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Author Topic: Future Of Futurama  (Read 13324 times)
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« Reply #80 on: 10-19-2010 20:34 »

When the 6th season came out i watched all episodes but then i saw that there are only 12 episodes in it but now today i found out that there is 13 episodes! :D

Starship Captain
« Reply #81 on: 10-20-2010 14:47 »

When the 6th season came out i watched all episodes but then i saw that there are only 12 episodes in it but now today i found out that there is 13 episodes! :D
You might want to check out the INFOSPHERE! Sorry for being rude, but it's part of every true Futurama fan's life. Production season 6 contains 26 episodes. Holiday Val-U Pak's the thirteenth ep of Broadcast season 7. :p

Bending Unit
« Reply #82 on: 10-20-2010 19:57 »

i hope after this 26 episodes. that' they will maybe make 26 more or even 52 :D

Space Pope
« Reply #83 on: 10-21-2010 01:32 »

As long as the numbers hold, they'll probably get renewed for more seasons.  If the simpsons can last 20+ seasons & family guy can be resurrected, we should have a good shot at it...

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #84 on: 10-21-2010 04:06 »

that would be nice.this topic title reminds me of that paper i wrote in high school english - Espousing a Future for Futurama. I think its still on cgef too.

Starship Captain
« Reply #85 on: 10-21-2010 20:52 »

I hope after this 26 episodes, that they will maybe make 26 more or even 52 :D
Futurama all the year 'round. I DON'T think so. :p
As long as the numbers hold, they'll probably get renewed for more seasons.  If the simpsons can last 20+ seasons & family guy can be resurrected, we should have a good shot at it...
Let's hope so, I'm just not able to see Futurama on the air in 3 years... :p

« Reply #86 on: 10-22-2010 00:32 »

You must be blind.
Free Hot Meal

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #87 on: 10-22-2010 00:37 »

Well, hopefully if they do pick it up again (I hope they do), it won't eventually get watered down and become a waste like the other mentioned shows.  Take the time to do it right (like TLPJF, TPoB, LI, and TMAR).

« Reply #88 on: 10-22-2010 00:46 »

David X. is the man, I do not think he is as much of a sell out as Matt Groening. Dave would do right by Futurama. Believe in Dave.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #89 on: 10-22-2010 20:11 »

that sounds like  Cohen V. Groening cage match ....

Starship Captain
« Reply #90 on: 10-23-2010 23:18 »

Well, hopefully if they do pick it up again (I hope they do), it won't eventually get watered down and become a waste like the other mentioned shows.  Take the time to do it right (like TLPJF, TPoB, LI, and TMAR).
Perhaps was my blindness just temporary...
David X. is the man, I do not think he is as much of a sell out as Matt Groening. Dave would do right by Futurama. Believe in Dave.
You got that right! IAGDL is a total failure, I'd want to have my credits for that hidden behind some animated bush. I mean... Just... It's... Unbearable..
that sounds like  Cohen V. Groening cage match ....
Alright! Go Cohen!! Beat that darn Katz! Uhhh... cartoonist!

Urban Legend
« Reply #91 on: 10-27-2010 18:47 »
« Last Edit on: 10-27-2010 19:00 »

Since the new season did well in the ratings, I'm sure the DVDs will be best sellers!  And the show can last for many more years to come.   If we only knew when season 7 will start!  Maybe it will say after that Holiday Val-U-Pack episode.
Free Hot Meal

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #92 on: 10-27-2010 20:23 »

I thought I saw the dates at some point....but I can't find them now.  If I were to take a guess, it would not be until the beginning of next year.  We already know the Holiday ep is in Nov.

Starship Captain
« Reply #93 on: 10-27-2010 22:24 »

I thought I saw the dates at some point....but I can't find them now.  If I were to take a guess, it would not be until the beginning of next year.  We already know the Holiday ep is in Nov.
I think I'm going into hibernation until the 21st November. Man, Al Gore and Coolio...

That's gotta to be AWESOME!
Free Hot Meal

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #94 on: 10-27-2010 22:58 »

I thought the Fry/Hawking Hole part of AI 1 was the weakest part of that episode (with Al Gore).  But maybe that's just me.

I did like how their mobile command center was introduced as "a school bus" though.

Starship Captain
« Reply #95 on: 10-28-2010 21:59 »

I thought the Fry/Hawking Hole part of AI 1 was the weakest part of that episode (with Al Gore).  But maybe that's just me.

I did like how their mobile command center was introduced as "a school bus" though.
I thought that was really quite funny, even more if you watch it a second time. But that's also probably just me. :p

OffTopic: That mobile command center was "nicely" animated, compare that to the 1999-2000 "Family Guy" animation. Ooaw Mah Gawd, so crude. No... Rough Draft does it a lot better on "Futurama".

Bending Unit
« Reply #96 on: 12-22-2010 21:32 »

I seriously (cancelled again) wish this never to happen! (but they're are people who wish it should happen, even fans. I respect it their opinion, the show hasn't been as good as it used to be, but I must disagree.)

And this show has some unanswered questions, Fry being the Mighty One and Leela the Other?

I hope this show stops when Matt Groening decides, not rattings and reviews! So this show can have a proper non rushed ending.

Starship Captain
« Reply #97 on: 12-22-2010 21:39 »

Its a numbers game. If it can generate enough $$$ without costing a lot of $$$ to produce and promote then it will stay.

Starship Captain
« Reply #98 on: 12-22-2010 23:09 »

those damn rattings!

Starship Captain
« Reply #99 on: 12-22-2010 23:16 »

I don't see Futurama being canceled anytime soon, as the show is bringing in good ratings for CC and the DVD/BR disks are selling good as well.  Also the show is working on a considerably smaller budget than they ever were on FOX too.  It seems illogical for CC to promote the show like they did and not renew it, but hey, I'm not one of the execu-bots so what do I know?  *Rolls dice*

If I had my way, the show would continue in episodic format for at least another three production seasons, bringing it up to par with the original run.  Then, to end the show, the last part would be a movie to tie everything up.  Not like the direct to DVD movies, but a full budget, all-the-bells-and-whistles movie released on the big screen.  If I'm gonna have to blink back tears that the series is finally over, doing it in a theater full of Futurama fans seems fitting to me.   :)

Bending Unit
« Reply #100 on: 12-24-2010 10:16 »
« Last Edit on: 12-24-2010 21:18 »

This is a little irrelevant. But I think this is the best place to post it.

Really Old Futurama Techlive News Report And I Mean Really Old.

In the disruption.

This video is NOT pornographic!

A really old Futurama news report I found on some heavily filled porno spam bad site. (don't go there! Or look for it!) which I found by accident, (I wasn't looking for porn or spam for that matter.) And in case I get in trouble I'm not gonna tell you where I found it.

I made this using Fraps, and it to stopped every 30 seconds so I had to repeat some parts. Again this is really old news, and is no longer relevant to day, made sometime I guess between 2002 or 2004.

Urban Legend
« Reply #101 on: 12-25-2010 19:42 »

Don't worry, people.  After this new upcoming season has it's season finale, it will probably be announced that it's coming back.  Matt Greoning won't give up on Futurama.   At least there's the comics if it doesn't happen. 

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #102 on: 12-25-2010 20:23 »
« Last Edit on: 12-25-2010 20:27 »

Rush: I've seen that years ago, I think I had it on my old computer. That petition they're talking about is the one bart182 printed out to hand directly to FOX execs. He asked me to go but my parents were all werid on the people on internet thing still.

I would be surprised if that video wasn't already on YouTube.

BTW on the topic of a Future for Futurama check out my paper I did for Grade 11 Honors English. The propmt was to write any persuasive paper. And so began my long career of incorporating Futurama into schoolwork! :D

Space Pope
« Reply #103 on: 02-03-2011 22:44 »

Good news, everyone!  It appears that a new Futurama season for 2012 has been ordered!


salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #104 on: 02-05-2011 09:58 »

It has a future...!

Thanks for posting that, seattlejohn01 and Kryten in the news thread. :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #105 on: 02-07-2011 19:07 »

See?  What was everyone so worried about?  Katey Segal herself said it was going to happen!   2012 will be an election year and I need Futurama to help me get through that!  :) 

It will be renewed!  After all 'It Just Won't Stay Dead'! 
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