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Author Topic: Thoughts on 6ACV03 - Attack of the Killer App - SPOILERs  (Read 37156 times)
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PEE Poll: Rating
1/10 (poor)   -13 (8.6%)
2/10   -2 (1.3%)
3/10   -11 (7.3%)
4/10   -8 (5.3%)
5/10   -9 (6%)
6/10   -13 (8.6%)
7/10   -23 (15.2%)
8/10   -34 (22.5%)
9/10   -27 (17.9%)
10/10 (great)   -11 (7.3%)
Total Members Voted: 151


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #40 on: 07-02-2010 11:17 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2010 11:26 »

I was actually kidding, I thought the episode was okay, I actually quite enjoyed it. It wasn't hilarious but it wasn't horrible.

Aw yeah, don't be hatin'.

Also, I loved that Dr. Ben Beeler was right in front of the gang and got a few good lines. And it looks like Number 9 Guy was in line too. And "here's a twit now!" is a great Mom line, the All My Circuits line "they cut off one of my dimensions" made me laugh so hard. The first act is amazing. (I'm rewatching the episode as I post...)
Dorsal Axe

Bending Unit
« Reply #41 on: 07-02-2010 11:20 »

Having rewatched the episode, it was much better upon second viewing (like the other two). It feels a lot more like the episodes from the original run.

Space Pope
« Reply #42 on: 07-02-2010 11:20 »

I can't see your picture, weiner. :hmpf:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #43 on: 07-02-2010 11:27 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2010 11:44 »

Forgot to mention, noticed it during the broadcast: does anybody else feel like Fry's "My Politicle Views Part 56: Tariffs" video is a riff on Glenn Beck? It feels like it. Academia cap, blackboard, silly notes and charts.

Edit: Hehe, Bender's hot sauce bottle is "Liquid Arson".

Another great dumb line byr Fry: "Leela, lock the door so Leela can't--eeeeeeee!"
This episode is even better on second viewing. Maybe it's the lack of commercials...

Also, "Impending News, Everyone!" is one of the Professor's best catchphrase augmentations.

So, finally finished second viewing, and this episode did not disappoint at all. It was far funnier than 6ACV01 or 02, and featured very 72-esque humor. Here's to next week!
8/10 on here, 5/5 on CGEF (mostly to counter those on CGEF who are really putting it down)

« Reply #44 on: 07-02-2010 11:49 »

This episode was alright. The first half was good. I liked the Third World and the eyephones and all that, but once it started being about Leela's boil it went downhill a bit because as everyone else has pointed out that joke was somewhat random and generally unnecessary. If the writer's hadn't really really wanted to use the Susan Boil pun they could have easily pulled off a similar storyline without resorting to something so random.

Spocks Brain

Delivery Boy
« Reply #45 on: 07-02-2010 12:10 »

I enjoyed it.  As for the "Boyle", it may be topical but it was funny.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #46 on: 07-02-2010 12:24 »

This episode was decent.  While some may think that direct jokes towards 'iPhones' and 'Twitter' may become dated, its comment on consumer culture won't.  That'll be fresh for eons.

Hell, if you ever find yourself watching this episode in 20 years, and have forgotten all about the crap we did today, you'll probably hang you head in shame, because people are no better 20 years down the line.

Like others have said, the whole 'Boyle' thing was the most 'forced' in this episode, it seemed to come out of no where, when Fry needed something to beat Bender in their bet and when the writers needed him to be able to humiliate Leela.  There were so many other ideas to pull this off, that did not involve a talking boil.  I am sure it'll sink in on a second viewing, but it seemed sort of... out of place.

But I would not call it un-Futurama-y.

Urban Legend
« Reply #47 on: 07-02-2010 13:28 »

I thought it was great, and I really wish people would stop with the zomg its terning into fAmilY guy!!!1! nonsense.   Family Guy doesn't hold the patent on silly, crude humor, and there's no reason why Futurama can't delve into that from time to time.  Its an animated sitcom; that's what they do.

Second. I hate how no show can make any jokes that are the least bit random or rude/immature otherwise it's "Too much like Family Guy!" And because Futurama has come back from being cancelled like Family Guy, people are going to be more inclined to forget that it used to use random and/or rude/immature humour all the time and just accuse it of becoming like Family Guy. :nono:

Anyway, on to the episode: I thought it was way better than the first two and, for the most part, I thought it felt a lot like the original series... Also, I loved the video of Fry doing karate. "Help! Police!"

I guess I'd rate it as an A or a 9/10 or whatever...

« Reply #48 on: 07-02-2010 13:53 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2010 13:56 »

Absolute crap. Hated it. The goat thing wasn't funny in the least, just grossness for grossness sake. The Boil thing was possibly the stupidest thing I've ever seen in a Futurama. The first act was decent, but thats about all I can say.

People are comparing it to Family Guy because it was like Family Guy. End of story.

I'm sorry, but the 2 people who thought this was a 10 out of 10 Futurama episode must be out of their minds.

I'll give the next couple of episodes a shot, but it's getting to the point I'd rather just put in a DVD of the old show and abandon this mess.

Oh yeah, and Mom's creative use of profanity in the old series? Funny. Saying 'you bastard' 10 times in an episode? Not so much.

Urban Legend
« Reply #49 on: 07-02-2010 14:29 »

I thought it was great, and I really wish people would stop with the zomg its terning into fAmilY guy!!!1! nonsense.   Family Guy doesn't hold the patent on silly, crude humor, and there's no reason why Futurama can't delve into that from time to time.  Its an animated sitcom; that's what they do.

Second. I hate how no show can make any jokes that are the least bit random or rude/immature otherwise it's "Too much like Family Guy!" And because Futurama has come back from being cancelled like Family Guy, people are going to be more inclined to forget that it used to use random and/or rude/immature humour all the time and just accuse it of becoming like Family Guy. :nono:


I really enjoyed it, I sat and giggled my way through it, the jokes might have been obvious in some places, but the Susan Boyle reference was hilarious, especially the over-done Scottish accent (I'm Scottish myself, and it sounded overdone) and the eyePhone stuff was brilliant. Twitter being a bit of a revolution in itself, I'll admit to using it occasionally, and the way they mock it was great IMO.

Also, the fact that it's popular consumer culture nowadays, with the new iPads and god knows what else, so it's relatable. Mom really stole the show, though I think she was supposed to, with the constant slapping that should have felt overdone, but ended up being really funny, especially the part that Weiner said, where the eyePhone self slaps the eyePhone sons.

Overall, I really liked it, and I'll be watching it again later today, on the lookout for more background jokes and whatnot. 9/10.

« Reply #50 on: 07-02-2010 14:51 »

I just finished watching it via torrent. And it's definitely better than the first two, in my opinion. I absolutely loved the All My Circuits segment. The two-headed Goat was pretty funny as well. Though the Susan Boil thing was a hit-and-miss for me, that doesn't mean I don't like it. I would give it an 8/10. The only real bad thing I can say about this was the quality of the torrent I had. I had to watch some guy fast-forwarding through commercials. :P

I'm still waiting to see what the next episode is gonna be like, hopefully it will be good. But the plot to it seems a bit... Weird.

« Reply #51 on: 07-02-2010 14:56 »

Absolute crap. Hated it. The goat thing wasn't funny in the least, just grossness for grossness sake. The Boil thing was possibly the stupidest thing I've ever seen in a Futurama. The first act was decent, but thats about all I can say.

People are comparing it to Family Guy because it was like Family Guy. End of story.

I'm sorry, but the 2 people who thought this was a 10 out of 10 Futurama episode must be out of their minds.

I'll give the next couple of episodes a shot, but it's getting to the point I'd rather just put in a DVD of the old show and abandon this mess.

Oh yeah, and Mom's creative use of profanity in the old series? Funny. Saying 'you bastard' 10 times in an episode? Not so much.

Harsh much? Could you at least justify why it was crap? It isn't like Family Guy, and it definately isn't Family Guy. Family Guy contains much, much more crude humor than Futurama ever has or ever will, and the writers have much better taste than to go to that level of comedy. I just can't see a legitimate comparison to it. I admit, some jokes on Family Guy are funny. And Futurama hopefully will only use those kind if they are. Ranting on about an episode isn't going to do much good. You have to remember that it's been a few years since the show was first canceled. There are different jokes because of a different time.

Anyway, my impression of this episode was that it was well done. On the Fry/Leela thing...he's Fry. He does stupid, random things on impulse without thinking of future or even immediate consequences. I liked the current pop references. Although I wouldn't really like to see "Susan" return in the future, and I don't think she will, due to the fact that most of these random things don't show up again, at least nothing as random as this. It was introduced solely for the purpose of the episode. I do admit it was funny, but it could get annoying if pushed too much. Also the timing of this release couldn't have been better.

I thought it surpassed the previous two episodes, comedy-wise. It was a good omen for what is to come, and I hope it gets better, with funnier jokes and great story lines. I think I'll watch it again today because I missed the first 10 minutes. Plus I want to. 9/10

Urban Legend
« Reply #52 on: 07-02-2010 15:13 »

I hate to sound like some overly critical nerd who hates anything new (because I'm really not, I loved most of the movies and Rebirth) but WORST. EPISODE. EVER.

Seriously, I'm genuinely really worried about the rest of this season now.

The first joke I found remotely amusing was 7 minutes into the episode in that ad for the eyephone on TV. A handful of jokes worked for me, but it's by far and away the least funny I have ever found Futurama.
I could forgive that if the plot was good, but it was dire. It was actually getting quite interesting with Mom's zombie plot and then it just ended out of the blue. It was like part 1 of a to be continued episode, except we're not getting a part 2. There was no sort of conclusion and the plot barely makes sense. If Mom made these eyephones and has the technology to go transmit things through anybody's Twitcher accounts, why can't she just send the virus out through everybody? Why the hell did she have to wait until someone got to a million followers and use that one person? (The fact that she ended up sending it to Fry AND Bender's followers shows that it wasn't built to only send it to one person). It made no sense.
Add onto that, that the Planet Express Crew are almost certainly followers of Fry and Bender but we'll never see how it effected them. Hell, I can almost guarentee that we'll never see the eyephones again either, despite the fact that the characters loved them and used them all the time here.
Add onto that the weird vagueness of Fry and Leela's relationship. I wouldn't call myself a shipper, but I'd like to know what the hell is going on between the two given that they were together in Rebirth then appeared to be together at the start of In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela. Or when Fry said "I've waited a 1000 years blah blah" in Rebirth was that their way of not getting together yet and the kiss on the cheek at the start of In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela was just plain weird?

I could forgive all that if I'd found the episode funny enough, but honestly, I laughed out loud once at Fry's 'puberty' line and that was it.
If this is the general standard of Futurama's return, I'm absolutely gutted. Here's hoping that next week picks up. I can take solace in the fact that I never liked the idea of this episode in the first place so it wasn't one I was looking forwards to.

5/10   (as overall entertainment)
1/10   (as Futurama)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #53 on: 07-02-2010 15:28 »

Add onto that, that the Planet Express Crew are almost certainly followers of Fry and Bender but we'll never see how it effected them. Hell, I can almost guarentee that we'll never see the eyephones again either, despite the fact that the characters loved them and used them all the time here.

This is one of these comments where you have obviously forgotten what you are watching.  Do you want to see these eyePhones again?  I certainly do not.  They serve their purpose in this episode, they shouldn't in later ones.  Futurama is a sitcom, not a drama.  Each episode should be viewed out of order.

Reading the rest of your post, I don't understand why you liked Futurama to begin with.  This is pretty much it.

« Reply #54 on: 07-02-2010 15:42 »

This episode was certainly better than the previous one but it got me worried. It still wasn't at the same level as the episodes from the previous seasons, so the only thing I can ask is 'will this season be able to be as great as the first ones?'

The boyle joke was funny when I made the connection (took a while), but the whole iPhone ordeal as been done too much, not really new. I also got the feeling that there was too much going on and we didn't get to see anything in detail. I watched the episode two times and I still think that it was too short (or maybe I just wanted an hour of futurama every week)

I certainly hope the producers are just rusty and will eventually get as good as they were before cancellation.

Futurama is still a favorite, 5/10 so it's neither bad or good.
Future Shock

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #55 on: 07-02-2010 15:52 »

Clever, witty, its a good episode, I enjoyed it, laughed and such. The only downside was the 'cliffhanger' kind of ending, I thought they should have ended that plot. After all, that plot was the cause of the title!
Putting that aside, it's good. No recent episodes have come close to being bad, and I'm thankful. The series is improving, and at this rate, it's going to be a helluva season. Bring it on!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #56 on: 07-02-2010 15:56 »

People are so picky; I wonder if maybe my standards are even lower than I initially thought, because I really enjoyed this episode (and both episodes from last week). I think these episodes are better than the movies (partially because the show simply works better and feels more like old Futurama to me when it's in episodic format), so that's my improvement. That's all I need to see to know that this season will turn out alright. Not everything has to be better than those original 72 episodes (there are episodes in the original 72 that aren't worthy of being there, quality-wise); they just have to entertain, and remind me of why I love Futurama in the first place. And one of the things I love about Futurama is the diversity of the humor and the width of its scope--and maybe that's why I feel satisfied with all three of these episodes.

Urban Legend
« Reply #57 on: 07-02-2010 16:07 »

Add onto that, that the Planet Express Crew are almost certainly followers of Fry and Bender but we'll never see how it effected them. Hell, I can almost guarentee that we'll never see the eyephones again either, despite the fact that the characters loved them and used them all the time here.

This is one of these comments where you have obviously forgotten what you are watching.  Do you want to see these eyePhones again?  I certainly do not.  They serve their purpose in this episode, they shouldn't in later ones.  Futurama is a sitcom, not a drama.  Each episode should be viewed out of order.

Reading the rest of your post, I don't understand why you liked Futurama to begin with.  This is pretty much it.

It would have been so easy for Mom's conspiracy to be uncovered causing people to stop using EyePhones or for the Planet Express Crew to get sick of them and stop using them. I don't want to see EyePhones again, no, but I'd like some sort of reason for them dissapearing.

And I liked Futurama to begin with because it was hilarious and had wonderful storylines. Attack of the Killer App had neither of those aspects going for it.

I just re-watched it and whilst I enjoyed it more on the second run through, it's still my least favourite episode of the show -but to be fair, it's pretty close to The Cryonic Woman, I might decide I like it more than that episode when I give it a third viewing.

Urban Legend
« Reply #58 on: 07-02-2010 16:15 »

Add onto that, that the Planet Express Crew are almost certainly followers of Fry and Bender but we'll never see how it effected them. Hell, I can almost guarentee that we'll never see the eyephones again either, despite the fact that the characters loved them and used them all the time here.

This is one of these comments where you have obviously forgotten what you are watching.  Do you want to see these eyePhones again?  I certainly do not.  They serve their purpose in this episode, they shouldn't in later ones.  Futurama is a sitcom, not a drama.  Each episode should be viewed out of order.

Reading the rest of your post, I don't understand why you liked Futurama to begin with.  This is pretty much it.

Svip is right, how often do we see any continuation between episodes of Futurama, apart from cameos in episodes, where the reference is never really noted apart from in the commentaries. Much bigger things have happened, take Yivo from BWABB as a prime example, have they ever mentioned that again, not that I've noted at least, and that is something huge.

The ending with Mom was pretty much resolved when we saw her plan was to make people buy the newer models of the eyePhones, alluding to the fact that we're all zombies who can't help but buy the latest version of whatever, that whatever brand poops out.

It's fair enough if you didn't like it, but don't claim it's because it can't be continued. Like Svip said, it's a sitcom, not a continuous tv drama.

The fry and leela thing confused me a little too, I will admit, but the best way I can think of it is that they've decided to remain friends even though the feelings are still there. That's the vibe that I got anyway.

« Reply #59 on: 07-02-2010 16:23 »

I definitely got some laughs from this episode, but I can't say I especially liked it. I agree that the first act was great, but after that it started to lose its appeal for various reasons, some of which have been stated already and some of which were more of a gut reaction that'd be harder to explain. Something about the time spent showing the crew messing about with their eyePhones seemed particularly off to me, but I don’t know why…maybe it just lasted too long or something.

Regarding the goat, I remember in the speculation thread the discussion of whether we'd see the animal acting out its namesake or not and whether that would be too gross, and actually I'm a bit surprised that we not only see the goat do both of its functions but also stay with it for most of the episode. Yes, the "diarrhea" was at least not recognizable as such and yes, Futurama has had some rather disgusting things before, but this goat gag (pun definitely intended) seemed too excessive to me (although Amy finding its sneeze gross was funny).

I don’t object to the idea of a talking (or singing) boil in Futurama, since we’ve seen self-aware growths and talking parasites and the like before; it actually reminded me of Amy’s talking tattoo (although that may be a slight problem, since the boil interrupting a tender moment was practically a recycled joke if you look at it that way…not that that’s a heinous crime or anything). I more object to the boil being on Leela and supposedly having been there for years. I remember discussions in the speculation thread about how acceptable a talking part of Leela’s anatomy would be for those concerned with continuity or character development, and while I still concede that the assertion that Leela is the least mutated mutant ever may have been made in error and also might not absolutely mean that her eye is her only mutant feature, I still don’t like these odd additions. The elbow talons joke from BwaBB was weird enough, and this boil, lanced as it may have been every single time we’ve seen Leela before (yeah, right), just seems too ridiculous to me.
Also, to continue the point raised about the previous episode, this is now the third time in a row there’s been a joke about Leela’s weight…however, I don’t have an opinion about that fact at this time.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #60 on: 07-02-2010 16:25 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2010 16:27 »

The fry and leela thing confused me a little too, I will admit, but the best way I can think of it is that they've decided to remain friends even though the feelings are still there. That's the vibe that I got anyway.

Well you can fan wank that things are a bit rocky between Fry and Leela after the events of "In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela", but it's probably best not to take it that place. There has been definite progress in the Fry/Leela relationship, and Fry basically gave Leela (and the writers) an out with that "I waited for you for a thousand years, I can wait a little longer" thing. I'm satisfied with where things stand now, even though I had moments, watching this episode, where I was like "What the hell is going on with Fry and Leela?" (Like that "looking for love" thing in Fry's twit--pretty sure you already found love, buddy. I know it's just a joke, but I'm just sayin'.)

Urban Legend
« Reply #61 on: 07-02-2010 16:39 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2010 16:41 »

The ending with Mom was pretty much resolved when we saw her plan was to make people buy the newer models of the eyePhones, alluding to the fact that we're all zombies who can't help but buy the latest version of whatever, that whatever brand poops out.

I 'got' the ending, it just doesn't work as an ending to a storyline. It's a satirical message, and one I've heard a million times before, not a satifying plot-conclusion. Plus, it just adds to my annoyance that we'll probably never see these EyePhones again and helped cement it in my mind that Mom's evil scheme made no sense. In fact, this is probably the first Futurama episode that I'd say suffers from plot-holes.

It's fair enough if you didn't like it, but don't claim it's because it can't be continued. Like Svip said, it's a sitcom, not a continuous tv drama.

I'm not asking for them to continue things, I'm asking for them to conclude them within the episode that starts them. Yivo has never been mentioned again because schlee's not relevant any more. That storyline was finished. He went back to his universe and sealed off the gateway between it and our universe. End of. Simple.
EyePhones, on the other hand... Characters practically gave up on talking face to face, opting rather to communicate via their EyePhones despite being right next to eachother in this episode. To go from that to nobody ever using an EyePhone again is just poor continuity. What I would have liked is for them to have thwarted Mom's plan, causing people to stop using EyePhones. That way we'd get a laboured bit of satire about us all being zombies AND an ending. Or at very least, I'd have liked for the main crew to decide not to use them anymore because of the trouble they'd caused them -something, contained within the episode, that explained why we'll probably never see the things again.
My problem lies with the fact that these characters appear to love these things and except possibly for Fry and Leela, have absolutely zero reason to stop loving them and using them all the time.
And I'm not claiming to dislike it because it won't be continued. The bad continuity that it's going to cause is just the cherry on the cake of reasons why I didn't like it, the bulk of that cake being made up of lack of humour and a terrible plot.
« Reply #62 on: 07-02-2010 17:11 »

Far and wide the worst episode yet, alongside BWBB and ITWGY in quality.
Not a single laugh, and the Twitcher, Susan Boil things, not funny at all.
And where was the third act? Like the last few episodes, it feels like the writers can't remember how to structure a capable story anymore, which is very worrying.
3/10 because I'm feeling generous.

Urban Legend
« Reply #63 on: 07-02-2010 17:22 »

Blah blah Lack of continuity blah blah blah

Really? A Futurama episode that ends without complete resolution? How positively un-Futurama! :rolleyes:

Like the last few episodes, it feels like the writers can't remember how to structure a capable story anymore, which is very worrying.

Yeah, I'm sure the show's just shit now because you didn't like these three episodes. It couldn't just be that fact that the new episodes are a tad different from the original series after seven years!

I think it's pretty funny how lots of people seem to think that the new Futurama episodes are going to have to be exactly like the old episodes otherwise they're just plain shit.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #64 on: 07-02-2010 17:23 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2010 17:25 »

I'm not asking for them to continue things, I'm asking for them to conclude them within the episode that starts them. Yivo has never been mentioned again because schlee's not relevant any more. That storyline was finished. He went back to his universe and sealed off the gateway between it and our universe. End of. Simple.

And so I mention "When Aliens Attack", "The Cryonic Woman", "War Is the H-Word" as examples of episodes where what is introduced is not concluded.

I admit, this is the first time Futurama ended on a twist, which is usually resolved in some fashion.  But I think any resolving in this episode would have been beating a dead horse, and then I'd be whining.  Fortunately, they did not do this.

This is a sitcom, continuity is what it is.

I think it's pretty funny how lots of people seem to think that the new Futurama episodes are going to have to be exactly like the old episodes otherwise they're just plain shit.

You know what they should do?  Just redo the original episodes in HD!  That way it'll be exactly like the original series.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #65 on: 07-02-2010 17:27 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2010 17:29 »

Add onto that, that the Planet Express Crew are almost certainly followers of Fry and Bender but we'll never see how it effected them. Hell, I can almost guarentee that we'll never see the eyephones again either, despite the fact that the characters loved them and used them all the time here.
They all were zombie-walking out of Planet Express during the touching end-of-episode scene between Fry and Leela. Way to keep an eagle eye...

Add onto that the weird vagueness of Fry and Leela's relationship. I wouldn't call myself a shipper, but I'd like to know what the hell is going on between the two given that they were together in Rebirth then appeared to be together at the start of In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela. Or when Fry said "I've waited a 1000 years blah blah" in Rebirth was that their way of not getting together yet and the kiss on the cheek at the start of In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela was just plain weird?
For the last time, they're not a couple! Fry's line in Rebirth confirmed they're not a couple; he said "I've waited a 1000 years, I can wait longer." WAIT LONGER. The kiss on the cheek at the beginning of IAGDL was a thank you for being kind enough to pack provisions for a suicide mission. Welcome back to the original 72 episodes, where, for the entire run, their relationship was never established and they were constantly off and on like this. This is classic Futurama. Episodic format. We're not still in the serial style of the movies, episodes don't directly affect the ones that directly follow them. And this feels vaguely familiar... oh, right, I wrote this on the last page...

After reading the CGEF reviews and this thread, I want to address something that's getting some shippers' panties in bunches: Fry/Leela.

#1: They were never established as a couple.
#2: They were never established as a couple.
#3: Fry was acting just like Fry does in this episode.
#4: Fry felt bad for doing what he did, apologized for it, and made up for it in hilarious fashion.
#5: You do realize that this is now back to episodic form and not the serialized movies, right? The events of the directly previous episode don't have as much of an effect on the one directly following. This is TNG, not DS9.

And to whomever complained about Mom cursing: she always cursed like that in private! Look at the deleted scene from Raging Bender. She says, "Make that bitch your bitch you bastard!" It wasn't cut because it was crude, it was cut because of time constraints. She's always the most crude character.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #66 on: 07-02-2010 17:29 »

I meant tongue luck.
zoidbergs uncle
« Reply #67 on: 07-02-2010 17:30 »

i thought it was a pretty funny episode, lost me with the boyle though... but 8/10 imo
I.C. Weiner

Bending Unit
« Reply #68 on: 07-02-2010 17:30 »

I liked the episode but it wasn't one of those instant classics. If we get a few more like this with some great eps mixed in, this show will be around for a long time.

« Reply #69 on: 07-02-2010 17:34 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2010 17:36 »

Harsh much? Could you at least justify why it was crap?

Unfunny gross-out jokes
Terrible story structure
Character development going backwards
Pointless pop culture references that aren't funny or relevant and do nothing to advance the story (Jared from Subway. In a 1000 years. Sure.)
Lousy premise (iPhone parody) that has already been done to death elsewhere

It isn't like Family Guy, and it definately isn't Family Guy. Family Guy contains much, much more crude humor than Futurama ever has or ever will, and the writers have much better taste than to go to that level of comedy.

Oh yes. A goat that spills diarrhea out of one end and puke out of the other, is fed it's own puke and diarrhea, and fills a pool with puke and diarrhea that a character then dives into. Yeah, the writers have simply got bags of taste.

You have to remember that it's been a few years since the show was first canceled. There are different jokes because of a different time.

I fail to see how it being 2010 instead of 2004 makes jokes about diving into a pool of shit and puke funny.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #70 on: 07-02-2010 17:36 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2010 17:42 »

Character development going backwards

What?  How?  If you are one of those poor suckers thinking that Leela and Fry are a couple now, well, then you totally misunderstood the ending in "Rebirth".  There was very little character development in this episode.  Just an episode out of it.

Lousy premise (iPhone parody) that has already been done to death elsewhere

While it is seen before, this was actually the first decent parody I have seen.  All the others have been rather shamefully bad.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #71 on: 07-02-2010 17:41 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2010 17:43 »

Oh yes. A goat that spills diarrhea out of one end and puke out of the other, is fed it's own puke and diarrhea, and fills a pool with puke and diarrhea that a character then dives into. Yeah, the writers have simply got bags of taste.

Oh jeez, who are you? The Queen of England? I'm with Jezzem, that it's completely unreasonable to consider jokes about puke and shit to be too gross-out, and a sign that Futurama is becoming Family Guy. I did think the whole thing was a bit gratuitous, but the writers seem to be fixated with, y'know, bodily functions: I just watched the second AOI episode the other day, wherein Human Bender pukes, like, three times for absolutely no reason other than to be crude. Then there's all that whale vomit in "300 Big Boys." Even though you don't happen to find jokes like this funny, they've definitely been included in the series in the past. So, if your argument is that the writers have no taste, then I'd contend that they never had taste to begin with.

Space Pope
« Reply #72 on: 07-02-2010 17:45 »

This episode was... god, it was just awful. Just forced pop-culture references (she's a BOIL! Her name is SUSAN! She SINGS! She's SUSAN BOIL! Do YOU GET IT YET? LET'S RUB IT IN MORE! Oh, and TWITCHER! It's just like TWITTER! HA! Look at how RELEVANT we're being!) and gross-out humor.

This is the crap I don't watch Family Guy for. I don't need it infecting a good show.

Couple more like this and I'm done with the series.

« Reply #73 on: 07-02-2010 17:47 »

Oh yes. A goat that spills diarrhea out of one end and puke out of the other, is fed it's own puke and diarrhea, and fills a pool with puke and diarrhea that a character then dives into. Yeah, the writers have simply got bags of taste.

Oh jeez, who are you? The Queen of England? I'm with Jezzem, that it's completely unreasonable to consider jokes about puke and shit to be too gross-out, and a sign that Futurama is becoming Family Guy. I did think the whole thing was a bit gratuitous, but the writers seem to be fixated with, y'know, bodily functions: I just watched the second AOI episode the other day, wherein Human Bender pukes, like, three times for absolutely no reason other than to be crude. Then there's all that whale vomit in "300 Big Boys." Even though you don't happen to find jokes like this funny, they've definitely been included in the series in the past. So, if your argument is that the writers have no taste, then I'd contend that they never had taste to begin with.

When did I say they did? I was responding to someone saying that 'the Futurama writers have far more taste than to go to that level of comedy'. Clearly they do not.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #74 on: 07-02-2010 17:48 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2010 17:52 by Kryten »

Just forced pop-culture references (she's a BOIL! Her name is SUSAN! She SINGS! She's SUSAN BOIL! Do YOU GET IT YET? LET'S RUB IT IN MORE! Oh, and TWITCHER! It's just like TWITTER! HA! Look at how RELEVANT we're being!)



That is all,

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #75 on: 07-02-2010 17:49 »

Oh yes. A goat that spills diarrhea out of one end and puke out of the other, is fed it's own puke and diarrhea, and fills a pool with puke and diarrhea that a character then dives into. Yeah, the writers have simply got bags of taste.

Oh jeez, who are you? The Queen of England? I'm with Jezzem, that it's completely unreasonable to consider jokes about puke and shit to be too gross-out, and a sign that Futurama is becoming Family Guy. I did think the whole thing was a bit gratuitous, but the writers seem to be fixated with, y'know, bodily functions: I just watched the second AOI episode the other day, wherein Human Bender pukes, like, three times for absolutely no reason other than to be crude. Then there's all that whale vomit in "300 Big Boys." Even though you don't happen to find jokes like this funny, they've definitely been included in the series in the past. So, if your argument is that the writers have no taste, then I'd contend that they never had taste to begin with.

When did I say they did? I was responding to someone saying that 'the Futurama writers have far more taste than to go to that level of comedy'. Clearly they do not.

Then why are you here?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #76 on: 07-02-2010 17:52 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2010 17:54 »

When did I say they did? I was responding to someone saying that 'the Futurama writers have far more taste than to go to that level of comedy'. Clearly they do not.

I feel like people (maybe not you in particular, so I'm sorry if you feel like I've singled you out) want to point at that joke in particular as an example of how Futurama isn't has good as it used to be. I'm just saying that, hey, the writers have always found excrement funny. Why are we suddenly faulting them for it now?

Space Pope
« Reply #77 on: 07-02-2010 17:53 »

Just forced pop-culture references (she's a BOIL! Her name is SUSAN! She SINGS! She's SUSAN BOIL! Do YOU GET IT YET? LET'S RUB IT IN MORE! Oh, and TWITCHER! It's just like TWITTER! HA! Look at how RELEVANT we're being!)



That is all,

Yeah, didn't care for THAT one either.

« Reply #78 on: 07-02-2010 17:53 »

Oh yes. A goat that spills diarrhea out of one end and puke out of the other, is fed it's own puke and diarrhea, and fills a pool with puke and diarrhea that a character then dives into. Yeah, the writers have simply got bags of taste.

Oh jeez, who are you? The Queen of England? I'm with Jezzem, that it's completely unreasonable to consider jokes about puke and shit to be too gross-out, and a sign that Futurama is becoming Family Guy. I did think the whole thing was a bit gratuitous, but the writers seem to be fixated with, y'know, bodily functions: I just watched the second AOI episode the other day, wherein Human Bender pukes, like, three times for absolutely no reason other than to be crude. Then there's all that whale vomit in "300 Big Boys." Even though you don't happen to find jokes like this funny, they've definitely been included in the series in the past. So, if your argument is that the writers have no taste, then I'd contend that they never had taste to begin with.

When did I say they did? I was responding to someone saying that 'the Futurama writers have far more taste than to go to that level of comedy'. Clearly they do not.

Then why are you here?

Are you serious?!

You don't like gross-out jokes, so why are you on a Futurama board? Like there's nothing else to like about the show?

« Reply #79 on: 07-02-2010 17:56 »

When did I say they did? I was responding to someone saying that 'the Futurama writers have far more taste than to go to that level of comedy'. Clearly they do not.

I feel like people (maybe not you in particular, so I'm sorry if you feel like I've singled you out) want to point at that joke in particular as an example of how Futurama isn't has good as it used to be. I'm just saying that, hey, the writers have always found excrement funny. Why are we suddenly faulting them for it now?

Two reasons I can think of:

Because it's more gratuitous, and lingered on for as long as possible.

A lot about the tone and direction of the show seems to have changed since the return, and this is an extreme and convenient example.
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