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Author Topic: Thoughts on 6ACV02 - In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela - SPOILERs  (Read 32291 times)
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PEE Poll: Rating
1/10  (poor)   -7 (6.4%)
2/10   -4 (3.6%)
3/10   -2 (1.8%)
4/10   -6 (5.5%)
5/10   -10 (9.1%)
6/10   -16 (14.5%)
7/10   -38 (34.5%)
8/10   -16 (14.5%)
9/10   -5 (4.5%)
10/10 (great)   -6 (5.5%)
Total Members Voted: 110

Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #200 on: 12-31-2011 21:22 »

ImhO, the episode suffered from Zapp being used in a way that's not really his thing.
(Okay...out of context, this sentence may sound a little perverted, I have to admit ;) ).

Zapp Brannigan is a really dominant character (from a writers point of view). He almost seems automatically to be drawn to the center of attention, dominating his scene.

For that, he usually required a big setting, and a large audience. A "two-person-play" is not really his setting, nor does he really work in that environment.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #201 on: 01-01-2012 01:40 »

I really enjoyed watching Zapp "out of his element", and getting to see the more vulnerable side of him.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #202 on: 09-18-2013 01:03 »
« Last Edit on: 11-06-2013 00:53 »

I'll say it here and now - This is probably my very least favorite episode of the entire series. In fact, this episode was so bad that it made me consider skipping the entire Comedy Central run, assuming it would all be crap like this.

The entire episode was just....Wrong. It seemed like it was trying way too hard to be edgy and controversal, and felt nothing like a typical Futurama episode.

The first thing that I hate about this episode is all the unnecessary
 low-brow jokes. V-Giny was just plain stupid, and it didn't make me laugh once. The eden planet seemed very sudden and out of place, and the nudity seemed like it was only there to spark controversy. Then the scene Bender and the Satellite was just....Ughh. These stupid jokes made it feel more like a disgusting Family Guy episode than a higher-class Futurama episode.

The story was terrible as well, and left me either bored or disgusted the whole way through. Zapp's black-and-white TV show wasn't as funny as it should've been, and it just felt like a time waster. Then the idea that V-Giny was going to destroy earth felt very bland, as the 'Earth-Destroying' bit has been sone many, many times before on the show. The Eden Planet was extremely out of the blue, and was very takced-on. Zapp's scheme was just disgusting, and in Mr.Cohen's words, "Rapey". I know the 'ol Zapper isn't that classy, but I never thought he'd stoop this low just to get his hands on Leela. The regular Crew felt very out of character in this episode, and their storyline felt pointless.

So, it's a 2/10 from me. Worst. Episode. Ever.
Yes, worse than the Holiday Special.
Lost My Phone

« Reply #203 on: 11-23-2013 17:13 »
« Last Edit on: 11-24-2013 00:11 »

This isn't my least favorite episode, seeing as how "Attack of the Killer App" exists and all.

I couldn't wait for it to be over, though. I didn't find it funny nor interesting at all.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #204 on: 11-28-2013 04:15 »

I like Cubert's sub-plot. :)

« Reply #205 on: 11-28-2013 07:06 »

Holy damn, the episode wasn't that bad. It was pretty bad, I'll agree. But I've seen worse come out of Futurama.

Space Pope
« Reply #206 on: 11-28-2013 08:21 »

Yeah, I tend to not consider this episode "bad" when crap like SMFP exists.

Shame on... actually, I'll leave that dead horse alone.

« Reply #207 on: 12-07-2013 03:37 »

Yeah this episode gets worse every time I watch it. There wasn't much that made me laugh, and it just didn't deliver.


I dislike this episode even more than I dislike what I thought was my most hated episode, Lethal Inspection.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #208 on: 12-07-2013 19:58 »

After thinking about how wretched this episode is, I'm not surprised at all that some of the older posters didn't stick around for the rest of the new Comedy Central episodes. Had I waited that many years for new regular-length episodes of Futurama, I can only image how pissed off I'd have been to get a piece of crap like this as only the second episode. To make it somehow even worse, the next episode was Killer App, another terrible episode that I refuse to acknowledge. If I'd been a fan around then, I know for a fact that I wouldn't have watched any new futurama, for fear that they'd all be like...... this. Actually, I've said this before, but when I began veiwing the CC episodes, I almost gave up due to how terrible this one was. It's sad that the new run started out so shakily, as I'm sure it detracted many longtime fans.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #209 on: 12-10-2016 08:54 »

We're the only two humans left in the universe!

Right, Leela. Because there are thousands, possibly millions of other alien creatures that live on earth. I'm sure there's not a single human in the whole damn universe that lives on another planet. Also I'm sure there's absolutely zero humans traveling in space as the earth was blown up. Nope. Every single human that ever existed was on earth.


Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #210 on: 12-11-2016 01:44 »

After thinking about how wretched this episode is, I'm not surprised at all that some of the older posters didn't stick around for the rest of the new Comedy Central episodes. Had I waited that many years for new regular-length episodes of Futurama, I can only image how pissed off I'd have been to get a piece of crap like this as only the second episode. To make it somehow even worse, the next episode was Killer App, another terrible episode that I refuse to acknowledge. If I'd been a fan around then, I know for a fact that I wouldn't have watched any new futurama, for fear that they'd all be like...... this. Actually, I've said this before, but when I began veiwing the CC episodes, I almost gave up due to how terrible this one was. It's sad that the new run started out so shakily, as I'm sure it detracted many longtime fans.

That doesn't describe how I felt at all.  I don't know what a futurama fan is though.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #211 on: 12-11-2016 01:46 »

Oh wait.  No, I disliked this episode a lot the first time I watched it.  I considered self-castration as a method to prevent me from reproducing.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #212 on: 12-11-2016 08:50 »

This episode is fine. It's not awful by any means.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #213 on: 12-11-2016 09:22 »

She was apparently dehydrated and drugged if I recall.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #214 on: 12-11-2016 20:04 »

Just the way I like her
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