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Author Topic: why did this show get canceled?  (Read 7795 times)
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transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #40 on: 02-25-2010 01:09 »

The saddest thing of all is that The Simpsons has been run firmly into the ground by this point. There's no longer any cleverness, the show's far too LCD (Lowest-common-denominator), and some of the characters have deviated so far from their original starting points as to be almost unrecognisable compared to the first season. It's got the occasional moment of humour left in it, but the smart little visual gags, the continuity porn, the killing off of various supporting cast members (I think Maude Flanders' death was no accident. It was the writers, murdering her to keep her quiet about the downturn in quality).

Yet FOX would prefer to keep The Simpsons going, and turn Futurama loose. Not that I'm not happy it's coming back, but I really do think that FOX had the resources to turn Futurama into a cash cow WITHOUT jeapordising the quality of the show itself.

I'm still waiting for Slurm to hit the shelves. Even if it's disgusting, I'll drink it. I want a brain slug hat. I'd love to be able to get little painted die-cast miniatures of every single spaceship that's appeared. I'd collect those things until I either had them all, or had no more room in the house. They'd come in opaque bags so you couldn't tell which one it was, and you'd have to swap your spares with other nerds to complete the collection. Did FOX decide to tap into this huge market of nerd consumers? No, they simply released another Simpsons Box Set.

The reason Futurama got cancelled, I'm convinced, is simply tunnel vision. They were concentrating on their favourite child, and when the younger brother failed to get an A on his homework, they took him to the vet and had him put down.

I.C. Weiner

Bending Unit
« Reply #41 on: 02-26-2010 01:51 »

Agree and yes those tiny spaceships would be awesome.

Bending Unit
« Reply #42 on: 03-07-2010 07:36 »

At least we're getting new seasons now. that makes me happy! :D
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