (humor-wise or overall mythology-wise) and show those.  This would help draw new people into Futurama and increase it's viewership.  (Of course, that would probably go against what Fox wants to happen with Futurama.)

« Reply #2 on: 04-16-2002 10:19 »

Originally posted by jasonlevine:
Going by the "If you assume that FOX will do anything to screw with the fans you'll rarely be wrong" reasoning, Fox will probably show Futurama but preempt it so much (and so randomly) that it will be nearly impossible to watch it.

My ideal situation would be for Fox to do for Futurama what SciFi channel did for Farscape.  Farscape's a great show with a tiny problem.  They build on the mythology so much that it's hard to come into it in the middle of Season 3 and pick up what's happening.  So SciFi channel (during a long period between new episodes) ran daily repeats going from the pilot episode to the latest one.

Fox should put Futurama repeats on (during a decent timeslot) and run from the pilot through to the most recent repeat.  And if they can't repeat all of them (as I think there would be only 20-something weeks), take the top episodes (humor-wise or overall mythology-wise) and show those.  This would help draw new people into Futurama and increase it's viewership.  (Of course, that would probably go against what Fox wants to happen with Futurama.)

Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #3 on: 04-16-2002 13:55 »

Not that it will affect me, I think that Fox will show a very low number of repeats (probably less than 10). Just like jasonlevine said, they will constantly have to battle with pre-emption, lousy time slots and next to no advertising.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #4 on: 04-16-2002 18:52 »

FOX really don't given a flying ham about Futurama (we all know that, so that was sort of redundant), and they probably wont show repeats in an orderly or coherent fashion. They'll probably use some episodes as filler, if a need arises. If they suddenly have to fill a 30 minute gap somewhere in their schedule, it's not unlikely that they'd go for a good Futurama episode (like "AOI I" or "Roswell" ). Problem is, it would be totally without impact, because noone will know it's on. No promotion will mean no new viewers.

As for what FOX really ought to do, I agree with jasonlevine. That could actually attract new fans, and make profit for FOX in the process.  :eek: Now how's that for a plan, FOX?
Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #5 on: 04-18-2002 01:07 »

Fox will be showing three Star Wars movies in the following weeks for Thursdays.  :( I think the reruns should replace the 10:30 Seinfeld at night right after The Simpsons.

Urban Legend
« Reply #6 on: 04-18-2002 12:31 »

They'll show a few reruns when they have a gap to fill in their schedule.  Don't expect a regular timeslot or predictability or anything good from FOX.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #7 on: 04-18-2002 14:10 »

Originally posted by FilthyCrab:
Don't expect a regular timeslot or predictability or anything good from FOX.

That's the right attitude, expecting stuff from Fox often leads to disappointment.


Bending Unit
« Reply #8 on: 04-18-2002 14:14 »

who knows with so many shows getting canned they just might... ally mcbeal is the latest to go  :)

« Reply #9 on: 04-18-2002 16:07 »

Originally posted by Just Chris:
Fox will be showing three Star Wars movies in the following weeks for Thursdays.   :( I think the reruns should replace the 10:30 Seinfeld at night right after The Simpsons.

This is a station's choice. When and if Fox syndicates Futurama, then a station could choose to buy it and air it.

Fox Primetime:
Sunday: 7:00PM ET - 10:00PM ET (meaning the last timeslot is 9:30 PM ET)
Monday-Saturday: 8:00PM ET - 10:00PM ET (meaning the last timeslot is 9:30 PM ET)

Most networks run primetime until 11:00PM ET.

Urban Legend
« Reply #10 on: 04-18-2002 20:05 »

They damn well better.

I just saw something on TV... an ad for Futurama! No its true! It was on Global! Wow!

« Reply #11 on: 04-19-2002 11:26 »

Fox's Primetime is one hour shorter to give local affiliates a chance to show the news earlier, giving them better ratings.

Space Pope
« Reply #12 on: 04-20-2002 22:40 »
« Last Edit on: 04-20-2002 22:40 »

*sigh* I dont think so. Not on our free to air TV over here, anyway. And Foxtel is commanded by Fox america, so I'm assuming even cable TV will get screwed with. I need an anger release. Where's the nearest fox building?
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #13 on: 04-21-2002 01:41 »

Well I'm from Britain so I don't know how American TV works but my guess would be that they'll hardly show Futurama, make the episodes in a seeming completely random order and won't tell you when it's on. I'm guessing this off the general opinion of mine (at least) that FOX are fuckheads.  :finger:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #14 on: 04-21-2002 10:35 »

You just figured that out?
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #15 on: 04-22-2002 12:07 »

^I've had it in the back of my mind for a little while.  :p

« Reply #16 on: 04-29-2002 02:35 »

i hope they do since i got into the show late and missed the first 2 1/2 seasons.   :(

Urban Legend
« Reply #17 on: 04-29-2002 08:54 »

My guess is they'll hardly show any reruns.  FOX starts the pattern by showing a substandard episode of the Simpsons last night instead of Futurama.
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