Space Pope
« Reply #640 on: 09-03-2010 07:17 »
« Last Edit on: 09-03-2010 07:24 »
1. The Prisoner of Benda 2. The Late Phillip J. Fry 3. The Mutants Are Revolting 4. Rebirth 5. The Duh-Vinci Code 6. Attack of the Killer App 7. That Darn Katz! 8. Lethal Inspection 9. A Clockwork Origin 10. In A-Gadda-Da-Leela 11. Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences 12. Proposition Infinity Yes PEELified, I thought Attack of the Killer Apps was better than Lethal Inspection. Despite that none of these episodes were god-awful. I wanted to do a list similar to Mongo there with a rating of Outstanding to Terrible, but really after #4, the rest of the episodes simply range between Above Average or Average or Below Average to me. In my opinion none of these episodes were that bad. Many of the reviews I've read about the lesser episodes didn't faze me. There are things that I too thought were ridiculous (Susan the Boil for example) but I still liked the episode. The episodes I thought were overall better than Beast with A Billion Backs and Bender's Game by a longshot. Anyway as I said before I rate this season a high B = 85-87%, and I'm excited for more episodes. TOTP-The World Needs More Conan O'Brien Being An Alligator-Dance.
Ghost and Horse
Bender's Game is a big piece of garbage, but I agree with you about Beast with a Billion Backs.
As for the season...
GREAT 1. The Late Philip J. Fry 2. The Prisoner of Benda 3. The Mutants Are Revolting
REALLY GOOD 4. Rebirth 5. The Duh-Vinci Code
GOOD 6. A Clockwork Origin 7. Lethal Inspection 8. Proposition Infinity
OKAY 9. Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences 10. That Darn Katz!
BAD 11. In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela 12. Attack of the Killer App
DOOP Secretary
I don't think I'll ever quite understand people's distaste for The Beast with a Billion Backs and Bender's Game. To me, they're both 8/10 'episodes'. Certainly better than average.
Here's my take: "The Beast With a Billion Backs" is funny, but it so completely disregarded the events of Bender's Big Score (and in fact seemed counter-intuitive to what had been done with Fry and Leela). People couldn't overlook that, so they couldn't enjoy the movie for what it was: a decent B-movie parody with a lot of raunchy humor. Which, if you're me, is entertaining stuff. In other words, TBWABB is, in a way, a victim of where it falls on the production order. Had it come before (or father away from) "Bender's Big Score", I think people would have responded to it differently. "Bender's Game", meanwhile, is awful on its own merits.
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #645 on: 09-03-2010 18:20 »
« Last Edit on: 09-03-2010 18:22 »
My biggest problem with "Bender's Game" is that the fantasy stuff strikes me as uninspired and a little trite (though I'm not big into fantasy anyway, so my unfamiliarity probably impedes my enjoyment of the movie in that respect), and a lot of the Bender's-crazy stuff seems recycled from "Insane in the Mainframe." I like the Professor/Igner thing, and even Leela's anger management stuff, but overall I just find BG really boring, and nowhere near as laugh-out-loud funny as "The Beast With a Billion Backs" (and as far as that one's continuity goes: I think Fry getting with another lady after having discovered mere days (in the show's timeline) earlier that he was Lars is a bigger breach of characterization and continuity than the occasional throwaway line from season six).
Anyway, here are my season rankings:
12. That Darn Katz! 11. Attack of the Killer App 10. Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences 9. In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela 8. A Clockwork Origin 7. Proposition Infinity 6. Rebirth 5. The Duh-Vinci Code 4. The Mutants Are Revolting 3. Lethal Inspection 2. The Late Philip J. Fry 1. The Prisoner of Benda
It should be noted that my top four episodes are of comparable quality, and may or may not be somewhat interchangeable. Also, none of this season's episodes rated below a 6/10 for me, so overall it was really good run. I'll have to rewatch the season as a whole to really form a final, concrete opinion, though.
were back baby!
Near Death Star Inhabitant
Bending Unit
« Reply #646 on: 09-03-2010 18:39 »
« Last Edit on: 09-03-2010 18:41 »
This season started a little slow but from episodes 6-12 it felt like good old Futurama. I have enjoyed all the last six episodes, except for the cat one, so Im very pleased with Futurama's comeback. Favorite Episodes 1.The Prisoner of Benda 2. The Late Philip J Fry 3. Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences 4. The Mutants Are Revolting 5. A Clockwork Origin 6. Lethal Inspection All the others not to fond of but still happy that six of the episodes were winners. also I hope susan boil never ever shows up again because that was painful to watch. Looking forward to season 7 now
DOOP Secretary
Yes yes, nobody cares what you of all people thinks.
Yes, yes, we're going to post our opinions anyway.
I'm not sure where to put this new one yet... but it wasn't anywhere near as funny as The Late Philip J. Fry or Lethal Inspection.
Those are the ones you count as really funny?
Nice. Seems like a logical list, except maybe for A Clockwork Origin and Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences.
Ghost and Horse
You guys talk as if Proposition Infinity wasn't awesome, when it clearly was.
Agreed. The Bender/Amy thing seemed strange. It could have been good (seeing as they're both pretty promiscuous) if it wasn't for Kif. Seriously, they just ended and started again just like that? It's one of the most prominent storylines of the series, you can't just stop it for one episode because you don't have another human Bender can hump.
DOOP Secretary
What actually surprised me about Proposition Infinity the most was that David X. Cohen kept highlighting it as one of his favourite episodes this season. I am still not sure why.
DOOP Secretary
Yeah, I remember him being really excited for that episode in interviews and the like. But he also heralded "The Late Philip J. Fry" as one of the best episodes they ever produced (which it was), so I guess he just has a really elastic sense of taste.
An episode can sometimes be a favorite of the crew because it was fun to write. Once you've been involved with the process, it's hard to face the result objectively. And honestly, PI is hilarious at times. The inconsistency just brings it down.
Stan Darsh
Pretty great run if you ask me. It started off a bit shaky but once it got its footing, it was just as consistent as any season before it.
Ghost and Horse
Bender decided to care about something once it was relevant to him, the second he realized he didn't want it, he dropped it. Amy and Kif hit a rough patch and like in many relationships when things start having problems she thought she wanted something else. The Professor is old and senile as always.
All of those things seem completely reasonable and in character to me.
Aki, yes - I didn't think many of the eps this season were all that funny, but I thought most of them had good bits. The two I named just had more good bits than others (the only thing I didn't like about Lethal Inspection was the over-sappy part at the end). I actually thought a lot of Those Darn Katz! was funny too, as well as the beginning of Attack of the Killer App (up until Chunks the goat and Susan Boil) so I dunno if you should trust my taste.
DOOP Secretary
I think you have to have two scales for "funniest" and "best". The Late Philip J. Fry is hardly the funniest episode of this season, but you'd be hard-pressed to find somebody who doesn't consider it at least in the Top 3 of the season. On the flip side, Katz and the first two acts of App had a lot of humor, but Katz is overall mediocre and App definitely in the lower quarter of the season.
My thought exactly. Late Philip to me is the best of the season, possibly the series altogether, but it's hardly the funniest. The Prisoner of Benda is the second best of the season, and that's also the funniest one.
Indeed. Lethal Inspection isn't all that funny (though it has its moments just like any other episode), but it's one of the best this season to me, alongside The Late Philip J. Fry, The Mutants Are Revolting and The Prisoner of Benda, all of which are instant classics.
Bending Unit
« Reply #676 on: 09-08-2010 17:00 »
« Last Edit on: 09-08-2010 17:03 »
Here's my list for the latest season:
1st - The Prisoner Of Benda - Possibly my favourite all time Futurama ep. So many great moments.
2nd - The Late Philip J. Fry - A close second, which was bound to rank high for the cleverly done plot, and just all-in-all greatness.
3rd - A Clockwork Origin - I loved this one. Professor-heavy, great plot.
4th - That Darn Katz! - The most underrated of the series. Again, many great moments, and nice to have an Amy-centred ep.
5th - The Duh-Vinci Code - Strongest of the first half of the series for me. Again, Professor-heavy which is always a good thing for me.
6th - Proposition Infinity - An ok episode with some decent moments.
7th - Lethal Inspection - Good story, all-rounder for me, although I prefer lots of the others.
8th - Rebirth - Solid series opener. Not a great deal happened, but it tied up some loose-ends and had a nice twist.
9th - The Mutants Are Revolting - Ok episode. I was expecting a bit more though. Just didn't find it as funny as other eps, although it was a good story with some nice nostalgic callbacks.
10th - In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela - Not great, but not as bad as people make out. The first half of the ep was really funny. Latter half let it down slightly.
11th - Lrreconcilable Ndndifferences - Well it had it's moments, but for me a Lrr-centred episode doesn't make the cut, I like Lrr as a supporting character, but found this episode boring.
12th - Attack Of The Killer App - Just tripe.
Overall, a GREAT series of Futurama. I would say I liked 10/12 of them, so that aint bad at all. Hungry for more now!
No order, just plain commenting.
6ACV01 - Rebirth Seeing as it's so much of a recap and reintroduction I have troubles judging it as an episode, but it was solid, funny and had an emotional core and a good twist.
6ACV02 - In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela One of the weaker of the series, but still decent. Why couldn't they have split it up into two stories?
6ACV03 - Attack of the Killer App Although hilarious at some times, at other times it fell back to repeating itself. I seem to be the only one loving the ending.
6ACV04 - Proposition Infinity Although the Amy-Bender part was incredibly out of character (at least for Amy), this is a really funny one, and it pokes great fun of homophobia.
6ACV05 - The Duh-Vinci Code I loved it when it came out, mainly because it so beats the earlier episodes of the season, but it's now around average. I do love the sideplots with Fry annoyed with being stupid and his relationship with the Professor in this one, it's incredibly well done and the ending is quite epic.
6ACV06 - Lethal Inspection Although ignoring some continuity (no great harm done, "I never said I'm a drama queen" at least acknowledges it all), this is a funny and by the end quite emotional one, and it easily comes up to measure about the other emotional eps of the series, even if it's not as strong as The Sting or Jurassic Bark. The Hermes-Bender pairing is odd but works.
6ACV07 - The Late Philip J. Fry The best of the season and possibly the best of the series. Once again time travel is pulled off brilliantly, and all aspects of the story works so well, with incredible suspense, great animations and music, and a heartfelt Fry-Leela plot.
6ACV08 - That Darn Katz! This one has its hilarious moments and has its action, but is overall around average. Amy and Nibbler is another really good pairing, and I love the continuity of finally letting Amy have her degree, as well as save the day.
6ACV09 - A Clockwork Origin This is one of the most underrated of the season. Professor-heavy episodes always work, and throwing in science has always worked for the Futurama theme. Actionpacked and hilarious.
6ACV10 - The Prisoner of Benda As I know lots of people agree about, this one is an incredible episode and possibly the best of the series. It has everything a good Futurama ep needs, namely humour, action and science as well as numerous hilarious characters. It is incredibly well done, with all characters moving by the fine motions we'll learned to love throughout the years.
6ACV11 - Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences Lrrr is a great secondary character, and I was worried seeing him as a lead, but it worked just fine. An average episode with some special moments, including the War of the Worlds and the Comic-Con.
6ACV12 - The Mutants Are Revolting As both an episode and a broadcast season finale, this one works phenomenally. More flesh into the Futurama grande story is always nice, and it had some great callbacks. I also happen to love the mutants' every appearance.
Overall, this was a very surprising broadcast season. I had half expected Futurama to return as a good show but nowhere near the original run, but I was dead wrong. Save a few episodes, this season is just as good if not better than any other, and hell, most seasons of the original run had a few really weak eps. This one also brings two new candidates to the best episode ever, namely The Late Philip J. Fry and The Prisoner of Benda.