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Author Topic: Hi! My name is: Blind With Rage  (Read 1077 times)
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Starship Captain
« on: 04-16-2002 06:27 »

Okay, it isn't bad enough that FOX hates Futurama. It isn't bad enough that they put the show on "hiatus" because of an episode backlog they themselves carefully manufactured while making sure Family Guy and King of the Hill REPEATS got multiple showings. It isn't bad enough that, faced with bestselling DVD sales spilling out of the UK and across the effing WORLD, the huge turnout for the petition, and, I HOPE, letters and e-mail from EVERYONE HERE, that they responded by cutting the season extra-early.

NO, they have to fill the postseason slot with Simpsons repeats.

I'm telling you, if God promised to let me off the hook for one short week--carte blanche to do whatever the hell I wanted to, without actually GOING to hell--well, I'd do things that just describing here would get me sent to prison. You know what I mean.

...Wow, I...I'm bleeding from the eyes. I got one of those "manga" veins in my forehead. I haven't been this pissed off since...since...well, ever. It's like the class clod has been put in charge of the entire prom by his mother; it's not the end of the world, put it's...just...so...openly, undeniably stupid. And petty. Even childish. And it seems to have been done just for the sake of pissing us off.

I'm going to go see Frailty tomorrow, and I'm takin' a tube of lube, 'coz axe murders are suddenly giving me wood.

transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #1 on: 04-16-2002 06:35 »


Show your disapproval by dressing as a blue dude and dancing around their HQ for days on end.

Bending Unit
« Reply #2 on: 04-16-2002 07:27 »

I'm going to go see Frailty tomorrow, and I'm takin' a tube of lube, 'coz axe murders are suddenly giving me wood.


Woah mon. Rage dump.

« Reply #3 on: 04-16-2002 10:05 »
« Last Edit on: 04-16-2002 10:05 »

Originally posted by BrainSluggo:
Okay, it isn't bad enough that FOX hates Futurama. It isn't bad enough that they put the show on "hiatus" because of an episode backlog they themselves carefully manufactured while making sure Family Guy and King of the Hill REPEATS got multiple showings. It isn't bad enough that, faced with bestselling DVD sales spilling out of the UK and across the effing WORLD, the huge turnout for the petition, and, I HOPE, letters and e-mail from EVERYONE HERE, that they responded by cutting the season extra-early.

NO, they have to fill the postseason slot with Simpsons repeats.

I'm telling you, if God promised to let me off the hook for one short week--carte blanche to do whatever the hell I wanted to, without actually GOING to hell--well, I'd do things that just describing here would get me sent to prison. You know what I mean.

...Wow, I...I'm bleeding from the eyes. I got one of those "manga" veins in my forehead. I haven't been this pissed off since...since...well, ever. It's like the class clod has been put in charge of the entire prom by his mother; it's not the end of the world, put it's...just...so...openly, undeniably stupid. And petty. Even childish. And it seems to have been done just for the sake of pissing us off.

I'm going to go see Frailty tomorrow, and I'm takin' a tube of lube, 'coz axe murders are suddenly giving me wood.

    :mad:     :finger:     :evillaugh:
YEAH! Damn Dirty, butt munching, Brain rotted, retards of a red neck stepchild!
F'in FOX, and their F'in FOX Execs! GodDamn them! F'in rat bastard mofo's!.... k im done..
    :hmpf: What I don't understand is why someone doesn't ask what the 'celebraty guests' on the show think of this blatent act. In fact..
I think it be pretty cool if someone got a like interview together of all the guest stars that have appeared on the show and ask there opinions on Fox's treatment of the show.. it have to be a third party that initiates the interviews as if anyone at Fox did it, they'd probly be fired.     :mad: Damn F'in green assed bastards!!     :mad: ..

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #4 on: 04-16-2002 10:21 »

Hey, that sounds like a great idea, Erdrik. There'd been some pretty cool celebrities on the show, maybe they have a greater impact on the FOX execs in their ivorytowers, than we lowly fans. People like Al Gore has told how much they love the show before. If you could persuade someone to do an extensive program about this, it could move some things.

(and while I'm on the subject of dreaming, I'd like a gazillion dollars, my own private continent and omnipotence.

I don't think FOX does it to piss off the fans, they're simply too god damn ST**** to actually make such a coherent decision. I think it's safe to say that the FOX Brain Cell passed away sometime around mid-January.

Once my Hind comes back from the shop, I may have another look at the plans I made in February.  :evillaugh:

« Reply #5 on: 04-16-2002 10:26 »
« Last Edit on: 04-16-2002 10:26 »

Originally posted by Teral:
Hey, that sounds like a great idea, Erdrik. There'd been some pretty cool celebrities on the show, maybe they have a greater impact on the FOX execs in their ivorytowers, than we lowly fans. People like Al Gore has told how much they love the show before. If you could persuade someone to do an extensive program about this, it could move some things.

Unfortunetly I have no strings into the entertainment industry..   :(
[desperate plea for help!]
If Anyone here does please see what you can do!
[/desperate plea for help!]

Call me Erdrik

Boycott Fox!! Down with the Evil OverLords!!

Down with the Evil Letter: 'C' ARRRG!
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #6 on: 04-16-2002 12:49 »

There is just no logic to what they are doing, pity Murdoch's BSkyB seem to treat Futurama reasonably well yet the company that really matters, FOX, just doesn't give a flying fuck about Futurama - it's clear from the DVD commentaries, FOX have never really liked Futurama and just do not care about it in anyway.

I still say we kill them
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #7 on: 04-16-2002 14:00 »

When I heard about them cutting the season short, about a week ago, I was full of rage for over 24 hours. I've calmed down now although I'm still angry, the only postive thing I can think of is that if production season 4 is Futurama's last then it will last longer, and we might apreciate it more.
Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #8 on: 04-20-2002 01:46 »

What other networks would care about Futurama? Fox cancelled it, but why are they still holding the rights to broadcast the show?

Starship Captain
« Reply #9 on: 04-20-2002 02:47 »
« Last Edit on: 04-20-2002 02:47 »

I don't want to get anyone here even more upset than FOX has already gotten them, but it's better to be pleasantly surprised than shocked and enraged, so I always try to imagine the worst-case scenario.

I'm waiting for the last, ultimate-insult surprise from FOX: the announcement a month or two from now that Where No Fan Has Gone Before was "it" as far as they're concerned.

A few weeks ago I wouldn't have even conceived of such a thing. In fact, when I posted a description of Where No Fan Has Gone Before, I had to make it clear I was talking about the season finale, not the series finale.

(1) Ally McBeal just got its plug yanked;
(2) FOX is ignoring--in fact, resisting--every emotional and logical argument to save Futurama (yet clinging to the "property rights"  );
(3) FOX is obviously doing all this to "stick it" to Groening and Cohen for their "baffling" creativity and "attitude" toward FOXecutives; and
(4) FOX seems to be running under the assumption that if they produce enough crap rapidly enough, they'll have a sufficient number of accidental "hits" that they can screw the ones they don't "get" (like, duh, Futurama).

...and Where No Fan Has Gone Before is an all-star-guest-cast extravaganza from WAY down the production schedule, just a few eps short of the end--skipping important eps like The Why of Fry but not containing any shocking surprises, revelations, "shippery," or anything else we're expecting from eps like The Devil's Hands. To a FOXecutive looking for the best way to screw everyone in sight, it's perfect.

So double-check your VCRs and get that second DVD player, friends. Until I see the next un-pre-empted episode, I'm assuming Where No Fan Has Gone Before is the last episode of Futurama to air. FOX will never order movies--of that much I am certain--they probably won't air the remaining eps, and if we're very damned lucky, we might see them released on video and DVD...in Britain. But remember:

Do not stop the mail.


I hope I'm wrong.

« Reply #10 on: 04-20-2002 04:04 »

Geez, FOX sure likes to be a pain in ass.
I may live in England, but i'd like to know why FOX don't just show the episodes IN THE ORDER THEY WERE MADE IN insted of randomly picking episodes they haven't show and turn them into a season, which is what they seem to be doing.

I'd like to know what will happen when the season 3 boxset comes out here, since the tapes have the season in the right order, will "The rout to all evil" e on it?

Oh, does anyone know when season 2 is coming out?

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #11 on: 04-20-2002 04:16 »

Acording to Payndz from ANSTATMAW it'll be out by September 30th. Read all about here.

Originally posted by BrainSluggo:
I don't want to get anyone here even more upset than FOX has already gotten them, but it's better to be pleasantly surprised than shocked and enraged, so I always try to imagine the worst-case scenario.

That's my approach too. But I'm hinging my hopes on the greedyness of FOX. They already paid for the episodes, so they might as well air them at one time (maybe at that dull 3AM slot).

The problem FOX is facing is that they're basically trying to make copies of everything that is a hit at the moment (right now, reality and quiz shows). The problem with copying succes' is that you're following the trend, rather than trying to create a new trend, and that way you're alreadty yesterdays news. FOX has made some really trendsetters in the past (Simpsons), and Futurama was on it's way, but ohh no, FOX had to think "reality shows is the rave, we should have one of these too. Kill all quality shows, the public wants drivel and trash". Stupid morons.

Starship Captain
« Reply #12 on: 04-20-2002 04:16 »
« Last Edit on: 04-20-2002 04:16 »

Season Two is rumored to be out in September. At that rate, Season Three could be out by January or February 2003. What this means for the show itself, only FOXecutives know for sure.     :mad:     :mad:     :mad:

EDIT: Oh, hi, Teral. Normally I'd agree with your "we-made-'em-we-might-as-well-show-'em" theory, but they keep showing oft-rerun reruns of King of the Hill over and over and over again...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #13 on: 04-20-2002 05:17 »

Hopefully even if fox doesn't air the episodes itself it will sell them overseas, then release them on video/DVD, they may be contractually obliged to provide these episodes to overseas stations.

Starship Captain
« Reply #14 on: 04-20-2002 06:30 »

Oh, and just to pour salt in the wound: this was found in the May 2002 issue of PSM (Play Station Magazine):

PSM Editor:
...We've been pretty appalled at the quality of (The Simpsons)'s writing for the past couple of seasons. Of course, this is just our opinion, but we've been diehard fans since the beginning and are just sad to see such a great comedy start grasping for laughs. Maybe now that production has stopped on Futurama, some of its superb writing talent will go where it's sorely needed. We can only hope...

Gaaaaaaaaaah! I know these guys are just trying to put the best face on a lousy situation, but it still makes my eyes burn.

I'm reminded of what Marge said to Homer when he (finally) gave one of his kidneys to Grampa:

Marge: I'm so proud of you! You've shortened your life considerably so that someone else can have a brief extension of theirs!
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #15 on: 04-20-2002 06:38 »

Originally posted by Heliotrope:I'd like to know what will happen when the season 3 boxset comes out here, since the tapes have the season in the right order, will "The rout to all evil" e on it?

I wish Fox would show the episode in order too, it makes no sense to randomly pick an episodes unless they want to alienate the casul fans with random continuity errors.

Personally I think that "The Route Of All Evil" will air during Fox's so called fith season. I'm not positive though, if it dosn't then it could easily make it onto region 2 DVD first, or possibly air outside the US before. Other TV stations have also paid to show full seasons and won't take kindly to being cut short for what they've paid for.


Space Pope
« Reply #16 on: 04-20-2002 09:49 »

Originally posted by BrainSluggo:
Oh, and just to pour salt in the wound: this was found in the May 2002 issue of PSM (Play Station Magazine):
PSM Editor:
...We've been pretty appalled at the quality of (The Simpsons)'s writing for the past couple of seasons. Of course, this is just our opinion, but we've been diehard fans since the beginning and are just sad to see such a great comedy start grasping for laughs. Maybe now that production has stopped on Futurama, some of its superb writing talent will go where it's sorely needed. We can only hope...

I think The Simpsons are geting to old and unfunny first place and The Simpsons should have stoped 11th season and have Futurama take it's place.

« Reply #17 on: 04-20-2002 10:18 »

I am almost certain that Fox will show the rest of the Futurama episodes.  They probably have already paid for the fourth production run.  So showing the episodes in the "next season" could be almost construed as pure profit. What network could pass up an essentially free show with a fan base over 5,000,000 who are mostly in the desirable demographics.

Bending Unit
« Reply #18 on: 04-20-2002 10:47 »

even if they had paid for it, it doesn't mean they will want to show it.  Kinda look at it this way: New futurama or rerun of some other show, and the rerun scores as well or even better than the new Futurama.
Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #19 on: 04-20-2002 14:58 »

Originally posted by Heliotrope:
Geez, FOX sure likes to be a pain in ass.
I may live in England, but i'd like to know why FOX don't just show the episodes IN THE ORDER THEY WERE MADE IN insted of randomly picking episodes they haven't show and turn them into a season, which is what they seem to be doing.

If what you say you mean airing episodes outside of the numerical production # order, you may not know that that's what they do with The Simpsons, and many other series out there do the same too. The production number states the order in which the episodes were first conceived. The time it takes to complete a production varies from episode to episode. That's why you might see a 2ACV episode air after a 3ACV episode.

PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #20 on: 04-20-2002 18:28 »

So in the space of three months, FOX have taken out The X-Files, Futurama, and Ally McBeal  (I've also heard that Family Guy has been axed).  Meanwhile The Simpsons and King of the Hill continue digging holes for themselves, and to make things mouth-foaming worse, FOX are apparently going to make an American version of UK's oh-so-wonderful (by the way I'm being sarcastic) "Pop Idol".

I still say we should get Sky to try and buy the rights to Futurama.  FOX have lost the plot in the biggest possible way.

Space Pope
« Reply #21 on: 04-20-2002 22:34 »

I say Matt Groening starts up his own production company and everyone lives happily ever after. I mean, really, he must have enough money to control the rights of futurama by now. Doesn't he? aaaahh  :cry:
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #22 on: 04-21-2002 06:10 »

Good idea rach, surely he must have enough money by now to start up his own "Groening Channel", then he could treat Futurama the way it was always meant to be treated, and when it becomes a big success he can show Fox what idiots they've been.

« Reply #23 on: 04-21-2002 08:53 »

FOX has a problem with letting go with their 'High Milage Pit Woffies".

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #24 on: 04-21-2002 13:54 »

    The Simpsons are a cultural phenomenon in themself. They've established themselves so effectively in the minds of the public that killing them is virtually impossible from FOX's POV. Everybody hears the name Simpsons, and presto they can spout the names of the main characters, and talk about how great a cartoon it is, even though they'd never seen an episode. They're already part of the cultury in many countries, wasn't there something about an university offering a degree in Simpsons. All this means lots of green to FOX, and that's what they care for. Simpsons will never be taken of the air, they'll limber on, becoming increasingly pathetic and shadows of their former glory. Until a point where Matt Groening puts down his foot once and for all and yanks the plug (if he can do it).

    But that really wasn't the main point of my post. I just found a tangent and spun out of control.  :D

    I can maybe,
maybe accept that classic Simpsons episodes replace Futurama, if FOX is death set on axing the show for the present season.

But what I absolutely, positively, darn-dandily, freakily can't accept is that
    A) Futurama is the only show to have it's season cut short (on top of starting december 9th) of all the regular shows on FOX. KOTH, Family Guy, Simpsons, Ally McBeal, That 80's Show, you name it. They're all on at their usual timeslots next weak (according to FOX.com).

    B) And then the final insult, KOTH get's Futurama's timeslot for a triple showing Sunday the 5th of May (according to TvGuide.com). What is it that's so fascinating about that show? FOX seems to love it.

Heyyyy, that felt really good!  :D
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #25 on: 04-21-2002 14:49 »

Originally posted by Teral:
And then the final insult, KOTH get's Futurama's timeslot for a triple showing Sunday the 5th of May (according to TvGuide.com). What is it that's so fascinating about that show? FOX seems to love it.

Damn Fox! :mad: I just don't get it, what's with KOTH, what's so good about it? The only reason I can think of for Fox to do this is that KOTH probably has cheaper production costs, meaning Fox make more money, which is all they care about.


« Reply #26 on: 04-22-2002 07:28 »
« Last Edit on: 04-22-2002 07:28 »


seems that FOX really prefers to go down the drain. who would stop them? even by giving them the best advise not to cut Futurama.. they did it just to spite the world who loves the show

their shows keep getting worse and worse. soon they'll be down to showing "the world's blankiest blanks"

unfortunatelly.. this world is supposed to be getting smarter, not getting dumber. but due to some fluke... FOX seems to have the biggest collection of idiots ever.

anyway.... personally.. i kinda got used and resigned to how FOX is doing to futurama... gotta get used to them being sh*theads  :nono:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #27 on: 04-22-2002 14:22 »

Well, I'm done watching Prime-time Fox for a while.

« Reply #28 on: 04-22-2002 14:41 »
« Last Edit on: 04-22-2002 14:41 »

Originally posted by Nixorbo:
Well, I'm done watching Prime-time Fox for a while.

Damn striaght. Futurama is the only reason I watch Fox. I say since the 4th seasons over. Stop watching Fox altogether until 5th season! Spread the word MaAaAaN!!!   :evillaugh:

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #29 on: 04-22-2002 19:11 »

Well, I never watched FOX anyway, so I'm in on the boycutt.

Space Pope
« Reply #30 on: 04-22-2002 20:14 »

Still a few more Simpsons this year, but after that...

« Reply #31 on: 04-22-2002 23:00 »
« Last Edit on: 04-22-2002 23:00 »

Originally posted by Kryten:
Still a few more Simpsons this year, but after that...

  :nono: tsk tsk tsk... you know you gotta make sacrifices in times of need!!!    :nono:

Besides its not like Simpsons is getting cancelled you can alwasy watchit after we rip Fox a new one! RAH!

Call me Erdrik
Boycott Fox!! Down with the Evil OverLords!!
Down with the Evil Letter: 'C' ARRRG!

« Reply #32 on: 04-23-2002 00:21 »

Well, I'm in for the boycott.  At least I won't have to put up with irritating KOTH commercials anymore. =Þ

Space Pope
« Reply #33 on: 04-23-2002 02:05 »

Originally posted by Erdrik:
     :nono: tsk tsk tsk... you know you gotta make sacrifices in times of need!!!     :nono:

Besides its not like Simpsons is getting cancelled you can alwasy watchit after we rip Fox a new one! RAH!

I'm not supporting FOX, I'm supporting Groening!
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