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Author Topic: Thoughts on 6ACV03 - Attack of the Killer App - SPOILERs  (Read 37048 times)
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PEE Poll: Rating
1/10 (poor)   -13 (8.6%)
2/10   -2 (1.3%)
3/10   -11 (7.3%)
4/10   -8 (5.3%)
5/10   -9 (6%)
6/10   -13 (8.6%)
7/10   -23 (15.2%)
8/10   -34 (22.5%)
9/10   -27 (17.9%)
10/10 (great)   -11 (7.3%)
Total Members Voted: 151


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #80 on: 07-02-2010 17:59 »

I really don't believe that the show has changed all that much, tonally, but I suppose that's up for debate.

Anyway: Has anyone considered the possibility that this whole goat vomit thing was itself a spoof of disgusting things people do on the internet? I feel like it wasn't just the writers trying to gross us out: they were also trying to lampoon all the sick and twisted nonsense that people will do to get noticed online. There's a reason Fry's twits get so many views, y'know?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #81 on: 07-02-2010 18:02 »

Are you serious?!

You don't like gross-out jokes, so why are you on a Futurama board? Like there's nothing else to like about the show?

No, I am not talking about that single joke, but rather your whole problem with this episode in particular.  Most of your problems seems either ill-defined or something that was pretty much that of the former Futurama.  So I ask you, if you don't like what it used to be in what I'd say is just another episode, then why were you here to begin with?

I am not saying this episode is top class.  But it is no where near the criticism you apply to it.  When I heard about the goat before it aired, I was worried.  But I was pleased to realise it was just a throwaway joke.  And it did make the bet interesting.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #82 on: 07-02-2010 18:03 »

A pretty good episode IMO the writers are really picking up. I really wish they didn't make the Susan Boyle reference so obvious though because it dates the show.


Urban Legend
« Reply #83 on: 07-02-2010 18:04 »

Why oh why do people insist on coming on here just to slam the episodes?

Personally, althought the vomit and diarrhoea went on for a bit long, it wasn't done in as crude a way as a program such as Family Guy manages to do it. I direct you to the family guy episode where Peter and Co drink the Exlax - how can you compare what we saw to something as bad as that.

Sure, we saw the goat puking and stuff on screen a couple of times, but most of it was done offscreen with just the noises evident, and to be honest, they could have done it much worse.

As for pop-culture references being over-done, sure, they are, but rarely are they well done, and that's what I feel Futurama have managed to do, carry it over in a funny way.

« Reply #84 on: 07-02-2010 18:08 »

Are you serious?!

You don't like gross-out jokes, so why are you on a Futurama board? Like there's nothing else to like about the show?

No, I am not talking about that single joke, but rather your whole problem with this episode in particular.  Most of your problems seems either ill-defined or something that was pretty much that of the former Futurama.  So I ask you, if you don't like what it used to be in what I'd say is just another episode, then why were you here to begin with?

Do you think that this episode reflects the tone/style/intelligence of the original 72? I never said I didn't like what the show used to be, that's your (bizarre) assumption. Also, I don't have to justify my membership of this forum to you.

I've outlined my problems with the episode. If they're ill-defined to you, fine, but I'm not the only one who feels the show has changed drastically based on these 3 episodes.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #85 on: 07-02-2010 18:13 »

Just forced pop-culture references (she's a BOIL! Her name is SUSAN! She SINGS! She's SUSAN BOIL! Do YOU GET IT YET? LET'S RUB IT IN MORE! Oh, and TWITCHER! It's just like TWITTER! HA! Look at how RELEVANT we're being!)



That is all,

Yeah, didn't care for THAT one either.
Then why didn't quit back in May 2001? Or after any number of episode with gross-out humor?
« Reply #86 on: 07-02-2010 18:16 »

This episode was meh for me. It was better than the last two episodes, but was still pretty bad. My favorite part was scruffy and I liked the whole beginning, but the rest, I couldn't give you 2 cents for. The boil thing got on my nerves horribly, it kind of made everyone seem out of character. I also ddn't like all of the eyephone and twitcher things. I don't think that just becauseit's been a while since the show last aired, they have to update the show or whatever. Let's just sayI hope they improve this season because so far, it's not doing too well.

« Reply #87 on: 07-02-2010 18:18 »

Thought the episode was much better than the last.  
I thought the iPhone jokes were pretty funny.  I think it was great timing with iPhone 4.0 out already.  

You never know, Susan "Boil" may come back in a future episode where they need a joke - they did that with Lucy Liu.  They recorded a few extra lines and put them in another episode.

Urban Legend
« Reply #88 on: 07-02-2010 18:18 »

The thing that really annoys me about the weekly round of "Futurama is turning into Family Guy!!!1!!1!1oneoneone" is that the people who keep saying it are the people who so obviously don't watch Family Guy!

Bending Unit
« Reply #89 on: 07-02-2010 18:20 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2010 18:26 »

I really don't know about this ep. I gave it 6. It was funny in places, and interesting. But I hated the ending, no closure whatsoever. Seems like it should be a cliffhanger? But it actually isn't. Dumb idea to end the episode like that IMO.

Also, the boil was just crap. Since when did Leela have a boil on her arse anyway? And is it still on her arse, or is it gone now?? Just plain dumb IMO.

First 2 eps were MUCH better.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #90 on: 07-02-2010 18:23 »

They did this in Season 1 also, you know. More overt references. Single Female Lawyer was Ally McBeal. A Fishful of Dollars was full of references. And, going deeper into the series, we had Kidnapster. And how many of you remember who some of the guests are? Will Pauly Shore, Lucy Lui, or Claudio Shiffer really hold up to the test of time? Let's not kid ourselves and act like eyePhone, Twitcher, or Susan the boil are the new cancers killing Futurama.

Space Pope
« Reply #91 on: 07-02-2010 18:26 »

And yet, back then it was actually funny. Here, it feels more like "Look at what we're referencing! Referencing things makes them funny! Right? TWITTER! Ha ha!"

Starship Captain
« Reply #92 on: 07-02-2010 18:28 »

I loved this episode. Probably because it was about iPhones in the Future.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #93 on: 07-02-2010 18:32 »

And yet, back then it was actually funny. Here, it feels more like "Look at what we're referencing! Referencing things makes them funny! Right? TWITTER! Ha ha!"
"Oh, wow, it's Pauly Shore! Let's talk about all of his movies and do throw away references to them!"
"Oh, wow, it's an eyePhone! Like an iPhone! But in your eye!"
"Oh, wow, it's Claudia Shiffer! Let's talk about her modeling career for a minute!"
"Oh, wow, it's Single Female Laywer! You get it?! It's on Fox! And Ally McBeal's on Fox! And SFL likes having lots of sex! LAWL"
"Oh, wow, it's a boil named Susan! Like Susan Boyle. Haha!"
"Oh, wow, it's Kidnapster! You know, like Napster. But kidnapping. HAHA LAWL"

Where were your complaints back then? The jokes from years ago are just as dated as these will be. In fact, some of these jokes, like the iPhone, likely won't be as dated in the years to come as Napster has become.

Space Pope
« Reply #94 on: 07-02-2010 18:35 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2010 18:37 »

But my point is, the WHOLE EPISODE didn't revolve around them.

I came to love Futurama because of the smart jokes and the character development. This episode had almost none of that, besides some comments on consumer culture.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #95 on: 07-02-2010 18:37 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2010 18:39 »

The whole episode didn't revolve around Single Female Lawyer? Really? It was introduced in the cold opening and was referenced throughout. And Susan the boil's importance to the plot was on par with Pauly Shore.

And, yes, this episode was consumer commentary, but not every episode has to be character development. This is a sitcom, not a serial drama.

Space Pope
« Reply #96 on: 07-02-2010 18:41 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2010 18:57 »

The whole episode didn't revolve around Single Female Lawyer? Really? It was introduced in the cold opening and was referenced throughout. And Susan the boil's importance to the plot was on par with Pauly Shore.

"Single Female Lawyer" could have been anything. the real point was to have the cast attempt to act out a show, which they did. Hilariously.

As for Pauly Shore... that's yet another episode everyone hated. You're not backing up your opinion very well.

I'm not crirticizing the new episodes because I want to hate them. I'm criticizing them because I want to LOVE them... but the creators are making it really difficult.

Urban Legend
« Reply #97 on: 07-02-2010 18:42 »

This was an awesome, excellent episode!  Loved the parody of the iPad sensation, Twitter, the 'Real Housewives of Sims City' and Fry's and Bender's competition with each other.  Leela's boil reminded me of what happened on American Dad to to Stan crapping in the pool.  It was also a rip on Susan Boyle (get the name)?  The only thing I didn't like was how Leela was hurt about how Fry filmed her boil, you'd think she'd be more tougher about it.  The ending was cool, too, but I was expecting the PE Crew to stop Mom.  It was great to see Mom and her sons again.   This was a good episode, but not as good as Rebirth and In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela.  I give it 4.5/5  Can't wait for next week's!  


Starship Captain
« Reply #98 on: 07-02-2010 18:59 »

kryten speaks wisdom.

Urban Legend
« Reply #99 on: 07-02-2010 19:08 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2010 19:11 »

Like the last few episodes, it feels like the writers can't remember how to structure a capable story anymore, which is very worrying.

Yeah, I'm sure the show's just shit now because you didn't like these three episodes. It couldn't just be that fact that the new episodes are a tad different from the original series after seven years!

I think it's pretty funny how lots of people seem to think that the new Futurama episodes are going to have to be exactly like the old episodes otherwise they're just plain shit.

Different styles and bad story structure are not the same thing. In Bruges and Alien: two different films with incredibly tight story-structure and different tones. They (and myself) weren't complaining about the show being 'a tad different' now. They were complaining about it being bad now. The story structure and pacing of the last 3 episodes has been really bad for Futurama's standards and whilst I'm willing to keep watching to see if things improve, it's hardly going to fill people with confidence.

I'm not asking for them to continue things, I'm asking for them to conclude them within the episode that starts them. Yivo has never been mentioned again because schlee's not relevant any more. That storyline was finished. He went back to his universe and sealed off the gateway between it and our universe. End of. Simple.

And so I mention "When Aliens Attack", "The Cryonic Woman", "War Is the H-Word" as examples of episodes where what is introduced is not concluded.

When Aliens Attack was fine. They were obviously going to rebuild the damage done to Earth, we didn't need to see it. The storyline itself wasn't about whether or not Earth can rebuild itself, it was about whether or not Earth will survive an Omicronian attack, and that story conluded nicely, and neatly. Plus, the final shot was there for a joke about things being back to normal which helped grease over any problems I might've had with it too.

I HATE the ending for The Cryonic Woman, even more than I hated this ending. It's one of my least favourite episodes of Futurama along with Attack of the Killer App so yeah. What's your point? Episodes without endings suck?

And I never liked the ending of War Is the H-Word, but the rest of the episode is absolutely great so I put up with it. Plus, you never see the actual outcome of the explosion. The characters have survived similar things with no problem in the past. If the show ended on an explosion and everyone dying, I'd have more of a problem with it.

I admit, this is the first time Futurama ended on a twist, which is usually resolved in some fashion.  But I think any resolving in this episode would have been beating a dead horse, and then I'd be whining.  Fortunately, they did not do this.

Beating a dead horse how? They wouldn't need to make more jokes about iPhones and Twitter to conclude the ending. Honestly, I wish the episode had skipped the e-waste stuff at the beginning and started with the ad for EyePhones, then had about 7 minutes at the end where Fry and Leela saw what was happening and went and stopped Mom some how. That would have made for quite a cool episode in my opinion. They didn't need to make more jokes on the same subject either, they could have parodied zombie films or countless other horror films. They could have just given us some cool action sequences. Who knows. They had an opportunity and wasted it.

This is a sitcom, continuity is what it is.

Futurama has always had above-average continuity for a sitcom and that's one of the reasons I love it. Your average sitcom wouldn't keep stuff like Uranus being renamed Urectum, or even Nixon being elected Earth President in later episodes when they were only originally intended to be one-shot jokes for the episodes in question.

Lousy premise (iPhone parody) that has already been done to death elsewhere

While it is seen before, this was actually the first decent parody I have seen.  All the others have been rather shamefully bad.

It's the best iPhone-specific parody I've seen, but plenty of other shows have tackled social networking in general. I'd take King of the Hill's "Lost in MySpace" episode over this any day. I'd even take The IT Crowd's 'FriendFace' episode over it, and that's fairly cheap humour or South Park's 'You Have 0 Friends', which is far from a great episode.

Just forced pop-culture references (she's a BOIL! Her name is SUSAN! She SINGS! She's SUSAN BOIL! Do YOU GET IT YET? LET'S RUB IT IN MORE! Oh, and TWITCHER! It's just like TWITTER! HA! Look at how RELEVANT we're being!)



That is all,

Yeah, didn't care for THAT one either.
Then why didn't quit back in May 2001? Or after any number of episode with gross-out humor?

Probably because they weren't put off the show by one episode? If they'd said this episode was going to make them quit the forum, your comment would be fair enough, but as it is, it's just a bit weird.

The whole episode didn't revolve around Single Female Lawyer? Really? It was introduced in the cold opening and was referenced throughout. And Susan the boil's importance to the plot was on par with Pauly Shore.

Single Female Laywer was just a catalyst for an alien invasion plot. And like Kryten said, it could have been any show.
And Pauly Shore's appearance sucked so hard.


Space Pope
« Reply #100 on: 07-02-2010 19:32 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2010 19:36 »

You know what I hate most about this thread? When somebody comes in and says they absolutely hated the episode, and you morons feel like you need to DEFEND it to them. Don't fucking defend it, you idiots. If you liked it, then don't defend it.

People are allowed to dislike stuff. It wasn't their cup of tea. Maybe they absolutely despised it. Who cares? Does it affect how much you liked it? No. So don't even respond to them.

It's kinda scary how some people are getting UPSET over negative reviews, even you weiner. It's almost as if you feel you need to rate the episode higher just to counter the people who thought it sucked balls. Why? I doubt you really think this episode was a 5/5, weiner, in the context of all the Futurama episodes, you thought this one was perfection? Come on.

To be honest, I can see how people could love this episode and how people could hate it. Don't argue with people about which side they chose to take. It's just taste. You can't argue with taste, don't try. Even if you think their reasons for disliking it are moronic and stupid and make no sense whatsoever.

Just make your own review and leave it.

Bending Unit
« Reply #101 on: 07-02-2010 19:34 »
« Last Edit on: 07-03-2010 09:13 »

Another disappointing new episode of Futurama.

Admittedly, it probably was the funniest episode so far, but it's humour is dated in the current iPhone and Twitter craze. In a few years, people are probably going to look back at this time and realize how stupid and pointless the whole thing was; and that will translate to this episode as well.

After all, "I Dated A Robot" is ranked low among fans, and I think it's because of the dated Napster jokes and Lucy Lui (although the "Don't Date Robots" propaganda film is among the funniest of Futurama). "When Aliens Attacked" is another example, but I think that it's aged better because it included parody clips of the show it was parodying, so even people who never saw Ally McBeal understand what the episode is about.

Returning to this episode, I don't think that the iPhone or Twitter are going to be such sensations five or ten years from now, so most of the humour in this episode is going to feel stale and/or forgotten.

I think that's exemplified by the Susan Boyle parody; yeah, she was a big craze over a year ago (which I think was when this episode was written), but does anyone make jokes about her any more? Also, I don't think that Leela having a singing boil on her ass is funny to begin with.

The worst part of the episode was the ending. Mom's evil scheme, which was built up for the entire episode, transforms people into mindless zombies that do her bidding... and all she has them do is buy the eyePhone 2.0. I understand the joke: that we're all like zombies for the iPhone. Ha, ha. :rolleyes: But it makes no sense in the episode because apparently everyone wanted the new eyePhone in the first place; so they'd probably line up to buy the 2.0 version anyway. I got the joke, but it seemed like such a pointless scheme for Mom.

I rated this episode a 6/10. However, I predict that if I re-rate this episode five years from now, it'll be much lower, like a 4, because the humour is too topical, and it'll be dated and unfunny (because some of it already is).

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #102 on: 07-02-2010 19:35 »

I think what this season needs is a really great plot episode to bring it all round circle. As a shipper, I am actually happy with the direction they are taking the Fry/Leela relationship. I feel like I don't want to see them all over each other all the time... I'd like some of that to be left to imagination - or else it would just be Homer and Marge. I liked this episode much more than In A "Gadda De Leela".

I feel like the show is on Comedy Central and its taking a turn to be more topical like South Park, but I don't think it should solely rely on it. In my opinion, this episode was much better than other "topical" episodes like "Kidnappster"

This episode had a lot of high points:
1. Fry and Bender acting like Frat Boys like they did back in season one.
2. Fry doing something stupid and redeeming himself by doing something even more stupid
3. Mom's evil plan- (Patrons were probably going to get the latest version anyway without the virus, but its funny that she would want the insurance)
4. Waiting in lines for things in the future. (I really like how this is a reoccurring thing)
5. I totally buy into Leela's mutation. She is after all a MUTANT. Who knows what's going on in there - (even if its not very funny.)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #103 on: 07-02-2010 19:49 »

You know what I hate most about this thread? When somebody comes in and says they absolutely hated the episode, and you morons feel like you need to DEFEND it to them. Don't fucking defend it, you idiots. If you liked it, then don't defend it.

People are allowed to dislike stuff. It wasn't their cup of tea. Maybe they absolutely despised it. Who cares? Does it affect how much you liked it? No. So don't even respond to them.

It's kinda scary how some people are getting UPSET over negative reviews, even you weiner. It's almost as if you feel you need to rate the episode higher just to counter the people who thought it sucked balls. Why? I doubt you really think this episode was a 5/5, weiner, in the context of all the Futurama episodes, you thought this one was perfection? Come on.

To be honest, I can see how people could love this episode and how people could hate it. Don't argue with people about which side they chose to take. It's just taste. You can't argue with taste, don't try. Even if you think their reasons for disliking it are moronic and stupid and make no sense whatsoever.

Just make your own review and leave it.

You don't understand why?  Honestly?  It's pretty simple, my friend.  When someone comes in and argues why they dislike a certain point, something contrary to your own opinion, you feel like someone is actually treading on your opinion indirectly.

It's just like a political argument, I wouldn't be bothered if people just said 'socialism sucks', but as soon as they take on individual issues of socialism, where my opinion differs, that is where I step in in an effort to correct them and, of course, indicate that my opinion is correct and well-founded.

This is common human behaviour, my friend.

Space Pope
« Reply #104 on: 07-02-2010 19:51 »

And all I'm saying is, listen to to the voice of reason inside. You know, the voice that says "maybe I should just leave this alone" and not the voice that says "I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL THIS FUCKING DOUCHEBAG AND STICK A GARDEN HOE UP THEIR ASS"

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #105 on: 07-02-2010 19:52 »

You know what I hate most about this thread? When somebody comes in and says they absolutely hated the episode, and you morons feel like you need to DEFEND it to them. Don't fucking defend it, you idiots. If you liked it, then don't defend it.

People are allowed to dislike stuff. It wasn't their cup of tea. Maybe they absolutely despised it. Who cares? Does it affect how much you liked it? No. So don't even respond to them.

It's kinda scary how some people are getting UPSET over negative reviews, even you weiner. It's almost as if you feel you need to rate the episode higher just to counter the people who thought it sucked balls. Why? I doubt you really think this episode was a 5/5, weiner, in the context of all the Futurama episodes, you thought this one was perfection? Come on.

To be honest, I can see how people could love this episode and how people could hate it. Don't argue with people about which side they chose to take. It's just taste. You can't argue with taste, don't try. Even if you think their reasons for disliking it are moronic and stupid and make no sense whatsoever.

Just make your own review and leave it.

Bravo, Josh! I couldn't agree more. I think some of the negative reactions are overboard, but so what? Just let people have their opinion. I don't understand the defensive reactions. Almost as bad as Soryn posting a rebuttal everytime somebody says they liked Rebirth.

Also, I am ridiculously happy to see FemJesse posting again. :love:

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #106 on: 07-02-2010 19:57 »

Its all about opinion :laff:

I liked all the little subplots in this episode, even though it seemed no one else did. The Boil was a little strange but whatever. I love Futurama and I always will, even if it winds up breaking my heart in the end... oh its done that so many times before.

I don't feel like I have to defend my opinion. I have something like 300 pieces of fanart somewhere that have pretty much solidified my stance on the matter. Its been chiseled in stone, sand, wood and pumpkin.

I missed you guys =)

Space Pope
« Reply #107 on: 07-02-2010 19:57 »


Edit: Also this was post 2222 :D

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #108 on: 07-02-2010 20:01 »


Edit: Also this was post 2222 :D

LOL I know right? I could have done so much more creative stuff with my time =(

Space Pope
« Reply #109 on: 07-02-2010 20:03 »

It's okay. Tomorrow, nobody will remember.

Space Pope
« Reply #110 on: 07-02-2010 20:22 »

I think what bugged me about this episode was how obvious the jokes were. eyePhone...iPhone.. that's not a big jump. I don't know. I only really laughed when Fry jumped off the diving board and smashed into the ground. Eh. And Susan the boil? Cringe-worthy.
At least with something like I Dated A Robot, it can still be amusing not knowing who the 'famous' people are. Just knowing they are meant to be famous makes it work. And I had no idea what Napster was when I first saw it, but it was easy for me to make an assumption as to what it was, so the episode still made sense.
When we've all forgotten about Susan Boyle, will this Killer App joke be funny? I didn't even find it funny as it was. You know they had a talking pimple on Family Guy, right? :p

« Reply #111 on: 07-02-2010 20:25 »

A hilarious episode with lots of great jokes as well as an emotional core, and I loved the ending with the zombie thing ending in a total anticlimax and a response to the rush to the technology releases of the 21st century... Ofcourse some jokes will be less apparant in the future, but the same thing goes with old eps like the global warming ones and I Dated a Robot.

Also, I had never heard of this Susan Boyle person, but the singing boil overall was fun. Seriously, the joke worked with me even though I didn't know the person, so that's really not the most dated joke.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #112 on: 07-02-2010 20:37 »

Also, I had never heard of this Susan Boyle person, but the singing boil overall was fun. Seriously, the joke worked with me even though I didn't know the person, so that's really not the most dated joke.

Agreed.  Even though I don't really liked the whole thing, because it wasn't funny to me.  The fact that its name and she sings is based on Susan Boyle doesn't carry much for the overall joke.  Calling the joke dated - perhaps, but that's not the big joke here.

While I knew who Susan Boyle were, I did not catch the reference on first viewing.  And I am sure it wouldn't have done anything better to me had I known it.  The reference is not important.  That's why it works.

That being said; talking boils aren't that funny in themselves.

And also; can we please stop focusing on this one gag in the episode?  It's not like the choice of a talking boil was plot important (it could have been anything else that was embarrassing to Leela).  Sheesh, base an entire episode on a replaceable joke.

Starship Captain
« Reply #113 on: 07-02-2010 20:38 »

I liked the jokes about what the crew were watching.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #114 on: 07-02-2010 20:39 »

I might be alone but I didn't know who Susan Boyle was (well, I guess I knew who she was but I didn't know her name and thus didn't get the joke) when I saw this episode.

Now that I remember who she is, I guess the name is funny. Not lol-funny but it's a cute little gag.

I think the humor is supposed to be about the ridiculousness of a singing mutant boil. And I also think the eye-phone humor can be generalized to any kind of trendy new phone-gadget. I don't think this episode will date as poorly as people seem to think.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #115 on: 07-02-2010 20:43 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2010 20:45 »

Whoops--I posted that before seeing some other posts. I guess I'm not the only one who didn't place the Susan Boyle reference. Cool.

Agreed.  Even though I don't really liked the whole thing, because it wasn't funny to me.  The fact that its name and she sings is based on Susan Boyle doesn't carry much for the overall joke.  Calling the joke dated - perhaps, but that's not the big joke here.

While I knew who Susan Boyle were, I did not catch the reference on first viewing.  And I am sure it wouldn't have done anything better to me had I known it.  The reference is not important.  That's why it works.

That being said; talking boils aren't that funny in themselves.

And also; can we please stop focusing on this one gag in the episode?  It's not like the choice of a talking boil was plot important (it could have been anything else that was embarrassing to Leela).  Sheesh, base an entire episode on a replaceable joke.

This is a good point, but in a way it makes me even more frustrated. It's a replaceable joke, used to further the story. So they could have easily done something different. You'd think somewhere during the 9 month production process, somebody would have said "this isn't working. Let's do something funnier".

With that said, I think I am done talking about the boil. They did it, I thought it sucked, and now I am ready to move on. The rest of the episode was funny, for the most part. I hope next week's episode builds on the strengths of Killer App and is awesome.

Starship Captain
« Reply #116 on: 07-02-2010 20:44 »

I think the eyePhones were more like computers.

Space Pope
« Reply #117 on: 07-02-2010 20:49 »

I think the only thing I thought was funny about the Susan Boil thing was that it sang BADLY. Which was kinda like saying "fuck you Susan Boyle".

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #118 on: 07-02-2010 20:57 »

This is a good point, but in a way it makes me even more frustrated. It's a replaceable joke, used to further the story. So they could have easily done something different. You'd think somewhere during the 9 month production process, somebody would have said "this isn't working. Let's do something funnier".

Well, if my good pal, FistfulOAwesome is lurking about, he would acknowledge this problem with guest stars.  The problem with the boil, and why it was kept, was probably because Craig Ferguson voiced it.  Guest stars are not cheap, and you can't get them back to voice something different and you aren't going to throw the money spend on them out the window by changing what they did to someone else.

Especially not when Futurama is on such a tight budget as it is right now.  Poor writers, have far less time this time around than during the original run.

Bending Unit
« Reply #119 on: 07-02-2010 21:14 »

Ofcourse some jokes will be less apparant in the future, but the same thing goes with old eps like the global warming ones and I Dated a Robot.
Wait, wait, wait! Are you alleging that global warming was merely a topical issue of yester-year? And it's not a prevalent issue anymore!?

I agree that some of the humour in "I Dated a Robot" has become dated, but not "Crimes of the Hot". I can't imagine that the issue of global warming will ever go away -- unless we somehow (hopefully) fix the problem -- so the jokes about pollution-emitting robots being akin to SUVs, and temporarily "fixing" a problem without actually solving it in the long-term, are relevant and timeless.

Consider the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. If and when they finally stop the oil leak, I predict they'll claim "We fixed the problem. It'll never happen again. So let's continue drilling in our backyards as if it never happened, because we NEED OIL!" And that idiotic, short-sighted attitude will prevent proper safety regulations from being passed.

That's why I think the humour in that episode (as well as "A Big Piece of Garbage") are timeless, because people, governments, corporations, and industries are constantly making them same dumb mistakes, because they always assume they're smarter than the people that preceded them (even when they're the same people).

In regards to this new episode, I don't think that the iPhone and Twitter jokes are timeless; they're topical, and they won't be as funny five or ten years from now. That's why I'd prefer that Futurama stayed away from topical-issue-based episodes. Let South Park and The Daily Show and The Colbert Report poke fun at silly topical issues. I'd prefer that Futurama remain timeless, by having the crazy cast do crazy things in their crazy world. That's what the humour in Futurama is supposed to be about, IMO.
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